Earthquake in France

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Mar 17, 2003.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    March 17, 2003.

    Today it was reported that severe earthquakes have occurred in 10
    different locations in France. The severity was measured in excess of 10
    on the Richter Scale. The cause was the 56,681 dead American soldiers
    buried in French soil rolling over in their graves. According to the
    American Battle Monuments Commission there are 26,255 Yankee dead from
    World War I buried in 4 cemeteries in France. There are 30,426 American
    dead from World War II buried in 6 cemeteries in France. These 56,681
    brave American heroes died in their youth to liberate a country which is
    guilty of shameful unspeakable behavior in the 21st century. May the United
    States of America never forget their sacrifice as we find ways to
    forcefully deal with the Godforsaken unappreciative, forgetful country of
  2. J_Oats

    J_Oats Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    I like how Americans expect the French to blindly follow our government into eternity because we liberated their country twice.

    I always like for someone to do a good deed for me, then constantly remind me of it and expect me to do whatever they want forever.

    I'm sure there is some old spun saying about this, but I'm not good with sayings.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Do a little due diligence. Study up on how the French Government has misled the US since the 1441 resolution was 1st discussed. Learn how they cornholed us for their own selfish reasons. Understand how they are, even now, selling fighter aircraft parts to the Iraquis. Then, let's see if you are so supportive of Chirac and his crew.
  4. ashgeaux

    ashgeaux Founding Member

    Jan 14, 2003
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    Those shirts will make great birthday presents. To bad they're to expensive for this poor college student.

    Dad, brothers take notice. ;)
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Don't forget it was the French that helped Iraq build the nuclear reactor that Israel blew up in 1981. If action is not taken now one day there will be a nuclear version of 9-11
  6. J_Oats

    J_Oats Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    Look, I am no french lover, but I am so sick and tired of people bringing up the French helping the Iraqis build the reactor back in the 70's, and Saddam's trip to Paris in 74.

    The US had good relations with Saddam and Iraq in the 70's, just as much of the international community did. The United States sold Iraq weapons, US firms were responsible for Saddam getting Anthrax. It's not just the French who did things for Iraq. If the world community had know he was going to become a ruthless despot, they would have never helped him, but hindsight is 20/20, and that goes for American just as it goes for the French
  7. Tiger Dabbs

    Tiger Dabbs T.D.

    Oct 30, 2002
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    OK, genius let me get this straight. You ADMIT Sadam has become a ruthless despot? YET, you still think it's ok for France to stand by and let him continue arming himself? That is some great reasoning you have there! Must have french ancestry.

    By the way, SabanFan, as always....great posts.

    God Bless America. Love it or LEAVE IT!!
  8. J_Oats

    J_Oats Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    I admit that there are dozens of ruthless despots, why do you stand by and let them to continually arm themselves?

    Actually I am 5th generation american, of mostly Italian & Irish decent.

    Why do you have to make fun of me because we disagree on something?? Is that really necassary?

    Also, did I ever say that I was okay with the French allowing him to continue to arm himself? There are dozens of ruthless despot's in the world, are we attacking all of them?

    I just am not sure that it is necasary to attack Iraq, because to me, Iraq seems to have done very little since the gulf war in terms of aggressive behavior. It seems unnecasary to ruin America's international reputation and credibility(whether that was deserved or not is besides the point, because it is happening), and to put American, British, Australian, and civilian lives on the line to attack someone I don't see as much of a threat just because George W. Bush tells me he is.

    But, since the military campaign has begun, I have thrown my hat into the George W. Bush ring, and I support him all the way.
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Are you aware that Saddam offered to pay $25000 to families of those terrorists who blew themselves up while killing innocents?

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