Democrats Vying for Presidential Nomination

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    And which clown is that
  2. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    TBD. But couldn’t you vote for Trumpster over a Socialist, like Sanders or Warren? - however petty and childish he can be.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Doubtful as I’m more likely to vote a 3rd party candidate. I think principles hold here as one is a disastrous as the other.
    Also if we don’t demand better now when will we?
  4. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Winston, can you not remove your hatred of Trump and see the things he has done good for the country - low unemployment, lowest black unemployment, wages gone up, new trade agreements (if Congress would act on them), USSC justices who apply the constitution, good economy, etc. I don't like his tweeting but I understand why he does it. The media takes any little thing and blows it up and a lot of the time if blows back up in their faces.
  5. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Well you just voted to further destroy and fundamentally transform this country into another Venezuela. Nice mindset there Obama I mean Winston.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    They say not to argue with idiots...,.so I won’t
  7. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Call me what you want to but voting for a third party who has less than zero chance of winning is a vote for the cast of socialist clowns on the left. Try arguing with that.
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Daschie hatred for Trump has little to do with it. I see that he is doing real damage to our government and the faith people have in our system. Of course he’s not the first. Obama did a lot of of the damage with unconstitutional executive orders...which I condemned. These actions short circuit the constitutional process which weakens everything. The process of passing laws was never supposed to be easy. The founding fathers didn’t trust pure democracy for good reason. They expected there to be differences and more so a change of power between parties with different ideas. To have a successful country over time both sides need to understand this and so long term views and compromising is required.
    Today there is too much emphasis on short term satisfaction and compromise is anathema to both sides. Thus we have fractured government with both sides leading us down the rabbit hole to disaster. We will not see a United States we or our parents could recognize in 20 years or less.
    I’ll get into specifics about why Trump is a special disaster next post. I’ll finish this by saying that the definition of insanity is repeating the same error over and over expecting different results. Both sides are doing it and leading us down a dark road. The excuse that the other side is worse doesn’t hold water....because they’re both disasters. If reasonable people don’t demand better we’re lost.
  9. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    actually, no, it's called voting with a conscience....i didn't vote for trump or for hillary, i voted 3rd party. instead of ridiculing others with your distorted trolling, why not try to convince them/me?
    Winston1 and Tiger in NC like this.
  10. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    So why is Trump a special disaster? There are many reasons. To me the most important is that he is not moored to the tradition of the United States political or legal. He has no understanding or interest in anything except how it impacts him. You can see it in every comment he makes....everything is about Donald J Trump. This is not leadership.
    I mentioned the overuse of executive orders and fraudulent use of “national emergency “ as a reason. Trump has exceeded by far any previous president in the use of the executive order. His callous theft of money for military to build his wall is a prime example. As I noted bypassing Congress is a short term act that undermines the constitution and our government rather than making it better. It will lead to less certainty and rule of law to the detriment of all.
    He has singlehandedly caused significant damage to our standing with our allies. This makes us weaker as evidenced by continuing failure to get support against Iran, N Korea, China for the various challenges we have. The current Saudi/Iranian conflict is a prime example. Breaking with Europeans over the nuclear pact with Iran has fractured the ability to respond.
    His efforts in foreign trade have been equally disastrous. The tariff wars he has initiated have been this time they have cost jobs, cost the budget $28 billion in deficit spending (used a questionable Nat Emergency exec order). Withdrawal from the TPP has left China the means to cut us out of discussion and allows them to block us out. His battles with our allies have been even worse.
    That brings us to his lack of interest in deficits and debt ( understandable as he’s been the king of debt and sees bankruptcy as a legitimate tool). His apparent lack of understanding about the consequences of our country defaulting on the debt undermines the faith in our currency. He has continued to be a spendthrift not concerned about the future impact of the debt. He’s not alone but that’s no excuse.
    His executive branch is in chaos with many key posts infilled because he hasn’t found or nominated capable people. He’s basically a one man operator way over his head. As large as the executive branch is, it needs competent leadership. It can’t do its job if it is rudderless.
    I’ve said it before applying it to Obama, the president is no longer the key to the direction of the economy. It is the fed that sets monetary policy which is the key to the economic performance. Trump’s actions have not borne the fruit he claims. We’re seeing a loss of jobs due to his tariffs. As noted his $28 billion attempted bribe of farmers is one proof.
    Then there are the legal issues. As I noted from the beginning if he didn’t conspire/collude in 2016 then I don’t support obstruction as a path. I know Nixon was going to be charged with obstruction but he actually committed a crime. However his apparent involvement by directing use of his properties by government employees is a direct violation of the constitution and on its own worthy of impeachment. It remains to be seen what this latest issue with Ukraine turns out. Whether impeachable or not he is cavalier with the law (always has been) which is more justification to reject him.
    He has done things I support. I’ve been very complementary of his judicial especially his SCOTUS nominations. These are critically important. I also support his tax cut which did help in many ways.
    If you measure him and balance his positives and negative I believe he comes dangerously short. I don’t care about his tweets or his crude behavior....except the persistent reports he cheats at golf. I will say I would never be friendly with one who acts as he does. It’s not manly just pitiful.
    Donald Trump is not fit to be president no matter who the opposition is. It is incumbent on us to demand more and better of those who aspire to be our leaders. If not now when...for later will be too late.

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