American media is trying to keep Americans angry and divided

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Sep 20, 2016.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    One would have to believe that the "non compliance" would have come from him walking away, even if his hands are up. When a cop draws down on you and says "get on the ground" well, get your ads on the ground. He does that I bet he is alive.

    BUT I can't get past the audio. The fear in her voice is clear to me. The fact that she shot him after the taser was employed tells me she just pulled the trigger. $100 says she closed her eyes too.

    This is what happens when you give soccer mom's a gun and a badge and bless them as Barney. I dont think it has 1 hits to do with race. Nothing at all.
  2. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I said "people like you" because of your words. It's not a broad brush. It's based on what you say and the talking points you use to respond. Linking all that shit together adds unnecessary complexity to pretty simple issues. The folks getting shot aren't in Chicago on a warpath. How does that equate? Cops take an oath and are trained to deal with difficult situations. There are conditions in Chicago and many other inner cities that created what we have today. Like it or not white supremacist has most of the blame. That shit is generational and systemic. Crowd a bunch of folks in the slums and don't let them stay anywhere else. Limit the resources to them. Create housing crises that don't even allow the father to be in the fucking home. If they try to build something make it harder to sustain it...and if that doesn't work just take it. Then introduce drugs as a way to achieve success. Get some guys who are great with wordplay and pay them loads of money to glamorize that lifestyle to an uninformed populace. Then you have the black folks that actually live there who can't see beyond the day to understand that the shit they're fighting over ain't worth staying in those conditions. Babies having babies and not having a clue of how to make a better life for themselves because they came from parents and grandparents that didn't know any better either. I'm not at all surprised by Chicago. But as long as it stays on the Southside...that fucked up leadership doesn't really care.

    The circles I run in are very much aware of what's going. Just because the media doesn't show you doesn't mean there isn't an effort. But you can go grassroots all you takes money to sustain it. Who's giving these organizations resources to sustain? The local government sure as shit isn't. But none of that justifies someone who's supposedly trained to handle these situations going Full Metal Retard with a pistol. It's not isolated. It's too much. And it's OK to say it's fucked up just like Chicago is fucked up! Link them if you want but at least think deeply enough to have both conversations...independently.

    And I tend to agree with an earlier poster who said it might be more about shit tactics than justification for a shooting. End of the day, I'm college educated. I come from a two parent household. I work and pay my debts. I do the right thing. Never been to jail. I raise my kids to do the right thing. But because a bunch of folks...usually white...see me as a "big, bad dude," I have to completely change the way I do everything for fear of interaction with police. I'm expected to be calm and collected and do whatever the cop says knowing the mother fucker who stopped me, although trained, is too fucking jumpy to treat me with dignity. I can't panic, but this trained supposed specialist can. The vast majority of my closest friends have the same background as me and live there lives pretty much the same way. And they are terrified too.

    So say what you want about over-exaggerated black-on-black crime stats. I'm not afraid of a black man killing me because I don't live the kind of life that routinely puts me in interactions that could cause me that kind of harm from a black man. But a cop on the other hand? I'm afraid everyday and it's 99% because of the color of my skin. That's something most of you cannot relate to nor do you have to have that kind of worry. So as long as the people I know live with that kind of fear, I will continue to say this shit is not right.
    StaceyO likes this.
  3. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I may not "know what it's like" to live in fear for my own life but I do know what it's like to fear for my loved ones. You speak about racism and I know it exists. One of the reasons I know is because my own grandfather wrote a letter to me disowning me for marrying what he described as a "smelly nigger". Called my beautiful wife and my kid that because of their skin color. I still have that god damn letter, and I told him to fuck off and the reason he still breathes is because he is an old pathetic man and I never spoke to him again and didn't go to his funeral because I would have pissed on his grave. I get shade thrown my way everytime I take my wife to eat or am seen with my family in public. So because I question why more people don't get outraged over violence in the black community (which isn't over exaggerated) or riot when 42 people were killed in Chicago last weekend alone but instead burn down Baltimore because a guy was killed by the police I'm "people like you". That's a serious double standard and completely unfair. My entire point was the media trying to turn bad situations into racism when it was probably just poor training and someone in a job that shouldn't have been. Is there some sort of subconscious bigotry in everyone? Yes I think there is, but it doesn't mean every black person that was killed by a white cop was unwarranted or unjust or done for racial reasons. On the other hand, there are cases that were. But it's ok to lump all the police together or "people like me" together just not cases where African Americans were gunned down regardless of who the perpetrator was.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    Winston1 likes this.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Not sure where you are going here. You are or at least seem to be a pretty smart guy but you have me confused with this.

