Do you #standwithahmed?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by StaceyO, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You are quite incorrect. There are a lot of poor muslims without educations around the world, just as in America. But those that wish to learn can do so in some very fine institutions in Qatar and muslims come from all over to study there. There are approximately 338 international schools in the country. Several prestigious universities from around the world have satellite campuses in the country including Cambridge, University College London, Cornell University, Weill Medical College, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Northwestern University and Texas A&M University.

    You really don't know a damn thing about Qatar, do you?
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Well, gays go to prison, if you support Qatar and don't think that's barbaric, who am I to judge.

    Also as afar as your educated Muslims go, it's interesting that you mention Cambridge. Trinity college Cambridge has produced more nobels than all Muslims in the history of the earth. They aren't the best academics.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    A pitiful judge, I suspect. I don't support Qatar, I'm educating you about it because you make a lot of blind assumptions.

    So what? The point was that they aren't illiterate, muslims do student to travel to go to school there, and they are a major American ally and US-friendly country.
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    You mention these schools have satellite campuses there, which is not saying much. Harvard could put a campus in port au prince and it wouldn't mean Haiti was smart.

    You don't appear to disagree with me that Qatar is barbaric, so not sure why you are claiming I know nothing about it. Like most Islamic countries it is way way behind in human rights.

    Islam is tricky because the left is desperate to be seen as non racist, but Islamic countries are deeply discriminatory themselves, so the left has a tricky position of defending them because they are brown, while they place the gays in jail, and the gays are the lefts other pet.

    The fact is the most Muslim countries are significantly more primitive and less educated than Europe. Even the rich one like UAE are not very smart. Islam is stupid, and it followers are stupid. Like Ahmed.
    tigerchick46 and shane0911 like this.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Must be tough being a liberal and having to wait to be told what to think
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Foolish logic. Nobody is concerned with Qatar being smart, but about why students go there to study. If Harvard put a campus in Haiti, smart students would attend.

    You generalize. You have offered no evidence that Qatar is barbaric. It is not like Saudi Arabia. The point you keep avoiding is that western educations are available in Qatar. Modern educations with scholarships available.

    This is a pet notion of yours, but nobody here is bemoaning islamic discrimination. You are quarreling with yourself.

    Typical rambling diatribe that has nothing to do with the point I made. We know you are a racist, an atheist, and an islamophobe, OK? But the fact remains, Qatar is a place that many muslims go to obtain Western educations. Live with it.
  7. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    So as long as it doesn't sink to SA standards, it's not barbaric? Marital rape is not a crime. Women are not equal in any way. 15 years in jail for speaking your mind. Flogging for drinking and kinky sex. Migrants who are enslaved, beaten, tortured, and can't leave because their passports have been confiscated. Apostasy is illegal and can carry a death penalty sentence.

    Muslim leaders in America know it's a bad idea.
    "Yaser Birjas, imam of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center in Irving, cautioned that people who move from America to Muslim countries are often disappointed when they discover restrictions they never experienced in the U.S.

    “Here in America, you have much more freedom practicing the faith,” he said.

    For others, the family move to the Middle East sends an unfortunate message.

    Yousuf Fahimuddin, a Muslim journalist in the San Francisco Bay area, believes the family’s departure will only perpetuate the idea that Muslims are not loyal to the U.S.

    “I don’t think moving to Qatar, a country with its own share of problems, constructively helps fight prejudice,” Fahimuddin said in an email."
    Who gives a shit? It's still freakin Qatar. I'd take the worst we have to offer over the best they have.

    "since the eighteenth century—European missionaries, followed by American Christians, were founding dozens of schools and institutions of higher learning in the Middle East, while the French established institutions of higher learning in North Africa. Thus, neither the globalization of higher education nor “Westernization” is a new trend in the Middle East.....

    In the course of the nineteenth century, higher education clearly became a nationalist issue as well as a geopolitical tool in the Middle East. Increasing resentment in the region against both Western imperialism and Ottoman rule contributed to education being seen as a means of acquiring power.

    Geopolitical and nationalist dynamics, then, combined to convey on higher education a powerful political symbolism, especially in Palestine and Egypt. Schools and universities nurtured nationalism throughout the region, and the new states emerging from decolonization moved swiftly to control the campuses on their soil. Indeed, campuses remain a central concern for contested regimes,

    most of the universities in the Arab world shifted a long time ago from being matrices of development to becoming objects of policing. Practically, this is illustrated by the presence of intelligence services on campuses, and the consequent control that they exercise over the faculty and the student body

    Three places of especially flourishing academic activity are Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Each of these countries, however, has followed a distinct pattern of academic development; together, they also exemplify three degrees of state control over higher education. In Qatar, funding is mainly governmental, through the Qatar Foundation:.....The development of local higher education may eventually relocate previously mobile student populations in stable enclaves within the Arab Middle East, and foster a collective Arab identity at the expense of the overture to the West. Furthermore, previous experience shows that imported knowledge, techniques, and institutions can be domesticated.

    neither analysts nor human rights NGO’s consider any of the GCC countries to be democratic or liberal. This raises the question: How sustainable are the educational reforms in these countries? The Gulf States retain a primary interest in exercising political control over society, as well as in securing the primacy of their own citizenry vis-à-vis foreign residents....In the realm of academic governance, independent faculty senates are absent, while intrusive political funders are present. And from the perspective of outside the Gulf, to what extent are top-ranking foreign academics ready to live and work in authoritarian countries? Repressive local laws against homosexuality, for example, kept the University of Connecticut from closing a deal with Dubai."

    You cannot separate geopolitics and higher education. I don't know what "really smart" students or faculty would be interested in an educational process, even a free one, when the environment is suppressive and the antithesis of freedom.
    Jmg and Winston1 like this.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Yet there are no known instances of execution for apostasy in Qatar! Look, Islamic countries have different idea of what is "barbaric" than we do. It's their friggin' country, not ours. They think we are decadent. But some islamic countries are forward looking, just don't expect any of them to turn into Jeffersonian democracies. That has not really worked anywhere but North America.

    Well, its not about you wanting to study in Qatar, its about a muslim kid studying in Qatar. You think he's going there to be a terrorist. I'm saying that there are a number of modern schools in Qatar designed for muslim students and it is entirely understandable why a scholarship to a prestigious prep school there attracted him.

    Of course I can. The kid is going to school, not entering politics.

    Then don't go there. But don't pretend you can't understand why Ahmed would like to.
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Look, red, I like to play the cultural relativism game sometimes as well. But you have to, for example, admit that South Africa under apartheid was barbaric, just as you have to admit that nations that jail people for gay stuff are barbaric. Even if we maintain friendly relations with them.

    I am not a huge gay rights guy, I don't care if they can marry or not. But when they are jailed for being gay even I will say thats fucking barbaric.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I have been to these countries, I have to been to multiple places with the death penalty for homosexuality and apostasy. They are barbaric. And Yunno, whatever, they do what they do, so be it. But if you are Ahmed and you are gonna raise all hell when you get inconvenienced for a half day because you like hoax bombs, don't go on a "America is racist I am an innocent genius " tour, and act all uppity. Because Ahmed himself is a part of a dangerous and awful religion, and the place he is moving to makes the United States look like a paradise of tolerance.

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