Bin Laden

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Bin Laden threatens US over alleged 9/11 plotter - Yahoo! News

    They should hang that dude at Ground Zero. Or better yet, fly a helo over Ground Zero, really high, and drop that mother ****er. Or better than that, cut his head off, and impale his head at Ground Zero as a warning. If this guy isn't executed something is wrong.

    And i do think they should hold trials for these bastards in New York City, to show those bastard son's of motherless goats, that America doesn't take any ****, and that the finest City in the world will not and cannot be stopped.
  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    You know this makes me think that Obama and Bin Laden have quite a bit in common.
    They both have muslim names and backgrounds.
    They both absolutely have to stay in the limelight and be on tv as much as possible!:lol:
    They are both also responsible for wrecking the economy although Obama has done it legally by starting a massive program with tax increases during a recession!
  3. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Personally, I’m far more worried about the House of Saud, the Gulf States, Iran, and all their oil money than I am OBL, as the threat that emanates from OBL is a gnat on an elephant’s ass in comparison to the threat that emanates from the aforementioned.
  4. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Dude..that is too hard core. Even for the forum. Wow!!!
    1 person likes this.
  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    If you think I'm not telling the truth about anything I have said I'll be waiting.
    All I said is that they have some things in common with one of these in my post.:lol:
    I forgot to mention that the other thing they have in common is that they knew someone who attacked the pentagon.
    The communist activist Bill Ayers ring a bell?
    What were you saying comparing Bush to Obama?
    Is this all new to you?
    Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Indeed, bin Ladin is a minor threat with a big mouth. He can outrage and embarrass us but he can't destroy the US or even cripple us either militarily or economically. He gave us his best shot and it backfired.

    The friendly Arab states are no threat either, the rich people in charge have most of their wealth invested in the stable United States, along with their futures. They are more worried about the poor Arab states than us. They crow about Israel, but they don't risk their fortunes over it. We would win any economic war with them, just as we did with the Soviets. They know this, they learned the hard way during the Arab Oil Embargo of the '70's. The golden rule applies--he who has the gold, makes the rules. Oil in the ground has no buying power, cannot influence, and cannot create energy.

    Even if revolution brought radicals into power and control of the oil, they know that they can't defend the oil fields. The US has demonstrated in 1991, 2001, and 2003 that we can invade a middle easter country, take down its government, and stay as long as we like. Not even Iran, despite its rhetoric, is risking that by trying to use oil as a weapon. We control the sea lanes. The pipeline networks are completely vulnerable to our airpower. The Arab states offer no military threat to the United States and economically they depend on our trade..

    The true military and economic threats to the US are from our old near-superpower adversaries Russia and China, who haven't gone away and are biding their time carefully as we become distracted in the middle east. Russia has the military capability, the industrial capacity, and the natural resources and china has the manpower and the money to cause us an awful lot of trouble someday . . .especially if we allow them to unite against us.

    Israel/Arab issues fade to insignificance in the face of our larger global adversaries. We must never lose track of this.
  7. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    With all due respect Red, (and I like that moniker because it describes perfectly your leftwing politics and worldview), but you don’t have the first clue. Currently, there is no greater threat to the West and the world at large more than Islam.

    First of all, the radicals already are in power, as Islam is a radical totalitarian ideology dedicated to world conquest that that wears the cloak of religion, and anyone that adheres to that radical totalitarian ideology is a radical by definition. The religious cloak is the Trojan Horse Islam uses to infiltrate the cultures, nations, and civilizations it seeks to destroy and replace with Islamic totalitarianism.

    Moreover, the only reason that Muslims invests their oil money in the West is for the purposes of stealth jihad. In other words, I agree that most of their oil money is invested in the West, and it has been put to good use purchasing influence to keep us ignorant of the jihad within our midst.

    With respect to caring about poor Arab states, they could give a sh!t about poor Arab and other Muslim states. All they care about is fulfilling their holy obligation to make the world sovereign for Allah. What is good in Islam is everything that strengthens Islam and what is evil in Islam is everything that weakens Islam.

    You must be smoking some powerful stuff. We are not only almost completely dependent upon them for energy thanks to leftwing politics that has blocked every avenue of us becoming energy independent and creating millions of high paying jobs in the process, but we are also on the verge bankruptcy again thanks to leftwing insanity.

    Indeed, without economic warfare we are already on the fast track to economic bankruptcy because radical Marxists have hijacked our government. Indeed, we are completely dependent upon borrowing oil money and communist money to fund the entitlements that have been hoisted upon us by the delusional left. Not to mention also that thanks again to the same delusional left, we are completely dependent on foreign sources of energy and the prices for that energy that are controlled by a cartel made up mostly of Muslim countries. You just couldn’t be anymore naïve.

