I have a relative (an uncle actually) who played football for LSU from 1966-69 and graduated in 1970. For sometime now, his wife (my aunt) has been searching for a nice photograph of Tiger Stadium as it appeared from 1966-69, before the upper deck addition of 1978. She would like to blow it up, frame it, and give it to him for a gift. Is there a place I could find such a photo in the Baton Rouge area. A sports memorabilia store perhaps? Money is no object. Any help would be appreciated.
Jetstorm- I know someone who might be in a very good position to help. Let me see what I can do. E-mail me in a few days if I haven't gotten back to you about it. It's been crazy around here lately and I think I'm suffering from Sometimers.
If black and white is ok, try one of the pics on this page: http://www.lsusports.net/ad/sportlink.cfm?pagecode=fb-tigerstadium Scroll down to the history section and have a look.