Cotton Bowl Parking

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TCUTiger, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    For those that have not been to stadium, there are designated tailgate areas, not sure if those spots will cost more as they usually do.

    Also, not sure if any LSU orgs plan large tailgates but it would definitely help if you park somewhere close to where you tailgate. Many of the lots allow pre-purchase of parking spots and if you know where you need to be
    it will save time looking for a spot.

    I am hoping DFW/FTW alum associations come up with a joint tailgate of some sort not sure if they have plans.

    Also not sure Cotton Bowl (jerry world) controls all lots, there are other companies you can buy parking passes from. Those looking to park for free and walk, better get ready to walk a long way.

    Parking - 2011 AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic:geauxtige
  2. lsudallasweb

    lsudallasweb Freshman

    Dec 12, 2010
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    The LSU Alumni Organizations in Dallas and Fort Worth have teamed together to provide a number of activities for the Cotton Bowl, including an all day tailgate. The tailgate starts at 8:00 am with a live broadcast of the "The Press Box Show with Jimmy Ott" on 1210 The Score and will continue with an LSU DJ through out the day. Visit LSU Alumni Dallas - Home or LSU Alumni - Tarrant Tigers for more info on this, parking, and much more!

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