Not sure what you mean. Do you have a problem with him smoking weed occasionally or is the fine not high enough?
Repeat offenses, and they are already talking about what his next fine will be. Throw them MF'ers out. That's how they treat repeat dirty UA's on regular jobs.
Uh Oh time for a reality check. Professional athletes don't play by the same rules that we do. You would probably be fired for lying about something on the job also yet politicians make their living lying to us. Rich people can get away with murder, just look at OJ and how about Jason Williams recently getting off scott free while the poor family had to bury their family member. Don't expect the rich and privledged to live by the same rules as joe tax payer it just isn't going to happen. Hey at least Ricky hasn't killed anyone.....yet. :dis: :dis: :dis:
Well on the part of the fine RJ knew the rules and I feel certain could easily afford to get help. It is his union that agreed to these rules. Just like in workforce companies have thier rules and you have to live by them. I think the sad part is baseball which has no substance abuse policy. On the flip side it does sound a little steep for pot. I guess he should have chosen boose or tabaco.
it is stunning that anyone cares about pot at all. in my mind pot smokers are patriots violating an unjust law.
This country is crazy. Do you know why pot is illegal? B/C their is too much money to be made on fines. If Pot were legal, a lot of rich people (that do nothing but sit behind a desk a collect money from poor citizens who get busted) would actually have to get a real JOB.