"Class" : Posted elsewhere by me

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Skrayper, Oct 31, 2002.

  1. Skrayper

    Skrayper Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I guess what I'm getting at with that, is that people saw Bama cheat... and because it's Bama, therefore, they should get the death penalty. Most people who want the death penalty (who think 2 year bowl ban and loss of 15 scholarships is not enough) rarely give any reason, and much less so a GOOD reason.
    I'm not saying Alabama was completely innocent, I'm just saying wishing for the death penalty because you don't like the school but look the other way if your school has had sanctions or is under investigation, is classless. Would you disagree with that?
  2. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    You dont have any friends who are LSU fans !!!! :(

    O.K. O.K. I see you are what we call an LSUist or an Anti LSU'er.

    We dont kind to you folk.. (Just kidding)

    Good post.
  3. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    However I must disagree with the Bama Death Penalty issue.

    I think Bama was rail roaded and made an example.

    Reason - They were NOT found guilty of lack of institutional control. WHich is huge, meaning this was some rouge booster. Now I am not stupid to think that people at Bama did not know about it. But not ones in power in my opinion.
    Bama was a Ro-Peat Offender (See Raising Arizona) recititive (sp?). It is one bone head name but its not them.

    They had some jack-ass like me who is a die hard fan, lives and dies by this mess, with tons of money acting on his own. I think they should have been exposed, and personally I think what they got may be somewhat in line. However the Death Penalty no.. Never.

    If the had money, I bet some idiot like me would go to area High Schools and buy the kids some "Bling Bling" as they say to get them to "sign here young man".
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't even know the details of Alabama's transgressions. I just know you got caught and got busted. If you get caught again you should get busted big!

    It's got nothing to do with it being Alabama. It's a delusion that every school in the SEC is out to get you. Bama just ain't the storied program that it used to be. The Aubies are ruthless with you but the rest of the conference really only cares that Bama plays by the rules.

    LSU went through five years of basketball probation. We didn't like it either but were never really worried about the death penalty because there was no pattern of abuse. Auburn screams that Bama has cheated for years, I really don't know. But Alabama fans surely do seem worried that they won't make it through probation without something foul floating to the surface.

    If it happens it won't have anything to do with "classless" fans from Auburn or anywhere else. It will have been Bama's own doing.

    Don't make me hard on you Skyray, 90 percent of your post was right on the money and well stated.
  5. BamaBengal

    BamaBengal Founding Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    this post is an excellent example of what internet boards could and should be about. Everyone honestly stating their own opinions, not everyone in 100% agreement but no trash talking or dragging on with negativety. There is hope in the world!!
  6. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    This a great example of a discussion that we would not be having if it were not a bye week. Folks, I do believe there is a bit much made of this issue of the class act fan. There are morons everywhere, ignore them and go on with life. Now it is just 8 days before LSU gets a chance to kick some ass. Geaux Tigers!!!!!
  7. Tiger Dabbs

    Tiger Dabbs T.D.

    Oct 30, 2002
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    just wondering.....

    if anyone out here is naive enough to believe that every school does not break the rules at some level? I attended LSU and Miss State(I know it's odd) and I have a relative that played for Ole Miss. Alumni giving $100+ handshakes after football games is present at all schools.

    I don't believe any school should get the death penalty. Even as bad as I dislike Alabama, I don't think they should get the death penalty.

    If the NCAA were to investigate any school in the country, at any given time, they would find infractions. I have seen it first hand at nearly every SEC school. The investigations go around in cycles. Look at the history of penalties assessed in the last 20 years. Which school in the SEC hasn't been caught? OK, maybe Vandy?

    When it comes back around to us, I don't want a chance at the death penalty. Do you?
  8. Tiger Dabbs

    Tiger Dabbs T.D.

    Oct 30, 2002
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    SEC major infractions over last 20 years

    Date Institution
    February-02 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
    January-02 University of Kentucky
    February-99 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
    November-98 Louisiana State University
    June-97 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
    March-97 University of Georgia
    March-96 Mississippi State University
    August-95 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
    November-94 University of Mississippi
    August-93 Auburn University
    April-92 Vanderbilt University
    November-91 Auburn University
    September-91 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    February-91 University of South Carolina, Columbia
    September-90 University of Florida
    May-89 University of Kentucky
    March-88 University of Kentucky
    March-87 University of South Carolina, Columbia
    December-86 University of Mississippi
    October-86 Louisiana State University
    October-86 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    September-86 Mississippi State University
    May-85 University of Georgia
    January-85 University of Florida
    January-85 University of Georgia
    September-82 University of Georgia
    November-80 Auburn University
    May-79 Auburn University
    November-78 University of Georgia
    December-76 University of Kentucky
    September-75 Mississippi State University

    info compiled from NCAA database on major infractions
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Digressing a bit...I went to (then) USL and attended the football games with a radio tuned to John Ferguson stuck in my ear.

    I want Notre Dame to lose every game in every sport. If that makes me a bad fan, so be it
  10. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Saban Fan....

    I cann't find anything wrong with that. Sounds like a great fan to me.

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