    If you are implying that you would not or do not wish to comply with police instruction, um well, that's a good way to catch a bullet. Like Red used to say, let them do their thing then take them to court. It's better than the alternative.

    You are right though, I cannot relate to what blacks go through, I wouldn't ever say I could or "I know how you feel" I can only offer my .02

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    I think he's saying that he has to change his whole everything so he won't be shot by cops. Which is bullshit. And again, the reason this thread exists.
    StaceyO likes this.
  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I think he's implying they get shot compliance or not so they aren't always going to go along with the white man directing them. But yeah regardless you're at gunpoint. Do as your told or you're getting shot. It's almost that simple.
  7. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Not one time did I lump ALL police together. Not once. You can't seem to understand the context of the "people like you" comment. "People like you" are people who, anytime a questionable officer involved shooting occurs, have to immediately jump to black-on-black crime. It's a false equivalent. It's like saying, well you can't be upset about unarmed black men being killed by police because black people are killing themselves. That's stupid as hell. It also gives the impression that people don't care about places like Chicago and that's far from true. THIS MORNING there is a rally happening in Chicago. My own uncle is at the rally passing out water. But the media isn't going to show you that because it needs you to believe that no one cares and that's just not true. And it is over-exaggerated, because it gives this view that that's normal life for black people and it's not. It's clickbait. We all fall for it. Hell I fell for the Charlotte story. Even with Chicago being a war zone you're talking about an extremely small percentage of how most people in general live. In reality, and in general, we live just like most of you do, just with different music and better food :).

    That is why it is very easy for the vast majority of us to say we have no fear of being killed by a black person. That's because the vast majority of us aren't doing things that make us targets. The vast majority of us aren't selling drugs or robbing people or representing bloods, crips, gd's, vice lords, etc. Outside of the random occurrence of an innocent bystander being killed, you have to be involved in shit like that to lose your life. Lifestyle choices. It's sad that I'm seen as an exception rather than the norm when those living that lifestyle are really the exception. Even in the hood, the overwhelming majority of people are just living there lives trying to get by...legally. But the picture that's painted is that it's Bosnia in the late 90s. I have a big problem with the value system of a lot of "my" people but the same can be said of meth addicts in the trailer park I would think.

    You've shared before that you are in an interracial relationship. And you say that you fear for your loved ones because you know racism exists. You've seen it and lived it. Please don't be so naïve about police interactions with young, black men in particular. There are racists and bigots in every profession. Every single one. And it's not just white on black. It goes all ways. It's just that this particular profession involves people's lives.
  8. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Not saying that all. I would comply...but I'm not exactly trained to handle those situations, lol. Once upon a time I could reach in my glove box and get my insurance and registration without nary a thought. And before you say it, I know that applies to ANYONE. These days I have it clipped to the visor. But it sure does seem situational awareness is a bit different with folks of my hue. Bundy and his crew can point guns at police and no one fires a shot. If I move my hand the wrong way I might get capped. I've seen the video of a big ass white dude whipping two cops asses in a restaurant. They fought like roosters. And he was winning. No-one tased or shot him. Nothing would make me believe that situation would be the same for a big, black guy. He'd get Mike Brown'ed.

    I truly believe that 99% of law enforcement is in it for the right reasons and want nothing but positive interactions with everyone. They take their oath seriously and strive to do the right thing. But just like that 1% of black folks gangbanging in the projects paints us in a different light, the same thing applies. That small percentage of black folks need better home training. Police need better training too. Situational and people skills.
    shane0911 likes this.
  9. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Thank you for the advice.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    This is what I truly believe to be at the very core of this issue. Spec ops undergo a fairly intensive psych evaluation. I don't know how they do it but they generally weed out all the "unstable" ones.

    I don't know how that could translate to police work but they need to find a way. Maybe one of our LEO's here can give us info. I stand by my earlier statement that the woman in this incident should not have been a cop.

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