Best in the West?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by putter510, Dec 4, 2002.

  1. putter510

    putter510 Freshman

    Dec 3, 2002
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    :confused: I read where some LSU fans think Arkansas is no better than 4th in the West. On what logic?? Let's review. Alabama, Arkansas and Auburn were 4-1 in the Western Division. Bama lost ot Auburn 17-7, Arkansas lost to Bama 30-12, Auburn lost to Arkansas 38-17. LSU, on the other hand, was 2-3 in the division, losing to Bama 31-0 AT HOME, Auburn 31-7 and Arkansas 21-20. They eked out a win over Ole Miss 14-13 AT HOME and beat MSU 31-13. Ole Miss was 1-4 in the division and we know about MSU. Since Bama, Arkansas and Auburn all split amongst themselves, I would think these three teams would be tops in the West with LSU dragging along in no better than 4th place.

    And before you talk too loudly about your non-conference schedule, outside of Va Tech, who now doesn't appear as good as advertised, LSU played The Citadel, U LALA and, oh my!!!, Miami!!!!! Ooops, that's Miami of Ohio.
  2. GORDO

    GORDO Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    Putter, I think that the logic is skewed here. Once again, LSU vastly underachieved and Arkansas overachieved. LSU fans that say that Arkansas is the 4th best team in the west can't accept the fact that when you include Alabama's record, LSU ACTUALLY DID finish unranked and 4th in the West. Not that someone is accusing them of being the 4th best team in the West, mind you, but that LSU actually did finish 4th in the West when Alabama's record is included in the standings. Tough pill to swallow when you enter the season as the favorite in the west and ranked in the top 15. No wonder they are trying to find reasons for LSU's loss (blind refs, fluke plays, etc.).

    Also, the Strength of Schedule differential is almost negligible. ARK is at 29, LSU is at 22. Hell, I didn't even know that LSU played The Citadel. At least all of ARK's opponents were Division 1A...
  3. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Where the hell did you read that, I think we all concur that We are 4th, Bama is 1st, then the three of us tied for 2nd then you can argue the Pigs second, followed by Auburn then us in 4th.

    If you are going to make such silly claims, give us a link. I dont recall any of us on our board bragging about our Season after the Auburn Game...

    Or did you just come here to talk about how great your team is doing and made up a cause to state a point most of us really dont care about.
  4. GORDO

    GORDO Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    Fans on this board...

    Well, since you want proof, here is one tidbit of foolishness that Tigermark posted in another thread (The refs gift, prevent D thread)....

    "So, one of my fellow LSU fans says something and that relates to me how???? Uh.... it doesn't. If you would ask my opinion, I think that we are the 3rd best in the SECW behind AU and Bummer. Even though AU lost to you, I still think that they are better than you. Simple as that. 7 out of 10 games, they beat you. AU's D just forgot to show up (much like ours did against Bummer). Just like I think that LSU is a better team that the oinkers (8 out of 10 we win). So it back up my point that we are better than you because you did need 14 points in the last 6.5 minutes of the game last Friday. Pretty simple. Eh?

    You bore me. Go to the Georgia boards. This is boring blasting on you."

    I hope that this answers your inquiry as to where anyone has claimed that Arkansas is the 4th best team in the West.
  5. DeafValleyBatnR

    DeafValleyBatnR Founding Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Try not to embarrasse the West like all you pretenders have done. LSU and Bama are the only West Teams to Win in Atlanta. How does it make you feel knowing that unless you pull off the big upset you will be given no respect in the Bowl's. I notice that you got on Miami of Ohio but you passed over the ULL game pretty quick like you might think they are a good team. Might be because you were lucky to win that one.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Don't these pigs have a game with Georgia this week? Why don't they pat themselves on the back on their own boards? Like we give a damn. Or go lurk Georgia, whom I'm beginning to want to pull for.

    Anyway piggies, it's basketball season here.
  7. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Since when does MY opinion become the opinion of the board? Didn't know I had so much power? :) Why not reply to the people who say things instead of generalizing and applying it to the overall board.

    After watching the four teams play the season out and looking at the strengths and weaknesses on each team, I (that is me, not all LSU fans) believe that if each team played each other 10 times, the order would be AU, Bummer, LSU, Arky. If we were sending 4 teams to various bowl games to represent the SECW, that is the order that I would send the teams (though AU and Bummer are close) in order to win the most bowl games against other conferences.

    That being said, none of that matters. That is ONLY my opinion. That fact is that Arky is in the SECC because LSU blew it in a 40 time frame. So what. That is the way the ball bounces. I am not bitter (well not too bitter ;) ). Never have I said (That is I I I I I, not other people on this board) that I was not grateful for the lucky chance to be in a position to win it due to a fluke play in the KY game. I understand completely that that both Arky and LSU had their share of luck. Some good, some bad. You are the one that won't admit that Arky lucked out in that 40 second period. I freely admit the luck (both good and bad) that LSU had this season. If I were in Arky's shoes, I would say "We had a great season and ended up in a position to win the SECW and then LSU gave it to us, Thank you very much LSU" and then head to Atlanta to whip some Bulldogs.

    Like I said before, go to a Georgia board until next year. I have nothing against the Hogs. I just was not that impressed with them this year.
  8. putter510

    putter510 Freshman

    Dec 3, 2002
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    :eek: Didn't pass on the ULL game. Just a common opponent that LSU beat by a bigger margin than did Arkansas. However, of the nonconference teams Arkansas played, one, Boise State, has lost one game and is ranked in the Top 15, and another, South Florida, lost 2 games, to Arkansas and Oklahoma, and probably has as much business being ranked as Marshal and Bowling Green did when they were listed in the Top 25. The point is I read in a post, don't remember the thread but I think my citing of the previous post re 4th in the West, has been corroborated, that Arkansas played a weak schedule. Again, outside of Va Tech, LSU was just as weak or weaker.
  9. putter510

    putter510 Freshman

    Dec 3, 2002
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    :D OK, they were lucky, Tigermark. Feel better???
  10. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Then why don't you reply to specific posts instead of starting a new thread (with a post that you had posted on the other thread). That is why the posters here are questioning you. Not all LSU fans think alike.

    I for one, don't question the Arky OOC schedule a bit and freely admit that our OOC schedule was weak. But you must also realize that the Citadel was a last minute replacement for Bowling Green after they backed out on us. Switch those two and we have a respectable OOC schedule for an SEC team. Personally, I don't want it too respectable. I want to warm up before the SEC, and focus on the SEC.

    But again, you don't care about that, because it is MY opinion. You only want to try to find all of the various opinions on various topics and create a new thread bashing the posters here as if we all had the same opinion.

    Pretty telling that you two don't show up on the board until after the game...

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