2007 is deadliest year for US in Iraq

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by red55, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    3,857 KIA and 19,871 wounded since 2003. No end in sight.

    Iraq Coalition Casualty Count

    $466.7 billion already spent on Iraq and rising at $9 million an hour.

    Cost of the Iraq War
  2. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    Dec 31, 2003
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    $9 million an hour ?

    I've got to fill 'er up in the morning at $3 a gallon.
    And I'm looking forward to April 15th.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm content providing every gottdamn benefit known to man for every illegal bastid here. More so, I prefer to support the legal ne'er-do-well oafs who can get to a government office and take every advantage known to the taxpayer as long as the appointment doesn't conflict with the race on TV.

    Now that I've cleared my head, screw Alabama, Notre Dame, Ohio State, and fat women goin' thru their gottdamn coupon files while blocking the aisle in the HEB. That 'bout does it.
    1 person likes this.
  3. Tigers Paw

    Tigers Paw Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    466 billion dollars spent on a lost cause as our borders remain wide open.
  4. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Cant disagree with what you say except this part is complete and utter BS. There were many democrats on the House Intelligence Committee and Armed Services Committee that had access to every bit of information the administration had and every one came to the same conclusions. We had bad intelligence and its well documented. Perpetuating fallacies of mass fraud is misleading to say the least.
  5. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Again, cant disagree with most of what you're saying except there is no evidence to suggest the administration pumped and trumped anything. To the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence the vast majority of politicians in the House, Senate & White House relied on bad intelligence which resulted in incorrect assumptions. To conclude our dilemma is based in lies and misrepresentation is just wrong. Bad intelligence and miscalculation do not equal lies and fraud.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It is what it is. Bush isn't running for anything. People should quit bitching about something that they can't do anything about and get behind those trying to find an equitable resolution to the war. What the hell good does it do to continuously throw gasoline on the partisan fire?
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Who are these people and what do they propose? Seriously. All I've been hearing are presidential candidates dancing around the issue.

    No good at all. Partisanship is behind most of what's wrong with this country. Politicians catering to their political party and its supporting special interests instead of doing what is best for the nation and representing their constituents.

    But shedding some light on the darkness surrounding the decision making fiasco that begat us the Iraqi misadventure is important to prevent it from happening again.
  8. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I think we already figured that out my friend (Senate hearings, House hearings, United Nations reports, etc) and hopefully the changes made to the intelligence gathering criteria will prevent bad information from being the basis for future decisions. Its not just US intelligence either because other nations also drew the same conclusions. Even the United Nations own monitoring group believed what we all believed.
  9. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    BTW...we got off topic.

    Yes this war has cost a $hit load of money and valuable American lives. Lets get the job finished and get out. These rag heads dont deserve our help but we are there regardless of the why's. Does anyone honestly believe the best thing to do right now is undertake a mass pullout and leave a monumental mess? We just cant do it. Even our detractors dont advocate a full withdrawl because they all know that mass chaos will ensue.
  10. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Yep. It's hard for intelligence to be anything but bad when it's been manipulated and pre-determined.
    To think that we (the public) weren't mislead seems a bit oblivious, but I won't bother rehashing the specifics when it's clear that there is such a fundamental divergence of faith in the powers that be. However, I think it's obvious that the biggest lie in all of this was the administration telling everyone that they were competent enough to execute this plan of theirs.

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