Duck Dynasty controversy

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GregLSU, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    These are the stories media outlets pump out to make you forget about issues that actually matter.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Not really. It is the flavor of the month as served by those in the media with a self-appointed purpose. What I find funny is that this show has been on for several seasons and until this video appeared, how many gays and blacks were viewers? How many were being hurt by what his detractors refer to as a "stupid ignorant redneck"? If he is ignorant, ill-informed, and backwoods, why do gays and blacks like Rev. Jackson care about what he ways or give any personal weight to his words? Just don't watch the show.

    GLADD is saying they want to sit down with Robertson. Why? Do they really think it will result in a life-changing event for him or his family? Or are they just intent on controlling the public dialogue on what is and always will be, a controversial subject?

    And that is why you see so much consternation and uproar. It fringes on things that many Americans (used to be most) hold dear and are willing to fight and die for. One doesn't have to agree with Phil Robertson to be willing to give their life to defend his right to say what he believes. The more the government takes things away, little bits at a time, the less the public is willing to complain.

    What country has had our history in terms of fighting for and establishing our rights?
    shane0911 and KyleK like this.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    His freedom of speech was not personally infringed on, I agree. What we are left with is the idea that if you don't follow the PC line on certain words and thoughts, you can and will be punished. There is an effort by the groups who oppose Robertson to control the debate and limit certain words and beliefs. I find that to be scary. Phil doesn't scare me at all. He has a perspective based on the life he has led. Why can't his point of view resonate with people? If it does, I don't care.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Phil also says men should marry 15 and 16 year old girls. If people are upset about Phil's point of view, no matter how ass backwards racist and bigoted this guy is, then the people have a problem. Dont watch the show, Phil doesnt have any bearing on my life. He has every right to say what he wants to say. But only the people who "are not offended" or agree with him are wrong to defend on him the premise. Defend his right to say it, not the bullshit he said.
    uscvball and Winston1 like this.
  5. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    He works for A&E. Isn't the right always screaming about right of corporations? GLAAD and other organizations have just as much right to bitch and moan about what the dude said, as he has the right to say it.

    It would be one thing if these people were only doing this to crazy ass conservatives, but they do it to their own too. They tried murdered Alec Baldwin for saying faggot and he is a liberal, they murdered Anthony Weiner for sending dick pics.

    I don't have a problem with anything the jack ass said. If everyone were able to say what they feel with no backlash, we would all know who these people really are. I have never, and will never buy anything with those idiots from Monroe on it, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to speak their mind. But If I am on television, spewing all kinds of drivel about marrying women at 15 so you can basically control them and have them trained to your liking like a fucking dog by time they are adults, I better damn well be ready to get fired from my job.
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    His personal point of view IS ignorance because the definition of ignorance is a lack of knowledge or education. His comments are ignorant because it personifies that definition. This isn't a matter of opinion anywhere else but church pews and that is not sufficient to make his position tenable. Further, making women more or less submissive is not the role of a man; to insinuate otherwise is untrue and indicative of sexism. I watched the video, I know what he said, and what he said is that men should marry 15 or 16 year old girls. Is that a position that you want to defend?

    Discriminating against black people was also once legal in Louisiana, does that make it right? God bless Phil for being considerate enough to advise the guys to get consent. Again, IGNORANCE.

    The third paragraph of yours is the crux of the problem. You place value in that book; I do not. Religion and the Bible are the epitomy of ignorance because a whole group of people are basing their entire fucking lives and their thinking upon something that isn't the truth. And you are wrong about who gets a seat at the table; those seats are reserved for reasonable people; I don't know any religious folk who are reasonable enough to sit at that table. Are there well meaning people in the "flock?" Sure, but they are a diminishing number of people.

    No, I don't generalize. Preachers are lazy. Just plain old fucking lazy asses who don't want to get a real job so they find a gravy position....and doing what? What is their job description? What do they do on a day to day basis? Lazy and fat, that's most of them and I detest that they get such a free ride. I hit the nail on the head when I called them snake oil salesmen, and nothing else. Further, the church is a farse. If the church was serious about following the teachings of Christ, the first they would do is sell every bit of prime real estate in this country that their edifices occupy and take that money and help feed the poor; because that's what Christ commanded. But here's the problem: these people are not followers of Christ; they are not Christians. They are the equivalent of the Pharisee's and Sadducees from Jesus' day....go back and take a look at how he treated them. Today's "Christians" are little more than money changers.

    I am not surprised that you would be the one to try and defend this kind of ignorance. I've never once seen a post of your that amounted to more than drivel. Worse, when presented with the facts you slink away like a thief who just got caught. Let me explain something to you: the world is leaving your kind behind. Younger generations want nothing to do with religion, in fact the fastest growing "religion" is deism. Funny enough, this is the theology of the vast majority of our founding fathers. It was the age of reason or enlightenment then and they were not given to the emotional drivel like the religious of today espouse. When I hear people say that this nation was founded on Christian principles I always laugh because that is little more than a revisionist form of history. Our founding fathers were men of reason, not lame ass pretenders, and they sure as hell were not religious. Isn't that what we left England for in the first place?
  7. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Not one damn thing has been infringed upon. You and your ass backwards friends need to realize that no one's first amendment rights were violated. The man spoke his mind and he is now suffering the consequences in the public eye because a vast majority of American's think he is wrong, but he hasn't been arrested or abducted by the government. He is free to say what he wants and we are free to call him a fucking dumb ass for saying what he did. What you are actually trying to do is infringe on everyone else's First Amendment rights by trying to tell us we can't criticize his ignorance. The government hasn't taken anything from you but that doesn't stop your paranoia from thinking so; what's your problem? Are you a mental patient? Their medication for this condition; you should see a doctor and have some.
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Lets see NC go from this to Martin Bashir, Alex Baldwin recently back to James Carville and his comment about trolling through a trailer park with a $100 bill and so many more over the years they are innumerable as any right wingers. They is also an insufferable air of superiority from the left that reeks of bigotry. You can deny it but it exists and runs strong.
    uscvball likes this.
  10. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Sure, they all have a right to say what they want. And yet, A&E put fake bleeping in to create a wrong perception about who this family is and then they market it as "reality" TV. I guess that would be another reason why I don't watch that show. A&E does have some good shows like First 48 that I watch but Duck Dynasty isn't on my list.

    The thing about Alec Baldwin is, he was employed on a news network, not a cable station doing reality programs. He called the photog a c***su***** fa*. It wasn't his first time uttering similar diatribes, including against his own daughter. He has displayed violent tendencies. He is unbalanced and doesn't belong on TV because he does incite violence IMO.

    He didn't spew the 15 year old marriage drivel on TV. He was filmed giving a talk to a young hunter's group. The video was dredged up by gay right's groups to get after him. Couldn't A&E have done due diligence before they created this show? They probably did and loved what they found.

    Where is all the outrage regarding the mainstream marketing using pictures, commercials, films, etc that portray women as nothing but victims to be beaten, raped, and controlled? Don't think it's there? Try reading.....

    That is far more insidious than ole Phil.
    KyleK likes this.

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