Boise St. - Hawaii could decide the BCS

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SoLa in NoIll, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. SoLa in NoIll

    SoLa in NoIll Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    According to the projected SOS ratings after Saturday, the Boise St.-Hawaii game winner could decide who plays Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl. Should Syracuse beat ND, USC beat OSU and LSU beat UGA, the BSU-UH game becomes pivotal due to USC’s having played Hawaii earlier this year. The following could occur in this scenario:

    1. USC remains #2 in both polls, with LSU #3 in both;
    2. LSU moves to #2 in 6 of 7 polls (2.0 average), while USC remains #2 in one poll and #3 in all other 6 (2.83 average);
    3. UGA falls to #10 in the BCS, giving LSU a 0.1 quality win point deduction.

    It appears that LSU would move to 2nd in at least 6 computers under the above scenario, regardless of the Boise-Hawaii outcome. However, outcome of that game would determine the total strength of schedule numbers for each school. Now, here are the projected SOS totals (from Rich Tellshow) for both schools with the following winners:

    Boise St. wins – USC 1.44, LSU 1.28
    Hawaii wins – USC 1.28, LSU 1.36

    Should Boise St. win, LSU would win the BCS battle 7.18 to 7.27. Should Hawaii win, however, USC would win by a 7.11 to 7.26 total. Here’s how it breaks down:

    With a Boise St win:

    USC = 1 loss + 2.0 poll avg. + 2.83 comp. ave. – 0 QW + 1.44 SOS = 7.27
    LSU = 1 loss + 3.0 poll avg. + 2.0 comp. ave. – 0.1 QW + 1.28 SOS = 7.18

    With a Hawaii win:

    USC = 1 loss + 2.0 poll avg. + 2.83 comp. ave. – 0 QW + 1.28 SOS = 7.11
    LSU = 1 loss + 3.0 poll avg. + 2.0 comp. ave. – 0.1 QW + 1.36 SOS = 7.26

    Therefore, if Syracuse, USC and LSU win on Saturday, we may have to stay up late (10:30 CST kickoff) to find out who plays Oklahoma for the national championship. Ain’t college football great?!
  2. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    Boise St is good...11-1 I believe. they should handle the rainbow warriors easily...unlike the Bamers
  3. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    They're ranked #18 and undefeated in the WAC, have clinched the WAC Championship already and their lone loss came to the Oregon State Beavers by two points. They beat LA Tech by 6 and haven't beaten anyone ranked. Hawaii has a good record as an underdog at home ... must be all the partying teams do when they visit. Hawaii is a ten point underdog ... problem is Boise State has just won their 2nd straight WAC title & got the Humanitarian Bowl again. They could be flat as the game is meaningless ... other than they could drop out the TOP 25

    Syracuse is the WORRY as a 2 point U-dog. I HATE THAT notredame COULD HAVE A SAY WHETHER LSU GOES TO THE SUGAR. God, I hate those bastids ... worse than Auburn.

    Geaux, Syracuse
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I just really hate the fact that I have to watch this horrible Hawaii team play again. I mean they did everything they could to give the game to Alabama, but Alabama refused. I still think it was part of a larger conspiracy against LSU by the entire SEC (refer to Florida/Florida State game) and the state of Louisiana (refer to the La. Tech/Rice game).
  5. dothantiger

    dothantiger Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    If it happens, it happens. I just want that SEC Title AGAIN!!!!! A National Championship would be nice, but if we don't get a shot this year, it will be ours to look forward to next year.
  6. Soap

    Soap Founding Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    Well I agree these are important games, but only if we win Saturday. If we win saturday and still don't get in, I would like the 4 team playoff idea I've read before.
  7. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What about the Army/Navy game? This one falls in the opponents' opponents catagory. USC played Notre Dame who played Navy. Go Army!
  8. SoLa in NoIll

    SoLa in NoIll Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    No, its a wash because Army played Hawaii, so the result does not matter.

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