Blow up his computer

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Bengal B, Jun 21, 2003.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Senator Orrin Hatch who just days ago proposed developing technology to blow up the computers of anybody downloading copyrighted music or movies was discovered to have unlicensed software on his own website.

    Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) suggested Tuesday that people who download copyright materials from the Internet should have their computers automatically destroyed.

    But Hatch himself is using unlicensed software on his official website, which presumably would qualify his computer to be smoked by the system he proposes.

    The senator's site makes extensive use of a JavaScript menu system developed by Milonic Solutions, a software company based in the United Kingdom. The copyright-protected code has not been licensed for use on Hatch's website.

    "It's an unlicensed copy," said Andy Woolley, who runs Milonic. "It's very unfortunate for him because of those comments he made."

    Hatch on Tuesday surprised a Senate hearing on copyright issues with the suggestion that technology should be developed to remotely destroy the computers of people who illegally download music from the Net.

    Hatch said damaging someone's computer "may be the only way you can teach somebody about copyrights," the Associated Press reported. He then suggested the technology would twice warn a computer user about illegal online behavior, "then destroy their computer."

    Any such technology would be in violation of federal antihacking laws. The senator, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, suggested Congress would have to make copyright holders exempt from current laws for them to legally destroy people's computers.

    On Wednesday, Hatch clarified his comments, but stuck by the original idea. "I do not favor extreme remedies -- unless no moderate remedies can be found," he said in a statement. "I asked the interested industries to help us find those moderate remedies."

    Just as well. Because if Hatch's terminator system embraced software as well as music, his servers would be targeted for destruction.

    Milonic Solutions' JavaScript code used on Hatch's website costs $900 for a site-wide license. It is free for personal or nonprofit use, which the senator likely qualifies for.

    However, the software's license stipulates that the user must register the software to receive a licensing code, and provide a link in the source code to Milonic's website.

    On Wednesday, the senator's site met none of Milonic's licensing terms. The site's source code (which can be seen by selecting Source under the View menu in Internet Explorer) had neither a link to Milonic's site nor a registration code.

    However, by Thursday afternoon Hatch's site had been updated to contain some of the requisite copyright information. An old version of the page can be seen by viewing Google's cache of the site.

    "They're using our code," Woolley said Wednesday. "We've had no contact with them. They are in breach of our licensing terms."

    When contacted Thursday, Woolley said the company that maintains the senator's site had e-mailed Milonic to begin the registration process. Woolley said the code added to Hatch's site after the issue came to light met some -- but not all -- of Milonic's licensing requirements.

    Before the site was updated, the source code on Hatch's site contained the line: "* i am the license for the menu (duh) *"

    Woolley said he had no idea where the line came from -- it has nothing to do with him, and he hadn't seen it on other websites that use his menu system.

    "It looks like it's trying to cover something up, as though they got a license," he said.

    A spokesman in Hatch's office on Wednesday responded, "That's ironic" before declining to put Wired News in contact with the site's webmaster. He deferred comment on the senator's statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which did not return calls.

    The apparent violation was discovered by Laurence Simon, an unemployed system administrator from Houston, who was poking around Hatch's site after becoming outraged by his comments.

    Milonic's Woolley said the senator's unlicensed use of his software was just "the tip of the iceberg." He said he knows of at least two other senators using unlicensed copies of his software, and many big companies.

    Continental Airlines, for example, one of the largest airlines in the United States, uses Woolley's system throughout its website. Woolley said the airline has not paid for the software. Worse, the copyright notices in the source code have been removed.

    "That really pisses me off," he said.

    A spokesman for Continental said the airline would look into the matter.

    Woolley makes his living from his software. Like a lot of independent programmers, he struggles to get people to conform to his licensing terms, let alone pay for his software.

    "We don't want blood," he said. "We just want payment for the hard work we do. We work very, very hard. If they're not prepared to pay, they're software pirates."
  2. JD

    JD Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    Had he served in 1915, Hatch would have championed legislation to protect buggy manufacturers.
    Why don't they tell us about all of the new bands that Napster and Groekster have launched and advanced, instead of crying about stale old Metallica losing a few dollars.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I saw where some unlicensed software was found on Hatch's own website. I'd post the link here but I already deleted the email where I saw it.
  4. Bestbank Tiger

    Bestbank Tiger Founding Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I don't know about nuking computers for this, but we should definitely destroy people's computers for spamming!
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Spam doesn't bother me. I just delete the ones I'm not interested in and look at the others. A couple of years ago I bought some dental insurance from a spam I got and it has saved me over $1000 for dental work I have had since then.

    Now if we could just figure out how to blow up the telephones of those damn telemarketers.
  6. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    1) Would never pass

    2) Could never be effectively done with

    3) What an idiot
  7. Bestbank Tiger

    Bestbank Tiger Founding Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Spam does bother me. And it's theft, every bit as much as Napster was. Spammers impose costs on everyone else. If you have a paid ISP, your bill is higher because of their bandwidth waste. If you have a free ISP, then it's free because advertisers pay the ISP for the right to send solicitations to users. So the spammers are getting the same thing without paying.
  8. Biggles

    Biggles Founding Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    What and ruin Saban Fan's favorite crooner..?

    Orrin Hatch just bumped himself up to a suite in the Nixon "right" wing of hell.....
  9. SouthLink02

    SouthLink02 Founding Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Re: What and ruin Saban Fan's favorite crooner..?

    Didn't Hatch run for President last election? LOL, there goes that future idea..
  10. J_Oats

    J_Oats Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    Yes! :)

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