Politics All Lives Matter A Personal Story

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by CalcoTiger, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I dont support the Black Lives Matter because until it reads All Lives Matter they dont have my support. And here is why. I have nothing personal against Black people and have Black friends. Mexican Friends, Asian Friends. If your a friend what difference does your skin color matter.

    I can relate to some of the issues with what happens to Minorities and police and with my experience i will relate it is no matter what happens be respectful and dont resist. Live to file a complaint later if you want.

    My Story
    I was 17 years old and i got a summer job with a local construction company for the summer in Shreveport / Bossier area and the majority of our job was blowing insulation into attics of the new homes that were being built. This one instance though we were asked to do a home that had partially burned in an existing Shreveport neighborhood. We always went to work at 2AM and would get off at 11:AM because it was too much to be in attics in the heat of the day. So we arrived at work myself and my partner ( 21 Year old Black Man ) and loaded our box truck and headed off to the home. The home was empty and we had access through one of the rooms.

    We got our hose ran and started our machine which was pretty loud and we decided my partner would start in attic and i would be 2nd, We took 15 minute shifts. So I start filling machine and our truck had a side door we kept open so we could get air. I was loading our machine and glanced out door and a Shreveport police officer had his Gun pointed at me and motioned me out of the truck through the side door. As soon as i landed he grabbed me and slammed me up against the side of the truck busting my lip and i was bleeding. He put his gun barrel against my head and put his arm mashing my neck .

    His partner was also pointing his gun and was about 5 feet back. They started asking me questions of which i answered and informed them what we were doing there. They had been called by a neighbor to say a robbery was in progress.

    I was put in handcuffs and i was instructed to signal my partner to come down. I would use toggle on and off and that was our signal to change He came down and he was put in handcuffs as well.

    They called our supervisor and made him come to verify at the house.

    He came eventually and the handcuffs were removed and the police officers told our boss that it would have helped if our company logo was on side of our truck.

    I wont mind telling you i was pretty shook up because that gun was at my head and that cop was jacked up.

    I think back to that day often and i wonder if my partner had been in the truck first would he be alive?

    I understand the cops being amped because it was 2;30 in the morning but i then start asking myself a few questions. Couldn't he look in the truck and see i was feeding a huge loud machine with blowing wool. That has always bothered me and having a gun to your head has been with me my whole life and i think of that day now still when i hear of police confrontations..

    No matter what color or race just do what the officer says and live to file a complaint if that is warranted.

    It doesnt matter what color your skin all lives matter. That's what i believe and it is a shame that cant be the message.

    Black lives matter and so do all other races too.Mexican people coming across in back of 140 degree trucks matter and unborn babies matter etc etc If you care about human life no matter the race then it should read ALL LIVES MATTER
  2. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Well the Black Lives Matter organization doesn't even believe all black lives matter,. Otherwise, there would be outrage and uprisings in Chicago, where black on black crime is ruining way more lives than police brutality or perceived racism where none exists; so there's no way they're going to ever support All Lives Matter. It is a radical, left wing organization that supports 'the disruption of the Western-prescribed nuclear family'. It actually says that on their website. Most experts agree that the single biggest issue facing the black community today is the absence of a 2 parent household and here you have an organization that supposedly cares about black people wanting to further destroy it.

    I think most people are confusing the Black Lives Matter ideal with the organization itself and the two could not be more different. And don't think it was not done on purpose. Its exactly the way they want it. But hopefully, as their agenda continues to be exposed, support for the organization will wain.


    We need MORE of this, even though these BLM folks have no idea what their organization stands for because they're words of peace and love and coexistence flies in the face of the BLM mission. Then again, it was 2 years ago, so their agenda was still hidden.

    Watch "Trump Supporters Invite #BlackLivesMatter Protesters on Stage at MOAR Rally" on YouTube
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Like the story just want to know about what year this happened. We have come long long way since the 50's. Black police chiefs, mayors, judges, professors, television stars, congressman, senators, supreme court justices and even a black president. I ask this question because if you listen way too many democrats, entertainers, news networks and sports stars will try to convince us we have never left the 50's.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    this would have happened in 1979
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    the data shows what likely would have happened.

    your friend would have been more likely to get beat up by the cops. but he would have been no more likely to be killed.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I was glad that you stated the obvious, in why did they not realize right away that it wasn't a robbery? I'm not doubting your story but man, it sure seems odd. I guess cops are pissed at 2am especially if they get called to a break in that isn't.

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