Helmet Hut, a company that collects authentic vintage football helmets and also produces accurate replicas has just posted photos of a project they are doing with Dr. Billy Cannon. They are producing replicas of his LSU helmet and are selling them with Billy's signature on them. Don't know how much they are asking (whatever it is, I can't afford it), but if you go to their website you can find out. There are some great photos of Billy in his home standing by his trophy case and also excellent shots of his real LSU helmet and the helmets he wore with the Houston Oilers, Kansas City Chiefs and Oakland Raiders (he played tight end for the latter two). Go to Helmet Hut's excellent website and check it out. www.helmethut.com
Yeh, they didn't get it quite right. The numbers are also spaced a little farther apart on the real one. But hey... I thought Billy Cannon's helmet was once a part of LSU's sorry collection of LSU sports memorabilia, but must be mistaken. Speaking of that, can anyone tell me the status of the Andonie museum at the Lod Cook Center? Is it open yet? If not, when will it be open and what will it have in it.
Agreed on the type font... Have any of you seen the Maravich LSU jersey copies on E-bay? The font isn't even CLOSE to the original... I always LOVED the purple road jersey from his junior & senior year... ...would LOVE to get my hands on one of those... ...I believe that the original is in the LSU Hall of Fame right along side Cannon's #20...
Pete's sophomore jersey was recently auctioned and brought over $100,00. The auction house claimed it was the most ever paid for a sports jersey.
I saw that online.... You missed a zero - S/B $100,000 IMO I still think his Jr. & Sr. season jerseys were the coolest...