Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Hub, Jan 28, 2003.

  1. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    It's time for Brady to go........yes TUWho and -T-......I have converted to the other side :rolleyes:. there are many stages and i have seen them thru.....Denial to Acceptance.

    1) What in the hell were the antics Brady pulled throughout the game? laying on the court.......jumping up and down. Answer: A coach in desperation.

    2) An Offense. As purplejungle pointed out in another thread they played backyard ball against Fla's zone. Answer: Coach has no clue against quality coaching.

    3) Bricks. 4 games in a row they can't hit the ocean...consistently. It's called a slump. Answer: Most coaches know tactics to help his team get out of this. Time off, more shooting, less shooting, boat-loads of encouragement........I don't think any of these are in Brady's arsenal......only scream and cuss and scream and cuss.

    4) Focus. No one on that team is focused. They are all worried about themselves and the games "peripheralS". Prime example: Florida is on a fast-break and D. Mitchell is in position and appears to take a charge.....should have been called. the Fla guy runs over DM and passes to a wide open guy under the basket. Why is he wide open? B/C CT3 is raising his arms in disgust to the ref b/c of the lack of a call for charge and leaves his guy wide open for a layup. Take care of your business first then worry about the other BS.

    5) I'ma Bricklayer (aka Jaime Lloreda). The step up in competition in the SEC is kicking this guys ass. they are getting in his head and making him look stupid. A coach has to work on this. There is no excuse for the Tech he fact he should have been ejected from the game. Coaches need to explain to their players (thru a translator or whatever) that their are OTHER good players in this league and you will get beat some time.......this guy went "off" too many times b/c he got beat or a call didn't go his way.

    Bring us a new coach......Tim Floyd.....Tim Allen.....Ray Floyd.....I don't care.

    And last, what do Curley Hallman and John Brady have in common? They both left their wives for co-eds and their teams sucked.

    Bring on women's basketball, signing day, baseball, summer workouts.....just something.

    By the way, 2 basketball season tickets for sell next year if John "I'm a Chipmunk" Brady is still coaching.
  2. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Re: Just got back from the game

    If you got your ass kicked accept it. This is an absolute embarassment. ironic, we are playing florida and this happens......sounds like something spurrier would have done.
  3. Sabertooth

    Sabertooth Founding Member

    Jun 6, 2002
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    Interesting Comments and Observations

    That was an interested observation with the BOS. The logs on the fire are stacking high for Brady and it won't be too long before they burn. He is sinking his own ship. Refusing to shake the other players hands is a total display of lack of class. If he has no good excuse, he needs to be reprimanded for his behavior by the university. Look how hard we rode Fran for the Alabama game for not shaking Saban's hand. This is no different and Florida fans have a right to say whatever they want bad about Brady. I read his lips a couple of time on the TV and it was quite obvious what he was saying.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What a bunch of whiners. We got beat by the #4 team in the nation. Get over it.
  5. PaulP

    PaulP Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    I agree. We got our butts kicked, but Florida has a very good team and it was expected. It' s hard to stop a team who has a player(Nelson) that has a break-out game. Florida could have beaten any team in the country last night and will likely contend for the NCAA title.

    Can anyone really blame Brady for his frustration. I get frustrated, as a fan, watching it on tv. I can only imagine how a coach must feel.

    Personally, watching Charlie Thompson run up a down the court makes me want to puke.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Just thought I'd bring this to the top. Where ARE all the Brady bashers? :D :D :D
  7. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Ok, so I was wrong. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I admit it. I never totally converted just moved to the edge.

    One thing is obvious...difference between then and now....shooting.
  8. MikeD

    MikeD Sports Genius

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I don't know Hub. It sounds like you were all the way over to the dark side. But admitting your error is a good start. Welcome back to the Brady Bunch!! :cool:
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Sorry, Hub, but this is a no spin zone:

    1) What in the hell were the antics Brady pulled throughout the game? laying on the court.......jumping up and down. Answer: A coach in desperation.

    2) An Offense. As purplejungle pointed out in another thread they played backyard ball against Fla's zone. Answer: Coach has no clue against quality coaching.

