Dear, Thank you for opening up your home and welcoming us to it with the warmest of southern hospitality. You are indeed to be commended for your kindness to your neighbors to the east. We feel connected to you. Connected not in the sense of equal talent, or perceived ability, but connected in that we share that we have the opportunity to achieve great things through uncommon effort. Your team lies upon the threshold of the future. Ours does also. We have together, not arrived here without sacrifice. Excellence at this level can be a slave to detail. It also has rewards without peer. Both teams fans have a chance to demonstrate to the fans to come, that true athletic endeavor is not limited to wins and losses on the scoreboard, but wins and losses in lifes' journey. The rewards extend far beyond the physical trophies received, or the record book entries. In the end it is about, did I do my best? Did I treat my opponent with respect? Was I true to myself? This Saturday, there will be a winning team as indicated by the scoreboard. And they will celebrate, as well they should. The other team will feel badly, as well they should. And come Monday morning, they will concentrate upon the next challenge. And hopefully, they will add these experiences to their books of life. Thanks for all the fun. Will talk to you after the game.
What a bunch of crap !!! Zeke here, again. This guy's a jerk. IM4's belly is full of cheap wine and he has passed out. I'm on the way to the cologne colony, and he's spouting off about who knows what? If anyone can use the services of a talented chimp, get in touch with Ellis. It would be appreciated.
To Better Understand... To better understand please see the previous post by IM4USC:
Thanks, Jake. I'm still grieving the loss of old Zeke. He flew out today at no cost to me. Max Factor picked up the entire tab. People around the globe will be safer because of his contribution to research. And all of the non-smack-talking LSU fans played a part in Zeke's courageous story.
Go figure? We are such an easy mark when it comes to smack! We share a state with Clemsux. That's a virtual pasture of smack, insults and put-downs all by itself. Oh well too late for Zeke. I'll encourage the wife and daughter to buy Max Factor so his brave sacrifice won't be in vain. I just realized I'm as bad as they are I come to an SEC opponents board on the week of our game, bond with their fans and talk smack.......about Clemsux.......pitiful.
Not yet , satisfied that is , but maybe closer after the game , don't worry we will chat again !! I will say one thing for you ( GEAUX TIGERS!!! GEAUX TIGERS !!!! ) msully said that did you hear