I suppose "we can trust" what our Chancellor sez. I didn't get permission from any of our "Quixotic Naysayers" but here is a reply from today's Times Picayane b/w Ted Lewis and Chancellor Emmert: How disappointed were you with the outcome of the effort to change the percentage of seats in Tiger Stadium controlled by the TAF? We have to find a mechanism to generate sufficient revenues to maintain our competitiveness over the long run. Whether it's the Tiger Athletic Foundation or some other vehicle, we have to find a way to generate the total revenue we find out of Tiger Stadium. That's a given. There's a lot of misunderstanding about TAF. That's the part I'm really disappointed in. TAF wound up being vilified when, in fact, here's a group who do nothing more than give their time, their money and their energy to try make LSU a better place. AND PEOPLE SOMEHOW THINK THAT'S EVIL. THAT'S JUST BIZARRE TO ME.* *CAPS FOR EFFECT..UH HUH :~\ Plus..whaddaya think about Manning's Massive Recruiting Camp on a Louisiana Public University Campus EVERY YEAR??!!?? Should a private individual, with unabashed loyalty to OLE MISS, be given unfettered access to a public facility for his and his "alma mater's" benefit? Read THIS and express how you "like demz apples": Tuesday is the deadline for signing up for the Manning Passing Academy, scheduled for July 10-13 at the Southeastern Louisiana campus in Hammond. A record 800 campers from 26 states are expected. For more information, check manningpassingacademy.com. . . . --