    Most coaches know tactics to help his team get out of this. Time off, more shooting, less shooting, boat-loads of encouragement........I don't think any of these are in Brady's arsenal......only scream and cuss and scream and cuss.

    4) Focus. No one on that team is focused. They are all worried about themselves and the games "peripheralS". Prime example: Florida is on a fast-break and D. Mitchell is in position and appears to take a charge.....should have been called. the Fla guy runs over DM and passes to a wide open guy under the basket. Why is he wide open? B/C CT3 is raising his arms in disgust to the ref b/c of the lack of a call for charge and leaves his guy wide open for a layup. Take care of your business first then worry about the other BS.

    5) I'ma Bricklayer (aka Jaime Lloreda). The step up in competition in the SEC is kicking this guys ass. they are getting in his head and making him look stupid. A coach has to work on this. There is no excuse for the Tech he fact he should have been ejected from the game. Coaches need to explain to their players (thru a translator or whatever) that their are OTHER good players in this league and you will get beat some time.......this guy went "off" too many times b/c he got beat or a call didn't go his way.

    Bring us a new coach......Tim Floyd.....Tim Allen.....Ray Floyd.....I don't care.

    And last, what do Curley Hallman and John Brady have in common? They both left their wives for co-eds and their teams sucked.

    Bring on women's basketball, signing day, baseball, summer workouts.....just something.

    By the way, 2 basketball season tickets for sell next year if John "I'm a Chipmunk" Brady is still coaching.

    Your complaints were about a lot more than poor shooting.
  10. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    Yes, I addressed many other things in this post but my recent post being that the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE between then and now is shooting no question. but let me eat my crow on my previous post............

    Sorry, Hub, but this is a no spin zone:

    1) What in the hell were the antics Brady pulled throughout the game? laying on the court.......jumping up and down. Answer: A coach in desperation. STILL A DRAMATIC GUY....MAYBE DESPERATION WAS STRETCHING IT

    2) An Offense. As purplejungle pointed out in another thread they played backyard ball against Fla's zone. Answer: Coach has no clue against quality coaching. I'LL STAND BY THIS ONE....THEY RAN NOTHING OF THE OFFENSE THEY ARE RUNNING NOW BACK THEN.....AGAIN I'LL SAY PROBABLY B/C OF THE SHOOTING

    Most coaches know tactics to help his team get out of this. Time off, more shooting, less shooting, boat-loads of encouragement........I don't think any of these are in Brady's arsenal......only scream and cuss and scream and cuss. MAYBE HE DID KNOW SOMETHING DIFFERENT LIKE LET THEM PLAY

    4) Focus. No one on that team is focused. They are all worried about themselves and the games "peripheralS". Prime example: Florida is on a fast-break and D. Mitchell is in position and appears to take a charge.....should have been called. the Fla guy runs over DM and passes to a wide open guy under the basket. Why is he wide open? B/C CT3 is raising his arms in disgust to the ref b/c of the lack of a call for charge and leaves his guy wide open for a layup. Take care of your business first then worry about the other BS. STILL HAVE TEMPORARY LAPSES BUT ARE PLAYIN MUCH MORE FOCUSED AND CONFIDENT....SHOOTING?

    5) I'ma Bricklayer (aka Jaime Lloreda). The step up in competition in the SEC is kicking this guys ass. they are getting in his head and making him look stupid. A coach has to work on this. There is no excuse for the Tech he fact he should have been ejected from the game. Coaches need to explain to their players (thru a translator or whatever) that their are OTHER good players in this league and you will get beat some time.......this guy went "off" too many times b/c he got beat or a call didn't go his way. NIGHT AND DAY PLAY BY JAIME

    Bring us a new coach......Tim Floyd.....Tim Allen.....Ray Floyd.....I don't care. UUUUHHHHH.........

    And last, what do Curley Hallman and John Brady have in common? They both left their wives for co-eds and their teams sucked. SOMETHINGS DON'T CHANGE OTHERS DO

    Bring on women's basketball, signing day, baseball, summer workouts.....just something. BRING ON THE FIELD OF 64

    By the way, 2 basketball season tickets for sell next year if John "I'm a Chipmunk" Brady is still coaching. I'LL HOLD ON TO EM A FEW MORE YEARS

    Your complaints were about a lot more than poor shooting.

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