A Few Observations

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Kikicaca, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    Nov 24, 2003
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    This... We were a couple of dropped INT's from a really ugly ass Ramah-approved ass whoopin'... We score every time we get the ball, so we could have seen 2 to 3 more td's last night, and a few less from the lizards... I realize of course the whole "coulda shoulda woulda" thing, but my point is we are/were --> <-- that close from hanging 60 on them and letting Brennan feast on the leftovers...
    RamahRising likes this.
  2. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Geez, I don't know. They're good at what they do? I suppose they're also influenced by a specific NHL team, or NFL team, or MLB team, or NCAABB team, or NCAA baseball team, or NCAA softball team, or ...
    Your problem isn't "head in the sand," it's "head in the clouds."

    No. Let me retract that. You're head is in the sand. You weren't spouting this bullshit for a six or seven year stretch when LSU was winning. Flip that script and, without the encumbrance of the sand, you could see how duplicitous you've become.

    It's the refs. It's the SEC office in Birmingham. No, it's the football teams that have been fielded...the very product you've bitched about and resulted in Miles getting fired. Explain this reasoning. I'll wait.
  3. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I can see how that's a sensitive topic for you gumps. You've been hearing it from rival fan bases for years and not just us. But, I know you're not naive enough to believe that Bama has not benefitted from that, are you?
    LSU_4_LIFE and lsu-i-like like this.
  4. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I take it you agree with the knee-capping call when we hit FU QB in the hip; you’d only know if you watched because that was taken at face value. It happened on an interception and gave FU a first and goal late instead. Gave FU a huge opportunity to cover.
    LSU_4_LIFE likes this.
  5. RamahRising

    RamahRising Jedi Prophet

    Sep 2, 2017
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    There ain’t a mofo with 1/2 a brain gonna argue these two beautiful paragraphs ...

    ALWAYS suspect the fix is on when marginal holding and marginal interference is called.

    Nowadays, they Grade the refs and slowly weed their crooked asses out ...

    A crooked skillful ref can ALWAYS find holding and pass interference or “turn a blind eye”

    Just ask the Saints organization ...
    Amazing that a major bling contract was cancelled in Asia by the NFL (Goodell’s office) the day before the Saints Rams game ...
    That SuperBowl was bought and paid for ...
    NFL was dying on the West Coast ...
  6. RamahRising

    RamahRising Jedi Prophet

    Sep 2, 2017
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    You know I never thought about that having $12.6k on the game ... sarcasm dripping from coffee saturated jowls

    I had just landed from Belize n Houston to get home. I’m in baggage claim when it happened and totally blew a gasket ... a mothapukka here three or four cocksukkas there ... Folkses was forgivin’ cuz the plane was filled with LSU fans but I was on a rampage

    But my sweet babies and that goal line stand had ole Ramah screaming in that airport ...
    Security just shaking their heads

    Ole Ramah told one of em ... You ain’t seen shit yet till the Saints Win anther Super Bowl this year AND LSU wins a National Championship
  7. BP

    BP Founding Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    If you are saying that there might be dishonest refs or players who are willing to do something to bring about a pre determined outcome, I'm sure there are.

    However, by your own argument you argue against there being a concerted effort to "help" one team. I doubt very seriously that Vegas has any loyalty to Alabama. Their loyalty, understandably, is to making a buck. Thus, by that argument, any hand in "fixing" an outcome would not be to have Alabama, or any other school, win, but to have that team win that will make them the most money.

    In addition, the original argument was that the SEC was biased in favor of Alabama. My argument is that that is nonsense, and I showed why it is.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  8. BP

    BP Founding Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Incompetence, yes/ That is not the same thing as dishonesty.
    lsu-i-like and ParadiseiNC like this.
  9. BP

    BP Founding Member

    Aug 4, 2003
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    Again, please explain why the other 13 presidents and ADs would allow a bias in favor of Alabama t the expense of their respective institutions....
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  10. RamahRising

    RamahRising Jedi Prophet

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Doubtful about nonsense ... I’m a believer of where there’s smoke there’s fire ... And you’ll never convince anyone that a piece of work like Baby Bear and his known frauds and other illegal activities (my previous post) that are well documented should have led to his future


    It did not ... Univ Of Alabama greedily annually swallows his millions in donations and accepts his iron fist control of the Alumni Umbrella that pumps $$$ and feeds the Monster more than anyone else in America ... They even shame Texas ... And who’s got more $$$ than Texas Alumni ... At least in Texas they have some control over their Alumni

    Alabama NCAA rules violation and corruption goes deep all the way back to the late fifties ...

    Ole Bear himself tried to put on the CLEAN FACE ... but it never took

    Later the doors really blew off in the 91 scandal

    Yooooo know what I M~E~A~N~S

    Pun very much intended ...

    This crap will never “go away” ... It’s as stained as the reputation of one BABY BEAR


    I’d guess Logan Young was murdered to keep him quiet ... lotsa folks even investigators that would agree with me ...

    I only hope the entire scandalous network is exposed before Baby Bear dies ... All the dirt eventually comes out, just due to human nature and you know people gonna Talk ... Always do

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