Time for a new thread. What are your predictions and how many seats in the house will the dems lose this cycle? Due to redistricting and the ongoing blundering of the current “crisis”, there’s no way they hold on to their majority.
I think it’s too early to make a meaningful prediction. Trend is running to a significant Republican advance in the house +50 seats). Senate is more difficult to predict as primary resowill be important. However the republicans should regain the majority.
This whole right to vote bullshit should be called right to cheat. Hell they're giving illegals the right to vote in places they have total control. They are against anything to insure vote integrity. You have to ask why? The only logical answer is they want to cheat and are pulling out the old race card to get it. The libs are so upset they might have to find a new ways to cheat.
REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT!! If HR1 makes it through, the GOP will never hold a majority in the Senate again, nor will they ever win POTUS again. Short of a true insurrection ... we are talking about "off with their heads" style like has happened other places, the GOP will be toast.
They are doing everything they can to make it so and they have idiots like rex slurping up all the bullshit false claims that they spout about "voter suppression" which just isn't true.
We are in the middle of an insurrection right now. Always remember whatever the DEMOCRATS accuse us of doing they are already doing it or trying to do it. Fools like Rex and Rockwall think that if the DEMOCRATS get their way they will gave a seat at the table. They will be used like Stalin used his useful idiots.