LSU vs. VaTech Matchup Opinions . .

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by chuck, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. chuck

    chuck Guest

    How does the LSU Nation feel about the upcoming game after Tech's game this weekend.

    Obviously it was against a lesser opponent . . no offense to Arkansas State Fans. . .but they still looked pretty impressive.

    As an outsider I would have to say that this is two of the best pairs of RB's in the nation. Also, I think the teams are really similar in strong defense and unproven QB's (Noel doesn't impress me).

    I'm cheering for the SEC win personally . .but Blacksburg is a tough place to play . . I'll take LSU with the points . .
  2. StarscreamLSU

    StarscreamLSU Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2002
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    It's going to be a close one. I'm pulling for LSU though.

    If it's any consolation, when I was playing LSU/VT in NCAA on the Playstation I beat them 21-6 :D :D
  3. VaBeachHokie

    VaBeachHokie Freshman

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Speaking of NCAA 2003

    When I played, VT beat LSU 45-24... although 7 of our points were from a punt return for a touchdown (although I had Whitaker playing/returning kicks) and 7 more were from a fumble for a touchdown.

    I think our teams match up well and it's gonna be a good game. I thought Noel looked alot better than last year. Randall was the man though. With a little more experience, he will be a good QB. I look for both to see time against LSU this weekend.
  4. Texastigers

    Texastigers Guest

    Good question Chuck. I think all of us are a bit more worried seeing that they kicked the dog *&%$( out of Arkansas State. Now yes that was Ark. State. BUt still 56-0 at half ??? WOW.
    Anyway, I think it will be close. I dont make predicitions. But I will say this. LSU has to bring its A game so to speak. We wont have time or the ability to overcome opening day Gitters. Va Tech is ready to roll, and we are not. It may be a long day for us.

    We are playing one heck of a football team. But I think we are to should be a barn burner.

    Chuck, what about AUburn and USC ?? Your thoughts ???

    Geaux Tigers.
  5. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    My Opinion

    Matchup thoughts:

    LSU O-Line v Va Tech D-Line = Slight lean to LSU....much bigger guys who are extremely mobile for their size

    Va Tech O-Line v LSU D-Line = Slight lean to Va Tech.....Expectations are that LSU's line will be dominant....gotta see it on the field first....but will match up well

    LSU WRs v Va Tech DBs = Advantage LSU.....too much speed and depth...can stretch the field, go underneath and muscle you, take it in the flats...the complete package...if we can get the ball to them

    Va Tech WRs v LSU DBs = Advantage LSU.....different set of guys that ended the year than the ones that were "toast" at the beginning of the year and much more depth....Va Tech thin here

    Mauck/Randall v Va Tech D=Advantage Va Tech....first start on the road and minimal game xperience gotta go with Va Tech

    Noel/Randall v LSU D = Lean LSU.....scrimmage last weekend against Ark St didn't prove much...but have had the opportunity to settle the butterflies......have to do more than 90 yds passing to succeed in this game

    RBs v RBs = Push.....don't think it matters here both teams have excellent RBs who would probably fair about the same if they played for the other team......what happens in the trenches will make the difference

    Special Teams = Advantage Va Tech.....gotta beat the king of special teams at his own game to take away this advantage

    Intangibles = Advantage Va home, game under their belt you have to give them the lean on this

    Prediction: Low scoring game dominated by defense, LSU will handle the hostile environment well and the trenches will live up to the hype that has been pushed on them all preseason, LSU 14-10
  6. VaBeachHokie

    VaBeachHokie Freshman

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Agree for the most part

    "LSU O-Line v Va Tech D-Line = Slight lean to LSU....much bigger guys who are extremely mobile for their size"

    I think this is about equal. Your guys are bigger, but our D has averaged about this size year in and year out. They are used to playing guys much bigger and beating them with their speed and multiple blitzing.

    "Va Tech O-Line v LSU D-Line = Slight lean to Va Tech.....Expectations are that LSU's line will be dominant....gotta see it on the field first....but will match up well"


    "LSU WRs v Va Tech DBs = Advantage LSU.....too much speed and depth...can stretch the field, go underneath and muscle you, take it in the flats...the complete package...if we can get the ball to them"

    I'll agree on that one. A month ago I would have said no way. The loss of Eric Green for the season and Ronyell Whitaker for this game is gonna hurt. We had probably one of the best secondarys in the Country last month. Hall is gonna be real special, but he can't play the whole game. Gonna get tired by the 4th quarter. With the loss of 2 of our starters I give LSU the advantage. The real question is how effective is your QB gonna be at getting them the ball. The best receivers in the world are ineffective if they can't get the ball.

