The better team kicked the lesser team's @ss today. I'll give you that. Our lack of pitching killed us in the 3rd game. With McCormick walking so many guys and no Carlson in the bullpen, we were dead in the water. Nevertheless, it was an interesting series. And at least Baylor was able to prove that we can play some ball (maybe not on Sunday tho :cry: ) When LSU came back in the 2nd, I knew this would be a crazy game. And honestly, once McCormick starting walking people, I knew it was over, because we had no one else to go to. I was hoping that it would be much closer than it was tho', but you deserved it. Just wanted to congratulate you on your trip to Omaha. Alex Box is an awesome park. Although it was intimidating today, I can take some pride in the fact we eliminated that in the first 2. Good luck this year in Omaha.
Thanks BaylorGuy. Baylor sure has played tough. No shame in the way they've played. Of course, the game isn't over yet...anything can happen in college baseball. To respond to your comment about the Box...there's just something about a Sunday afternoon in the Box, baby!!!! Especially when Omaha's in view!
yeah the avatar got me. I didn't even look at the name. I'm a fool, but a fool who is going to Omaha.
I wish I could...too much on my plate at work and not enough $$$ in the bank! I'll be there in spirit, though!
I went over to Baylor, not to gloat, just curious. There are some frustrated people over there. Most of them are "great season, wait til next year" types but some of them are beside themselves with anger at their "choking" team. That's far from the case (that Baylor choked) but some LSU fans are twisting the knife a little and that's just not right. I posted over there as Tigerlurker and I had to get after some yahoo who's trying to convince them that our baseball tradition is more than they could overcome. Does he really think Baylor fans want to jump on the Tiger Baseball tradition bandwagon after getting Smoked (pun intended) by 15 runs? For the record, the offending idiot came over from TigerLair, or some other lesser LSU board.
I graduate next year and will hopefully be starting a full time job. I figured this may be my last chance to go. So I am greyhoundin out there, hopefully I can find someone who will let me crash. It'l be an adventure no matter what, and ill do it on less than 200 bucks.
When you have a mortgage, a wife and a child (and a wife wanting to have another child soon), you have to give up the things you used to be able to just do on the spur of the moment. I say, go do that now while you are still free. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't give up my wife and child for all the freedom and money in the world. But sometimes you just long for the days when you could take a couple hundred bucks and hit the road. *sigh* Well, I'll be home in Louisiana for The Fourth (which happens to be my 5th anniversary, as well) and I sure hope I can swing by Tiger Mania for a 2003 CWS Championship T-Shirt!