This is coming from a very reliable source. As you all know, one of Brady's assistants was fired this season. They will hire Donnie Tyndall as the new assistant. He is currently an assistant at Middle Tennessee State. I also heard that Skip thinks very highly of Brady and that even if Brady fails to make the tourney next year, Brady isn't going anywhere.
What does Skip know? There are at least twenty posters on this board who know more about winning than Skip. Heck some fans were callinG his radio show, back when he was baseball coach, giving him pointers on motivating his team. LOL
That's not good for Bengal B. If Brady is around for that long, he'll never keep his post lead over me.
Lets hope you're right, Skip looks too young to be senile. :geaux: :lsug: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
you people and your post counts. cant you see that all that matters is your QCPP™ factor? QCPP™= "Quality Content Per Post"
LOL, Whatever happens, so be it...... My expectations have changed for this team and I'll leave it at that. :grin:
Excellent post. Your QCPP just went up big time. I agree wholeheartedly. I think Sourdougman's QCPP is in the negative figures now, or close to it.
I just would like to know why certain people like to take shots at me all the time now? I haven't been negative for a while now and I don't plan on being that way for a long time now, basketball season is over and there is baseball and football to look forward too. If anyone here don't like me or don't like my beliefs please lets just ignore each other or if your joking around I don't have a problem with it. Its kinda hard telling on a board which way it is but just because someone believes something different than you shouldn't attack them every opportunity you get. I play around, joking with some people here but I always have a smile at the end.