Random thoughts of the day

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by Sourdoughman, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    its not the sign stealing, its the camera use. technology is explicitly prohibited. if you are on second base and steal signs, good for you. but they are using a CF camera watched in the dugout live
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    sox and yankees did it albeit in much rawer form (apple watches). The astros claim their cheating equipment was in place before these rules went into effect this year.
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    here is some really random stuff. i was over at my friends house tonight for the game, guy i have been friends with for since i was a kid, sits next to me in our LSU season basketball tickets. my buddy finds out that the guy killed in london muslim attacks is his cousin. his dad's brother married a british lady and its her son. aint that some shit? fucking muslims. he says his was a real nice guy, loved to come visit louisiana/texas every other year. my buddy would take him crabbing down the gulf.

    if your aunt by marriage has a kid does that count as a cousin? i dunno it doesnt matter the point is muslims are fucking terrible

    fucking muslims
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Cousin in law? I don't know. Would have to ask somebody from Alabama.
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    In that case it would be sister cousin or the like
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    well at any rate my buddys wife is liberal and we have to deal with her :"not all muslims are bad" shit as if we dont know that, and then "some christians are bad too" as if that is relevant and i dont know that and hate christianity too.

    white liberals are such fucking racists. they never hold anyone to any standard of behavior unless they are white. if you are brown, do whatever, savage, nobody expects you to not be part of a murderous cult
    Frogleg and Bengal B like this.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    this is probably meant for free speech alley

    again, liberals are racists. they never expect civil behavior from people of color. they excuse them for everything. muslims get away with being opposed to everything (gay rights, womens rights, free press etc) and nobody cares. white europeans are called terrible colonialists for beating natives in early america, as if somehow those tribes had not been in constant conflict for all of history with each other. we even keep harping on nazis while ignoring the history of the japanese. if you read enough about WW2 or have a chinese friend or a knew a ww2 veteran grandpa, you know that when it comes to evil, japan is at the same or worse level than nazis. but they are not white so nobody cares. history forgets their crimes. we always hear about whites conquering everyone, but the ottoman (islamic) empire is never portrayed that way.

    last night somebody shot up new orleans, canal st. shot like 10 people. it will fade from the national news immediately. because its not a white guy. but are those people any less riddled with bullets? isnt it still a concern? last week like literally 5 or 6 people got shot dead in baton rouge. it barely makes the news. because nobody gives a shit about black people dying, they care about white folks shooting people so they can call for gun control and worry about the president encouraging white supremacists or some shit.

    ok rant over, sorry about that.
    tirk and Winston1 like this.
  8. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    White atrocities are much worse thasn black attrocities. When a Western European bastion of art, literature, music and scientific discoveries like Germany murders millions of people we are horrified. When a black country's citizens hack millions of their fellow citizens to death with machetes well, whatcdo we expect from a bunch of savages?
    Jmg likes this.
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    it pleases me when people understand what i mean. this is exactly what i mean. racism is expressed in our expectations. and this is even worse among the folks on the left. of course muslims want to kill gays, they are stupid brown savages and cant think!

    well i say nope. if we are honest and say "hey, people of (muslim country X) stop being fuckfaces because of your dumb religion. we had/have similar problems with religions. in fact we still have catholics fucking boys. its terrible. lets all be goddamn adults and put the bronze age myths away". this honesty is never allowed because any criticism of islam is considered racist.

    and inevitably the problems of non-white countries are blamed on the legacy of imperialism. as if the people have no agency. they cant possibly do anything. like haiti, our attitude should not be "we are sorry the white countries exploit your resources". we should say "hey you dumbshits, elect a leader that isnt a corrupt bum, and follow the lead of singapore!"

    and whats so galling is that sometimes the opposite is true and the legacy of colonialism is all they have. hong kong for example. they are many times wealthier and freer for having been run by the white western colonial british. they wish the brits would have never given them up to their OWN people.
  10. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Something happened today that I will feel good about all day. Sometimes when I'm in the area I will take Lakeshore Dr to get to Perkins Rd instead of going directly. No girls today. It's misty rain and kind of chilly. Anybody who knows the area knows that Lakeshore has a lot of winding curves around the lake and you drive slow though there. I was driving less than 20 mph when I rounded a curve and some guy jogging started yelling at me to slow down. As I passed by him he banged the roof of my truck with his fist.

    I threw it in reverse and then slammed on the brakes stopping just inchs from the aforementioned asshole. He started screaming did I know the speed limit and cursing me. This guy was about average size. I am bigger but he was at least 20 years younger than me. I told him, if he didn't shut up I was going to kick his ass but he kept on yelling. When I opened the door and started to get out he started running away like a scared rabbit.

    The moral of the story is that beer keeps you in better fighting shape than jogging.
    el005639 and shane0911 like this.

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