Brady's track record the last couple of years with his players is certainly something to talk about. JuMichael Young - academic problem his first year then quits the team and transfers Shawson Johnson - Last year does not get his papers into LSU in time and cannot enroll. This year he quits the team in the middle of a game and walks out Courtney Trask - Says his heart is not in playing basketball anymore. Tony Gipson - Recently ineligible because of academic problems I know I missed a few names over Brady tenure but these are four names in the last two years. I know Brady cannot take exams for these players and they for sure need to take some of the blame but I DO hold him responsible for recruiting some of these players and wasting valuable scholarships LSU does not have to waste. This recent trend in his recruiting is very bad and probably will not sit well with the powers that be at LSU. I would just like to get everyone's comments on Brady job performance as a whole. IMO, I think he is a decent Xs and Os basketball coach that has his moments. His demonstration of "Recruiting 101 like Gerry Dinardo" is very bad. There are many arguments both ways. I just hope the wheels are not coming off. LSU has just depleted some of their depth coming off of the bench with the loss of Courtney Trask and Tony Gipson.
Trask never played and Gipson rarely played, only getting garbage time when he made his 4 3's. Hardly, losing depth from the bench. Gipson's real value will be next year when we lose our top 3 players to graduation (apparently some players can do the necessary schoolwork). Hopefully, he can still practice with the team. Shawnson was a douchbag who quit after sitting for 1 half (see post about fans showing up for an example of a player who was benched and learned something from it) and then returned for the Arizona game and sat for both halves - in the stands. Apparently he didn't mind sitting that much. Juemichael Young was probably a mistake as that kid fell from the dumb tree and hit every branch on the way down. But he made all A's in JC and was playing ball and a website said he was interested in LSU. Now that's funny.
The Wheels ARE coming off. We are 1-3 in the SEC and at the BOTTOM of the SEC West. Tigers are doing thier BEST Saints imitation, except that they decided not to wait until the end of the season. Something is wrong with this team. Is the team mad at the Coach about something?
What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin on?? These guys look like they have just decided not to play.
I still support LSU and still support Brady. When I can get in town I am still going to go to the games, but I am not going to lie we have sucked the last two games.
Another fine road display LSU was out rebounded by 22 boards. Arkansas shot nearly 50% or better from the field - will be 4 straight SEC opponents that do so? Arkansas is last in FG% in the SEC? Is this a coincidence? I don't think so. It's that great road schedule LSU played before SEC play. Oh wait, they did not play on the road except for two neutral sites. To summarize: LLoreda can't shoot free throws. I would have my money on Shaq in a field throw shooting competition. Dupree's best year at LSU was his sophomore year. He has declined as a player the last two years. I was one who really believed that Dupree had the onset of a Michael Jordan game after his sophomore season. As a senior, he has yet to find a jump shot outside of 6'. He is so limited as far his game is until he finds an outside jump shot. Bright is Hot and Cold and Hot and Cold and Cold and Hot and Cold and Cold and Cold. Temple is in the same boat as Dupree, because he cannot hit a shoot outside of 6' either. Temple would have a hard time hitting the board side of a barn right now. His game is limited to out of control drives in conjunction with desperate shots. Hudson just needs to find his shoot again. He did his share tonight. The bottom line, Temple needs less minutes and Mitchell needs more. He is the only spark LSU has right now. Free Throw shooting the last two games has just hurt LSU so bad. At one point late in the Arkansas game, LSU missed 6 straight free throws. One questions - why is Lloreda still in the game when we are behind? Both Ole Miss and Arkansas seem content on fouling Lloreda and trading Lloreda free throws for their free throws. Good Trade I'm waiting to hear Brady's post game comments. I'm quite sure he will talk about how great a team Arkansas is. It was hilarious to hear him talk about how good a team Centenary was after LSU skull-dragged them. I'm also tired of hearing Hawthorne and Kevin Ford (I think that is his co-host name?) making excuses during the game about how every ball bounces Arkansas way and how ridiculous shoot Arkansas was taking was going in. Teams make their breaks by intensity and hustle and focus. Three things LSU have lacked the last two games. Anybody who has played basketball on a competitive level knows these things will happen but you just have to play through them. LSU 12-4 record right now is a bit inflated. This point in the 1999-2000 season is where LSU started to make their run. Let's hope this team can do the same but it might be asking a lot. The next 4-5 games are killer. These last two games were BIG ones LSU needed. It is very likely LSU will be 2-6 halfway through SEC play. That puts LSU at 13-7. LSU would have to go 6-2 the rest of the way and finish 19-9 to have a slim shot of getting into the NCAA tournament. I'm not joking when I say LSU out-of-conference schedule will hurt them big time at the year. NIT here we come again.
This team is going nowhere. We'll be lucky if we can beat Arky in the rubber match. Something is wrong with the team right now. I don't know what it is. Perhaps they just don't want to play for Brady.