Biden just became a bigger moron...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GregLSU, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I think a mandatory gun safety training course with every purchase and before the gun can be taken into possession would be another solution.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Bullcrap. I fail to see what is wrong with his statement. He lives in a secluded area, it may not be illegal at all to fire a shotgun, especially in self defense. Many people in rural areas have fired warning shots in the presence of intruders. It's not uncommon at all. Your objection is purely political and it shows.

  3. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Warning shots???

    I was taught that the only time you should fire a gun is if your life is in which case, it's shoot to kill only.

    That being said, a warning shot would certainly warn me !!!!!!!!!
    I'd definitely heed it !!!!!!
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You shoot to kill when your life is in danger . . . you shoot to warn when someone is stealing your chickens or your watermelons.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    When Biden's security guards begin carrying shotguns I may at least listen to his nonsense. I have several shotguns but they don't fit in my night stand. I'll carry what I want.

    His comments are NOT about public safety and ENTIRELY about liberal ideology. Stop pretending Democrats! When you turn in ALL your without using ANY global warming contributing YOUR fair share of taxes for the things YOU want...then, ANY ONLY THEN, may I actually respect your views. Until then you can keep your hypocritical, double-standard BS to yourself!!!

    NOTICE TO LIBERALS: Responding to this message requires using energy which increases your carbon footprint. Please consider saving Mother Earth by not responding. :D Additionally...if you really care about the reduction of clean water and air, please help us save these resources by taking your own life. Bye!
  6. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    You're head is up your ass and it shows. Starting at around the 1:55 portion of the video:

    1.) It is illegal in his local area to go outside and discharge a firearm. Several legal experts agreed that the actions he advised would more than likely bring charges.

    2.) If there are intruders outside your residence, you do not leave the safety of your house to go outside to try and scare them away, you have no idea how many there are, and if their armed, etc, etc.

    3.) An AR15 is not more difficult to aim and fire. Most women on the planet without proper training would not be able to handle the weight of the shotgun to aim, or the recoil to that of a quality AR15.

    4.) Doesn't matter if I need an AR15 for home protection or not, the fact is if I want one, and I am not a convicted felon, mental patient, etc... I should be able to own it, afterall I am a law abiding citizen.
  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Really? His advice may work fine in a rural area where he lives. He has no idea where "Kate" lives. She may live in a heavy residential neighborhood, where firing random shotgun blasts in the air would endanger innocent bystanders. You are smart enough to recognize this. Your support is purely political and it shows.
    GregLSU likes this.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Discharging any weapon is illegal in the city. That doesn't stop people who feel threatened. I guarangoddamtee you that in the country people discharge firearms regularly.

    Sometimes. Sometimes you go out and protect your property from a known threat. Not in an apartment complex. But in the country people will go out and defend their outbuildings and animals from thieves. They aren't going to kill them, but warning shots are not uncommon.

    An AR-15 is a lot more difficult to aim and fire. My 75-year old, 100-pound grandmother kept a 16-gauge under her bed and she shot it many times around the farm. Okie shoots a shotgun regularly. But you are missing the point.

    I don't give a shit about your AR-15. What I'm saying is that a shotgun is still the best home defense weapon and most experts agree.
  9. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    1.) LOL way to take the high road when you have nothing to say.

    2.) Apples to oranges. While he doesn't exactly live in the woods, or major rural area but a very exclusive neighborhood where neighbors are actually 100s of feet away, and not within 30 feet like most surburban neighborhoods. A luxury he can afford all within a few hundred yards from a school and other people.

    3.) Again apples to oranges. You keep talking about this country lifestyle, but news flash mcfly... majority of america is not rural and to some degree living off the land. Majority of america in fact live in or around some sort of civilization, where you grocery shop, and enjoy the luxury of technology. In most jurisdictions, if you leave the safety of your confines and go out side "protecting" anything other than another life in the immediate danger of death... you have become the aggressor and will see prison time. Shooting an intruder upon forced entry is an entirely different ballgame.

    4.) An AR15 is not more difficult to aim and fire. It's lighter, in most cases shorter, has much less recoil, and is semi-automatic so one can fire repeatedly until empty if need be. And AGAIN apples to oranges. You're comparing the exception to the rule. Your gmother lived a life in a time where she was expected to do things where being experienced with a firearm was a necessity. And AGAIN Okie is an experienced shooter. Familiar with weapons, and again the exception to the rule. Most women do not take it upon themselves to learn to shoot, as a matter of fact most women I know loath weapons.

    5.) Your opinion of my M4 is of no concern to me. And I agree, the shotgun is the best home defense weapon there is. I think i've said that before. That isn't my arguement. My gripe is the bad advice he gave towards a possible threat outside ones home, and his solution to it. What he said was negligent, wreckless, dangerous, and could in a lot of cases be criminal.

    All you've done is deflect the actual arguement, and try to use comparisons of exceptions, and different times. Sorry to inform you but the vast majority of people don't regularly use guns or other weapons in their daily lives, neither do most most gun owners regularly shoot or stay proficient... if they ever were. No most buy guns on a whim for home protection, store it away, then never pick it up again.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    A whole lot of verbage for nothing. Look, I did not dispute most of the points you object to above, you made them up. What I disputed was the stupid statement that Biden was a moron for suggesting that a shotgun was the best home defense weapon. He was right and most agree that it is.

    I grew up in a rural area for sure and the rules are different there. But I live in the middle of the city now and I still am not afraid to go outside and walk around my house with a shotgun if I think there are prowlers about. I've done it more than once. And I repeat, his advice about warning shots may be bad for some folks but not for others. It all depends on the circumstances. I'm not going to let a city ordinance keep me from defending my property. I'll take a shot and pay the fine if it keeps someone from stripping my car. I'm more likely to shoot into the ground than into the air, those shot come down somewhere. I've been peppered with spent birdshot before and it smarts.

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