Congrats, tiggahs...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by RocketCityDawg, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. RocketCityDawg

    RocketCityDawg Freshman

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Lest ye get too excited about today's huge win, remember that you beat a team that lost to Maine last weekend. I didn't know Maine had a football team, until I actually saw them get off the bus in Starkville last Saturday.

    I congratulate Saban for not trying to make the score 80 or 100 to nothing, which it probably could have been.

    I also congratulate our massively outgunned-outmanned little team with a really shallow talent pool for sticking around and still trying to make plays until the very end.

    Our Coach Croom has a long road, a difficult road, in front of him. I also congratulate him for accepting that challenge.


    Hey, at least we beat Tulane...some of you must like that.
  2. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    Are you kidding? Of course we're glad.

    We are happy to have the win and happy that you beat Tulane. We know that your team was out-gunned and out-manned. I doubt that you'll find ANY LSU Tiger fan giving you a hard time about the game today.

    Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the nice words.
  3. RocketCityDawg

    RocketCityDawg Freshman

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Thanks, Baratarian.

    Regardless of how bad off MSU is this year, it's still an SEC win for you guys.
    I watched that ugly game [for us] with an Aubie friend. Here in Alabama, Auburn fans haven't rubbed in their drubbing of us a couple of weeks ago, and I wouldn't expect LSU fans to do otherwise.

    It's hard for a top team to get too excited when you get a win over a really weak sister. It's a ho-hum event. Good luck the rest of the way.

  4. Hey Rocket, I hate to see you guys continue to struggle that bad but you have a good coach there. Once he assembles some talent, State will be right back into the mix, thanks for coming to the board.
  5. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Nothing to rub in, everyone knows it will be a while before the dogs turn it around. On a good note for you guys I think you have a damn fine coach. I really like to hear his no nonsense tell it like it is way of talking. However it will take some time for even a really good coach to turn the program around. I would hate to see the score had Visor boy been the LSU coach today because you know he would be throwing deep late in the fourth. Saban never tries to embarass anyone and I think Croom is the same type of coach.
  6. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    Thanks for the congrats. After last week, I was hoping that our Tiger would come out hungry this week, which they did. I'm just sorry that it was your MSU team that had the unfortunate experience of playing us following a heartbreaking loss.

    I never would have expected an SEC team--especially a team like MSU that had fairly recently participated in an SEC title game--to drop as hard as ya'll have these past few seasons. I mean, performances like you guys had vs Maine last week are suppossed to be reserved for the likes of Vandy and Kentucky?!?!?! :shock:

    Best of luck the rest of the season. I think Croom is the guy to rebuild MSU--but like you said, it's not going to happen overnight. Omar Connor (?), seems to have the tools (if only they learn to block for the kid), to be pretty good. Hope he's ok.
  7. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    I think Saban did a good job of allowing our QB's to still get some work in and do it in a way that he didn't run up the score too badly.

    I mean, when Russell came in, the game was already in hand, but it wouldn't have been fair if all Russell did was hand the ball off. So I think the play calling was good.
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I remember a few years ago when the tide was turned.
    If I remember right you guys were winning games and went to the SECCG and
    we were like you are today.

    Keep your chin up and things will get better for you, It may take a few years
    but you guys will be back.

    Good Luck the rest of the year and I hated to see a couple of your players get hurt, I hope they are all ok. :thumb:
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I would have liked to have seen Matt Flynn throw a few more passes. He was basically in the hand the ball off and run the clock mode from the time he entered the game. If it hadn't been for a penalty putting LSU in a long yardage situation he probably wouldn't have thrown the TD to the X Man. I did like seeing the way Hester ran the ball with the Moo U D knowing it was coming.

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