    Uhm…the oil embargo is what coerced Europe into agreeing to the Euro-Arab Dialogue, which led to the abandoning of Israel by Europe, the creation of the so-called peace process, which is jihad by stealth intended to weaken Israel, as Muslim only agree to peace to rearm, and to the demographic conquest of Europe. Again, you couldn’t be more ill informed or anymore naïve.

    I hate to rain on your naïve parade again, but the radicals already control the oil and moreover the price of oil is determined by supply and demand, which is controlled by an oil cartel made up mostly of Muslim countries. Thus, if OBL and AQ somehow gained control of Saudi Arabian oil today, for instance, they wouldn’t stop selling oil unless they wanted to cut their own throat. It’s also why Iran can’t afford to stop selling oil as well in the event of war, which is a fear the left exploits to scare us from wiping out Iran’s nuclear program and to vilify Israel.

    Indeed, because of Islam, Muslim countries are all one trick ponies that are fully dependent upon the West for technology. However, there are plenty of Western leftwing multiculturalists willing to sell their souls and the West to keep that oil flowing.

    In any event, when it comes to fulfilling the Islamic imperative to dominate the world, the only difference between the House of Saud and OBL and AQ, is in the means to an end, as both of them are equally dedicated in pursuit of that aim.

    While we have demonstrated that we can take down Islamic dictators, we have also demonstrated that we can’t see the forest for the trees. For instance, both Iraq and Afghanistan will rejoin the global jihad far faster and stronger than otherwise thanks to our very misguided strategies and fantasy based missions.

    Indeed, our entire strategy is based on the false assumption that Islam is a Religion of Peace™ being hijacked by a tiny minority of radicals, and that is absolutely ludicrous to say the least. Not to mention also that currently we are fighting a tactic, which is one of many tactics and means of jihad used by our real resourceful enemy.

    Unlike you and most people, I don’t believe the quadrupling of oil prices that occurred in 2008 during a presidential election year and that also precipitated the financial collapse of the world was a coincidence or an accident. I believe that it was entirely intentional. Like I said, you are very naïve.

    Nevertheless, with respect to Iran, not only will Obama not stop them from acquiring the Islamic bomb, but he is also doing everything in his power he can to stop Israel from bombing them as well, as Obama recently had a shipment of bunker buster bombs in route and destined for Israel detoured away because Israel announced it was building 1600 housing units inside Jerusalem, as if the settlement issue is somehow the fount and root cause of all Islamic violence throughout the world.

    In any event, if that is indeed the case as Obama maintains, then what was the motivation for the attack on Mumbai last year, the jihads in Kashmir and Jammu, the jihads in Thailand and the Philippines, the recent church burnings in Malaysia and Indonesia, the 2 million Christians and animists slaughtered in genocide in Sudan, not to mention the 400,000 slain in Darfur, the 500 Nigerians slashed to death the other day in Nigeria, etc., etc., etc. ad nauseum.

    Why would we cut our own throat and blow up pipelines since thanks to the left we are totally dependent on the uninterrupted flow of oil and are at the mercy of world oil prices that are controlled by a cartel of people that fully intend to make Islam dominant throughout the world.

    Uhm…they are using jihad by other means. Look at Europe, it’s rapidly being Islamized and that process is already well in progress over here in the USA as well thanks to the aid and comfort of useful idiot leftwing PC multiculturalists here in the USA who are dupes used to carry their baggage. Indeed, have you tried to study Islam in a college or university in the USA lately? You can’t, trust me. By the way, you can’t in Europe either and that didn’t happen by accident. It was by design.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    This maybe the biggest piece of delusional shyt I have ever heard at Tigerforums...

    That is all.:dis::insane:
  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    First, Islam was conceived as a world empire to govern all mankind. It teaches that all the world, and everyone and everything in it, already belongs to Islam–some people just haven’t been made to understand that. Until they have, according to Islam, they are considered “infidels” and inferiors. Put another way, the Islamic view is that all of us in the world are subjects of the Islamic Empire, and those of us who do not acknowledge our subjugation to it must be overcome and brought to submission, through conversion or force. No other religion in the world has such a purpose of world conquest and domination.

    Second, Islam does not allow any introspection or self-criticism. It calls for total acceptance, total submission. The very word “Islam” means “submission,” and the word “Muslim” means “one who submits.” The other side of submission, of course, is domination. Islam seeks to dominate every individual and every nation into submission. In that, it shares a key element of slavery, which the civilized world has properly decried and abolished. Such submission is a political act. I am a freeman, and I refuse to submit to Islamic hegemony.

