Anyone wanna know the REAL National Champions for 2003?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by islstl, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    It's LSU. Just look at the way in which LSU and USC has handled the off season. It tells you everything you need to know.

    Classy versus Classless.
  2. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Well, I'd say the team handled it in a class manner. I'm not so sure about a great majority of our fans, unfortunantly.

    I'm willing to accept a split title. The part that throws me over the edge is when someone says "USC is the real National Champion," as if LSU doesn't deserve it or something.

    My honest, unbiased opinion, is that LSU and USC were about neck and neck last year, and there's no real way of predicting who would have won a head to head contest. I can live with it if people want to call us equals. What I can't tolerate is people who insinuate that USC was hands down better than LSU. :po:
  3. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Well, if you compare the class of both schools players and coaches, LSU is hands down the winner but unfortunately that isnt what history will reflect on last season. Its a shared title and while I am not happy about USuCks claim and think its bogus, the entire college football world will always recognize last season as a split between us and the SuCks.

    Im almost wanting to pull for them so we can maybe hook up in a game this year but I dont think I can do it. There just isnt too many situations I could find myself pulling for USuCk unless it had a direct impact on our fortunes.
  4. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    I can't pull for them, because I highly doubt we make it back to the National Title game, and I can't stand the thought of USC making it back and us not, and having to hear all about it from the media for the entire bowl period and offseason.
  5. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I agree. If we had played USC 10 times on a neutral field, I think we'd have won some and they'd have won some. I'm just glad things worked out like they did. WE were in the Sugar Bowl. :lsug: WE won the trophy. :champs: Oklahoma was the team questioned more for being in the game. Finally, Vegas only paid out one national champion and it was none other than our :lsug: :tigbas: Money talks.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I have no problem with Southern California being the Co-National Champion.

    That's like a co-pilot, right? :grin: :grin: :grin:
  7. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    At the time when the bowl match-ups were announced, I was more intimidated by OU than USC. That was mainly because their defense was so stout (and it was, even though we had some early success). They adjusted, and then we had trouble moving the ball.

    As far as opposing offenses went, I wasn't worried about playing USC any more than OU. I felt our defense could hold any opponent. Therefore, USC seemed like the "easier" path to a NC.

    As for what it's worth, I wouldn't pull for USC even if they were running against John Kerry.
  8. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    I've got a big problem with USC's chump azz claim

    I took a lot of flack for giving USC credit last year ... especially knowing they'd whip Michigan ... and I say this with absolute certainty

    #1 ... they don't deserve a NC ... period ... end of story ... especially the way the 48 AP azzholes got that wild hair up their butts. Total BULL****
    And as far as who had the better team, Pro scouts overwhelmingly chose LSU as the better team ... and no one on earth was gonna walk out of that dome with a NC ... other than LSU ... Defense wins Championships ... and LSU's Dee was far and away better than USC's dee
  9. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    2003 National Champions
    LSU: BCS, Billingsley, Colley, DeVold, Dunkel, FACT, Massey, NFF, Sagarin, Seattle Times, USA/ESPN
    Southern California: AP, Eck, Matthews, NY Times

    11 to 4.. I'd sa we have a winner...
  10. Justin Credible

    Justin Credible Founding Member

    May 6, 2004
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    Vegas knows who the real champ is......

    they paid off the bets placed with LSU not USC.

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