Can Trump be stopped?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by shane0911, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Deep down Trump is the guy I believe we need right now. Not so much that someone like DeSantis couldn’t do a better job, I think he could, but the fact is Trump forced an awakening to the corruption of our government and “2 party” system.

    Much more to expose. Plus, we need to defeat the globalist.
    Perple and shane0911 like this.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And they are the ones behind the curtain fucking up everything
  3. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Not sure how to argue "Sylish & good looks" vs. a proven GOP results, with strong foreign policy & a very strong military. Do your suburban girlfiends in TX. also like Gavin Newsome? You won't find any politician more polished & composed than Newsome. He's a good "Face man" & a very, very stupid man. Remember Obama a good talker, communicator, until they took his teleprompter away? Then he turned into a stuttering idiot. If they won't vote for Trump & he wins the GOP nomination, can only assume they don't care about the highest gasoline prices in history, don't need peanut butter or beef actually on the grocery shelves & are good with letting millions of illegal foreignors into our country. Basically, Liberal women. I know 30 some people who've been Iiving in TX. more than 20 years. Most from my High School & LSU grads. TX. won't lose to any Liberal nominee. Trump has won Texas in 2 Presidential elections.

    As for "Hicks" when have New Yark City & deficated streets of California ever called any Southerner anything differently? These are face people getting paid millions of dollars to live in that shit hole called NYC. They read type & have gag-worthy " witty repartee" with generally other employees. wherever they work.

    It's fine to say how much polish & more composed Ron DeSantis might be. Truth is he's 43 right now & a Florida Governor. We have know idea if he get destroyed by one of the other GOP candidates, besides Trump. Trump needs no introduction & will always pull in huge voting crowds 10X larger than DeSantis ever will. Because he holds damn interesting & entertaining rallies & has that much needed charisma needed to actually win.

    I do like DeSantis, but he doesn't have that much charisma, imo. I wanna know if DeSantis is able to win Ohio. MIchigan & Iowa.

    Ego is needed. Think about it.. You're saying you want to run the entire Free World. Yeah, anyone who says that, has an enormous ego. Plus you need someone who won't back down against foreign Kings, Queens, Presidents. etc. Biden has done none of this.
  4. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Some are, like Cocaine Mitch. Others like Jim Jordan are fighting the good fight every day. with very little fanfare
  5. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Again, please understand me.

    I voted for Trump twice. However, I would be seriously concerned with what additional disruptions would be thrown Trump's way if he were to win another election.

    Yes, an ego is needed to be an alpha in many different professions. But that ego cannot get bigger than the cause for which you fight.

    I am just pointing out things that I think and notice, just like you are. We can certainly disagree on whether or not we think (or wish/don't wish) that Trump runs in '24, can't we?

    Somewhere around the turn of the century, politics (strongly aided by the media) became more vicious and contentious than it previously was.

    George W. Bush was constantly called a dumbass by his detractors, then Obama came in and did what may end up being irreparable damage to race relations in the US. I felt he was inflammatory to the highest extent and set our nation back, even as media hailed him a hero. was Hillary (unacceptable in every way) vs. Trump. And all of the aftermath.

    I felt he was a president that was getting work done while being fought every step of the way. Then came Covid and George Floyd's death and the ensuing riots, and everything really fell apart in our nation.

    The suburban women I know? They aren't touched by inflation the way many are. It's not really disrupting their lives. It's an annoyance, to be sure, but not much more, and I know that because that is the way it is for me, too.

    They will vote for a more diplomatic choice. It simply is what it is. (And this is conceding that DeSantis is much younger, very easy on the eyes, and not orange. Yes, that may be a deciding factor for some voters.)

    I, on the other hand, want a true Republican who can unite and defeat the Democratic candidate. I don't trust that Trump can be that person.
    mctiger and Perple like this.
  6. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    Absolutely we can disagree we who we want to run or not. Thanks for writing that response Stacy, I was having a bit of trouble understanding exactly where you were coming from at first.

    Honestly, I'd be happy with Trump or DeSantis. In my polictical dream world, we'd get both on one ticket.
    StaceyO likes this.
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    See below
    Further below

    I don't think Mitch is a globalist, he doesn't have the balls. As I stated earlier the ONLY spine he has ever shown was keeping Garland off of the SCOTUS. McConnel is a pussy and he isn't cut out to play in the globalist sandbox, 1st of all they would NEVER trust him and 2. They would eat him alive. Useful idiot I'll take but no way he is a globalist.

    So much to unpack here

    I do
    This is dependent on what happens in November, if things break the way we want them to this shouldn't be an issue. Of course we all (the ones with brains) know that they stole the '20 presidential election so what is to stop them from stealing every thing from here on out right? Bottom line, if by some chance we take the house and senate then all will be RIGHT with the world. Until the nutless GOP does what they do when they have power which is nothing.

    He was getting it done, did get it done! Covid and that thug were all "distractions" and VERY convenient don't you think? If you for a second don't think either of those were not by design you are fooling yourself. The entire country was duped! Well almost the entire country.

    You have just described everything that is wrong with the electorate. They have far too much emotion factored into their vote instead of following what they know in their heart of hearts to be best. People are too worried about "offending" someone or some other silly bullshit instead of just taking the hard right over the easy wrong. This is how we end up with idiots like Romney in public office. This isn't President of the local PTA, this is is for President of the United Fucking States. We MUST have a warrior and while I agree that Trump may have ran his course, I WILL 100% vote for him again before I waste my vote on some Ron Johnson et al that doesn't stand a chance. Talk to those "ladies" and let them know there is about a .0001% chance the orange man will ever grab their pussy.

    He did it before, the bad part is regardless of who it is there will be a ton of shit to dig out from because of what is going on now. It is going to take a while to right the ship.

    @Purple I have a response for you to say that you had mischaracterized Stacy but you redeemed before I could post it and had already did the multi quote so meh, good job. Say hello to taint
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Stacey’s approach is much more thought out.

    I’m going with the bull in the China cabinet because I never liked fine China anyway!
    shane0911 likes this.
  9. XXL TideFan

    XXL TideFan Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    The ONLY thing that was wrong about Stacey’s post was about the vitriol and venom being a relatively recent phenomenon. It has always been part and parcel to this countries politics as all campaigning was “whistle stops” and stump speeches. The veneer of civility came about with the advent of mass communications and women getting the vote.
  10. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I do realize that politics have always been dirty business, but I do feel that any civility in that arena has been gone for over 20 years.

    The last time our country felt united was 9/11. If an attack like that happened again (and it could and probably will because we know all of the liberties we've given up are just "feel good" theatre), half of the country would say we deserved it.

    Certainly, you can't deny that George W. was particularly maligned in the press throughout his 8 years, only to have Obama come in for 8 years of truly dividing the country.

    Had Trump been allowed to do his job in peace, rather than be taken down from all sides, we might've started to fix our country, but...

    And like Shane mentioned, Covid and George Floyd's death, but especially Covid were used as a means to derail Trump's presidency because without those huge problems and distractions, in early 2020, it looked unlikely that the Democrats could unseat Trump.

    That was unacceptable to the Democrats...and, well, look at that, mass chaos ensued, including tanking our very strong economy and seriously damaging, if not ruining, a generation of school children and college students by denying them a true education for nearly two years. We will be picking up the pieces from that fall-out for a very long time.
    onceanlsufan, kcal and XXL TideFan like this.

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