    "Va Tech WRs v LSU DBs = Advantage LSU.....different set of guys that ended the year than the ones that were "toast" at the beginning of the year and much more depth....Va Tech thin here"

    Don't know anything about your DB's so I guess I'll agree. We have some pretty good up and coming WR's though. When fully healthy, Richard Johnson has been compared to Santana Moss or Peter Warrick. I saw some amazing plays in the 2001 spring game out of him. Unfortunately he was plagued by a hamstring injury all last season and never really got to show hs stuff.

    "Mauck/Randall v Va Tech D=Advantage Va Tech....first start on the road and minimal game xperience gotta go with Va Tech"


    "Noel/Randall v LSU D = Lean LSU.....scrimmage last weekend against Ark St didn't prove much...but have had the opportunity to settle the butterflies......have to do more than 90 yds passing to succeed in this game"

    Maybe. If we get the running game going strong, 90 yards passing will be just enough to help keep your D honest.

    "RBs v RBs = Push.....don't think it matters here both teams have excellent RBs who would probably fair about the same if they played for the other team......what happens in the trenches will make the difference"

    Agree talent wise (only because I'm not very familiar with your RB's). But our whole D is designed to stop the run. Teams have to beat us passing. That's how Pitt did it last year. We have always shut down good RB's... Tiki Barber and Edgerrin James come to mind. Held each to something like 60 yards when they played here.

    "Special Teams = Advantage Va Tech.....gotta beat the king of special teams at his own game to take away this advantage"

    Agree. That's what FSU did to us at teh sugar bowl.

    "Intangibles = Advantage Va home, game under their belt you have to give them the lean on this"


    "Prediction: Low scoring game dominated by defense, LSU will handle the hostile environment well and the trenches will live up to the hype that has been pushed on them all preseason, LSU 14-10"

    I agree it's gonna be low scoring and either team can come away with the victory. I think it's all gonna boil down to who make's the least mistakes. Your 14-10 is LSU biased. Since I'm a Hokie, I feel Tech will pull out with the slight win. Tech 21, LSU 17.
  7. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I've heard a lot about V. Tech stopping the run and we will probably have to throw eventually to put points on the board. Do we do it early or try to establish the run first? I've heard the Hokies are good at stopping quick screen-type plays which is one of our strengths from last year (and should be again with Jimbo still here).

    I think we should challenge their D vertically but that'll leave Mauck vulnerable in the pocket. If their safeties like to blitz often like I've heard, our best counter would be to go deep to our speed guys (especially Clayton). How do you give Mauck enough time? Roll him out? If we can get the ball to some of our guys, hopefully they can run all day.
  8. MobileBengal

    MobileBengal Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2002
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    I think the first play should be a deep bomb, just to show that we can do it. Of course, that is if we can do it. Then really start bruising with the run. Im not convinced of VTs run stopping ability yet. Those guys arent proven. If they stop Toe, DD, and Addai, then Ill believe they have that heralded run defense.

    I really think we want them to blitz their safetys. Their 1 and 2 CBs are out of the game, which will put a lot of the coverage responsibility on the safetys. We have seen how evasive and decisive Mauck is. If Mauck has to roll out of the pocket he can either tuck it or throw into a single coverage mismatch. I think because of our talent at WR and their trouble at CB that the safetys will stay at home throught the first part of the game to get a feel for our game plan. They dont know if they will need to be there to stop Toefield, or drop into coverage to get another man on Clayton. So I guess what Im saying is that he will have time if the safetys drop in coverage, and if they blitz, he wont need it. I can promise Mauck will be very hard to sack. As long as he doesnt make bad decisions, we will be ok.

    On another note, I noticed something interesting about the depth chart released the other day. DD is starting at TB over Toefield, and Addai is starting at FB. Makes me think. When is the last time you remember LSU running the wishbone? I dont think it will happen, I just thought it was interesting.
  9. Fritzz

    Fritzz Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You will see dump passes to Addai, if Tech runs dogs with the safeties, he will be one on one with a backer and he will run for days.

    Tech is a very aggressive D, you use traps and misdirection to counter.
  10. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    I'm going to the game to pull for the tigers! It should be interesting to see the differences between this year's team & last. I went o Kentucky lasy year, i hope we play better this weekend than we did at KU.

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