2018 LSU Football Season Predictions

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by GregLSU, Jul 31, 2018.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I'm sure they knew just pulled an Urban Meyer
  2. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Just waiting for him to be charged which, just happened. Posted 33 large for bond. That was some quick cash for a triple federal charge.
  3. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Jesus Kik, you are literally on the same plane as taint hugging O's nuts as he is clinging to the memory of Miles swill. The bromance is overbearing.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Just not in the "coach of the moment club" or the "12-0 or nothing club" like you and others here. I am old enough and have enough football IQ to realize that in the SEC thinking you are going to go 12-0 or 11-1 or 10-2 every year and if not your coach should be fired is insanity. O going 9-3 in his first full year in this meat grinder conference to me is outstanding. Losing only to Bama and a very very good Miss State team is nothing to be ashamed of. Sorry buddy the people of Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama and S. Carolina all love their teams as much as we do. There is talent at all those schools. Guess what Cali I got a bulletine for you 99% of them are not going 12-0 or 11-1 or 10-2 every year. I watch a lot replays of our games. I used to assist with breaking down football film at ULL and know what to look for. The Troy game was a classic David & Goliath game that happens every year. May I mention La Tech beating Bama or UAB beating LSU (Saban was our coach then) or Appalachian State beating Michigan? In that game LSU lost 3 fumbles, was playing without Guice (had Guice played no doubt in my mind we would have won) and played with a patched up OL. We still almost won that fame. Lastly one muff by our CB and we lose to Notre Dame no muff we are 10-3 we dont fumble the game away with Troy we are 11-2.

    Who do you think we are? Because we are LSU we should be 12-0 every year in the toughest conference in D1 football? What amazes me about you guys is O goes 9-3 and 8-2 in our conference in only his first full year and y'all are ready to run him off. Guess what you will always be a dissapointed unhappy fan. Do you think it's wise to talk about firing your coach before the season begins? Is it fair to give a head coach only one year to prove himself because he didnt go 12-0, or 11-1?

    I choose to give the man a chance sit back relax and enjoy the season instead of being unrealistic, unhappy and constantly looking for the next perfect coach. Try being a better more football savy fan first.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  5. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    I gotta ask, why do you keep posting O went 9-3?
    We went 9-4 last year.

    How did he go 8-2 in the SEC when we only played 8 SEC games?

    I've been watching your posts on the poli board & agree with you mostly, but your football stats need some work.
  6. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Quite a mouthful over some shit I didn't say, but you got us all figured out. The constant rant covering the same material has skewed your message, some of which I actually agree with, but to the extreme that every time you spit out O's nuts in uber support, I hate him just a little bit more. Stop making me hate coach O.
    ParadiseiNC and shane0911 like this.
  7. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    You are right 9-3 in regular season and more importantly 6-2 in the SEC. This means we put L's on 6 SEC teams. OK 9-4 overall. Bowl games are not regular season. We could have easily been 11-3. My whole point is that it's insane to be talking about firing O.

    Correct me if I am wrong cause I have said this before. All I have heard and rightly so is that we lack and have lacked a big time QB at LSU last year and for many years before. With that said why did these same people expect us to be a great team last year lacking a big time QB and are now ready to run off O? Explain the rational in that thinking.
  8. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    OK stop hating coach O. Maybe you hear the same shit from me over and over again beause I hear the same shit from the same worn out insane hate coach O "perfect coach perfect record" club over and over and over again. Yes was wrong to post 8-2 in SEC but you see like O I am not perfect either I made a mistake. I am not perfect like the perfect mistake free fans who expected O to be perfect in his first full year as HC. Yes repeating again because of the thick unrealistic skulls around this place.

    Some here not only see a glass half empty they dont a glass at all. Must be depressing to be so negative and at the same time try to enjoy the football season.
  9. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    didit and ParadiseiNC like this.
  10. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Sorry, I didn't mean to bust your chops too much about 9-3, as I've seen a few others post it as well. Just wondering why the 4th loss is rarely mentioned.

    I'm probably not the right person to ask about O, as I made the mistake of mentioning that @TigerTap & I are friends a few years back. I rarely post much these days. I can't argue as well as Tap, he is a prosecutor.

    I personally think it's a combination of things with O. A lot of people, myself included, were disappointed in the hire. I thought we should have gotten a proven, higher profile coach. Couple that with the Mississippi State & Troy and the other 2 losses. Some of the things he's said like "I earned this job" didn't sit too well with some. I didn't like his comment on liking moral victories.

    But I don't hate O. Tap hates O, which is unusual because I've never seen him dislike an LSU coach this much. But O did just about l thought he'd do last year, except for State & Troy losses. Saban/Miles raised the win bar so high, most coaches would struggle to maintain those kind of winning levels, imo. I think people are worried about us falling back to being a barely ranked team like in the 90's.

    The QB problems have gone on for years & years, with a few exceptions, like Hodson, Russell & Mett I hope Burrows does well. I wonder, being a post-graduate, does he stay another year if he's really good, or try his chances in the NFL.
    unclenick, tj lsudad, LSUTiga and 5 others like this.

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