Deep State

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Yes he does. He currently resides in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    1,806 guys love you a good conspiracy theory, huh? This is nothing new though, conservatives have loved them a good conspiracy theory for quite some time but only recently have they made their way into the mainstream of conservative circles. Let's take a look back at just a few of the most recent ones:

    1 - Deep State - the belief that there are a group of bureaucrats who are running a shadow government that supposedly works against the will of the people. Not surprisingly this is a new concoction meant to explain away the multitude of persons, many of them Trump appointees, who have come out against Trump or his policies. More, these people are somehow always tied to the Russia investigation and their supposed involvement in the Deep State is used to explain away damning news about Trump.
    2 - Jade Helm 15 - routine military exercises that conservatives believed were a ramp up for imposing martial law. This one was even perpetuated by Texas Governor Gregg Abbott who had the Texas National Guard closely monitor the exercises to ensure that the US military was not getting ready to implement martial law.
    3 - Shariah Law - the belief that muslims are secretly conspiring to impose shariah law here in the US. State congress persons in Oklahoma even went as far as to pass legislation prohibiting Sharia Law. This one is born and steeped in fear.
    4 - Gun Grab - this one only exists during Democrat administrations, we never hear of it during Republican administrations. This is the belief that Democrats want to repeal the Second Amendment and go door-to-door confiscating guns.
    5 - Benghazi - the belief that there was a nefarious plot hatched by Obama and HRC, among others, to refuse aid to US Operatives who were under attack at the Benghazi consulate. 15 investigations and countless hearings and not a shred of evidence to support it.
    6 - Common Core - the belief that the new curriculum is actually an attempt to teach homosexuality, communism and globalist ideology.
    7 - Birtherism - Started by Trump himself, the belief that Obama was not born in the US and that he was actually a Muslim Manchurian candidate.
    8 - Clinton body count - the belief that the Clinton's are responsible for the deaths of numerous people. The body count varies depending upon the source. In spite of countless investigations into the Clintons, not to mention the SC Ken Starr investigation, not a shred of evidence has ever been found to support this claim.
    9 - Agenda 21 - the belief that a non-binding UN resolution from 1992 aimed at the use of natural resources is actually a totalitarian plot to create a one world government.
    10 - Social Media Bias - This one is a recent concoction of Trump that Google and other search engines, along with the major social media platforms, produced biased results as it pertains to Trump.

    The thing about all of these is that they are the result of fear and they are meant to keep other people fearful. This is just the tip of the iceberg though and the most recent examples.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  3. el005639

    el005639 Founding Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    A portion of muslims in this country do want Sharia law. Thier belief is that government laws are usless all that is needed is found in the koran.
    a goal of the left is to outlaw private gun ownership, your blind if you dopnt see that
    No, the belief by people like me is that the policies of Obama forced he and clinton to find some other reason for Muslims killing our people other than they view us as the great satan.
    Education should be managed at the state level, the more the Feds get envolved the worse the public school system performs.
    The clintons are very dirty, im not certain they killed people but there sure are a lot of dead bodies connected to them.
    There is no doubt that Social media and the regular media are against conservtive values. this is not debateable.
    Bengal B and LSUpride123 like this.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You sound salty for a bunch of nonsense.

    Oh and:
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    “The thing about all of these is that they are the result of fear and they are meant to keep other people fearful. This is just the tip of the iceberg though and themost recent examples.”

    Kinda like Trump is a Nazi and a racist and the South will rise again?
    Bengal B likes this.
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    There are portions of our population that want all sorts of crazy things. This particular conspiracy was born out of fear of terrorism and specifically Muslims. To change laws in this country one has to be able to win an election and I just don't see where you expect the votes to come from to replace our Constitution with Sharia Law. I believe there are roughly 3 million Muslims in the US and if you believe Breitbart then half of them want Sharia Law. That makes 1.5 million Muslims in a nation of 323 million people, or less than half of a percent. Liberals sure as hell aren't going to vote with them as we hate ANY kind of religious intervention in government, much less that of Sharia. So why worry with this? Why whip up the fever over something that is never going to happen in this country?

    Bull shit and stop lying. I don't deny that there is a fringe element of the left that probably would like to take away guns but the vast majority of Americans, even those on the left, would never give up their guns. I am one of them. I have several friends who are very liberal and have arsenals that would make any of you proud. This is just another conspiracy theory. This one has been perpetuated mainly by the NRA to create division in the country politically. The arguments that we have over guns in this country is mainly over the level of firepower that a private citizen should be legally able to possess and whether we should have stricter background checks to ensure the gun buyer is not a threat to society. There is a lot of misinformation by both sides on this issue but in reality there is far more unanimity of belief as it pertains to general gun ownership in the country.

    If this is true then why didn't this fact come out during one of the 15 or so investigations into the incident? I clearly remember the day that Trey Gowdy took over one of the investigations and vowed to get to the bottom of everything like justice had finally arrived. But through it all, the only result we truly got was Kevin McCarthy admitting on TV that there real motive was to lower Clinton's approval ratings going into the election. So you are clinging to a few Sunday morning talk show interviews where administration officials provided information that they believed to be correct at the time but later retracted in light of better sources. That's it. Nothing else. Otherwise maybe one of the many investigations and congressional hearings would have brought to light the dealings of that awful Obama.

    Guys like you have been saying this since the Supreme Court ruled in 1948 that religious groups could not intervene or inject religion into the public school system. Common Core was just another scapegoat.

    Well, well, well....something we can agree on: the Clinton's are indeed dirty. Murderers? Nah. In any way involved in conspiring to kill someone? Not a chance.

    Then you should have empirical evidence of it if it's not debatable. Let's see it amigo.....
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  7. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    LOL....the South ain't ever going to rise again, dude. That's laughable and no serious person believes that. And as far as Trump goes, it's hard to tell whether he's a racist or whether he just appeals to them in order to keep them in his base. Trump is so devoid of core values that I would assume it's the latter: he could care less about white supremacists or Nazis.....he only thinks about Trump and if he needs to throw them a bone now and then to keep them in his base of voters he does it.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The deep state, by definition, is real. Posted tons of evidence. You ignore it.

    That FBI exchange is clear. Aligned with the media.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Have you turned on MSM or CNN in a while? They would tell you he is a Nazi.

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