    Third, Islam does not have any exit policy for its believers. The act of submission required to become a Muslim is held to be final, irrevocable, and permanent. So criticizing or questioning Islam or its teachings or leaders, or attempting to leave Islam, all are considered severe crimes against Islam, punishable by death.
    In contrast, non-Islamic religions allow for dissenting views, introspection, and reasoned debate. In non-Islamic religions, if you so choose, you can leave the faith you were born into without being threatened with physical violence or death. In Islam, both criticism of the faith and apostasy are capital offenses.

    All of that is what drives Jihad: Jihad is a permanent war against the unbeliever and his land to bring about his submission. It has been going on for fourteen centuries all over the world, which is why I coined the term “Universal Jihad.” Islam’s Universal Jihad is the single greatest threat to Western civilization and to the entire non-Islamic world in general. It is more dangerous than Nazism and Communism combined.

    Nazism was in power for 15 years or so. Communism was in power for about 70 years. Today, Germany, Japan, and Russia, our former adversaries, are now our allies. Also, they are liberal democracies.

    Nazism, Communism, and Islam are all three totalitarian ideologies. Communism and Nazism, though, lack a system of transcendental metaphysics, which Islam has. Nazism and Communism do not claim to be religions, and there is no threat of hell-fire to hold over its adherents. By contrast, Islam is a totalitarian form of governance that also claims to be a religion, and so has proved to be far more sustainable than any other form of aggressive totalitarianism.

    The doctrine and politics of Universal Jihad have been assaulting the world for 1,400 years. It is exactly what launched the Christian Crusades, which were an attempt to save European civilization from the relentless onslaught and wholesale murder of invading Muslim forces.

    Under Universal Jihad, non-Muslim civilizations have been annihilated. To mention just a few examples: Turkey was Christian; Iran was Zoroastrian; North Africa and the Middle East were predominantly Christian; Afghanistan and Central Asia were Buddhist; Pakistan was Hindu; Egypt was Coptic, orthodox Christian. All have fallen prey to invasion by Islam.

    Today, Universal Jihad has been brought to the West–not just by overt violence, but through every strategy and tactic conceivable. Islam is not just the faith of another immigrant group; it is a complete political and paramilitary ideology. Political Islam is here to Islamize the Western nations, and that includes the United States.
    So Universal Jihad is a permanent form of warfare against the infidels, their nation-states, and every non-Islamic form of government in the world. It has been Islam’s mandate for 1,400 years that other cultures must submit to it. Islam is devoted to an eternally-unchanging doctrine: it is obligated to conquer entire world.

    No one needs to take my word for it. Syed Abul A’ala Maududi, a Pakistani, was arguably the most influential Muslim theologian and thinker of the 20th Century. He said the following point-blank:

    “Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it. The purpose of Islam is to set up a State on the basis of its own ideology and program . . . [T]he objective of Islamic Jihad is to eliminate the rule of an un-Islamic system and establish in its stead an Islamic system of State rule. Islam does not intend to confine this revolution to a single State or a few countries; the aim of Islam is to bring about a universal revolution.”

    Any Muslim or apologist who claims otherwise, or who insists that Islam is just “a religion of peace” is not arguing against me: they are arguing against their own most revered leaders and experts on Islam and its true purpose. They are spreading Islamic propaganda that has no other purpose than to lull the infidel into a false sense of friendship and security.

    Such propaganda is a primary and vitally important tool of Islam’s psychological warfare. Syed Abul A’ala Maududi also spelled out clearly how many different ways Universal Jihad is to be waged against ”the infidels”:

    “In the jihad in the way of Allah, active combat is not always the role on the battlefield, nor can everyone fight in the front line. Just for one single battle preparations have often to be made for decades on end and the plans deeply laid, and while only some thousands fight in the front line there are behind them millions engaged in various tasks which, though small themselves, contribute directly to the supreme effort.”

    Unlike any other religion anywhere in the world, Islam’s clear, inarguable overarching purpose is Universal Jihad and global conquest, using any means. It is not waged just through terrorism and violent conflict. That is an extraordinarily naive view. Islam also uses psychological warfare, propaganda, covert operations, infiltration, and demographic saturation.

    Universal Jihad exists and no amount liberal “political correctness” is going to wish it away. It is here on the soil of the United States right this minute. Its openly-declared goal is to destroy the United States as a system of government, to tear up our Constitution, and subject us all to Islamic totalitarianism under Sharia law.

    Read the rest.

    The Wrong Way to Fight Jihad | FrontPage Magazine
  10. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Then that must mean that you are pretty damn delusional among other things!

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