First it was Gottfried and Grizzard...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by EastBankTiger, Nov 19, 2002.

  1. EastBankTiger

    EastBankTiger Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    now, it's Frannie and Beard. Just what is it about Baton Rouge that seems to make bama folks want to make idiots of themselves? Only Wells seems to have taken the high road - obviously a tribute to Skip's influence.
  2. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Gee fella, are you saying Coach Saban was beat by an Idiot?
  3. EastBankTiger

    EastBankTiger Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    No - I said that he ACTED like an idiot..

    and I believe that you're smart enough to know the difference. Obviously, he's not an idiot to have done the job that he has in his second season at Bama. His track record at Bama and his previous stops prove without a doubt that he has exceptional coaching ability. All the more reason that, if I were a Bama fan, I would hate to see actions like Saturday night's detract from his success. I truly believe that he and Nick are presently the 2 best coaches in the SEC, with only UGA's Richter close to them. I just think that if he's gonna pick a fight with Nick, he's asking for trouble, BIG TIME.
  4. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Let's see.

    Could Grizzard being called racist names from the student section be a reason to be upset?

    Perhaps some of our players were upset due to our buses being rocked and pelted with cans, etc. on their arrival?

    Perhaps Coach Fran was upset with some of the things mentioned by the LSU staff during the recruitment of Kenneth Darby? I know Darby's coach was.

    Don't characterize your baseball team as a different breed. I was at the game where one of your players hit a home run only to proceed around the bases "hot-dogging" and pretending to shoot two guns at our pitcher.

    The bottom line is this rivalry is getting heated. Whether emotions from those here remain tepid is still to be seen.
  5. EastBankTiger

    EastBankTiger Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    Are you for real?

    your post was staggering in its stupidity. Oh, we called Griz racist names, did we? Did it ever occur to you that if that had happened, that the black LSU players on the court with Griz would have taken exception to that? Or does common sense escape your mindset? Buses pelted with rocks and cans, huh? I see that you've been reading the Auburn boards. I'm surprised that you didn't say that we hit one of your elderly, cancer--ridden fans in the head with a football or that an 80 year old granny flipped you off. Oh, and we showed your pitcher up after hitting a home run - the same pitcher that TWICE threw at our batters? (For the record, one, Skip jumped the played (Zinsman) that you mentiod and removed him from the game. Two, in my mind, that doesn't excuse the Tiger players actions, any more than it excuses and Tide player or coache's actions - like Gottfried trying to storm at Brady and Beshara) Here's the facts - for all Bama's talk about "winning with class", they're proving themselves to be nothing but PUNKS. By your mindset, I guess that it was LSU's fault as well when your fullback cheap shotted and punched the UCF player after they beat ya'll 2 years ago, right?

    One last thing - PLEASE spare me this "negative recruiting" crap. EVERYONE (including Frannie and Bama) practice it again their rivals. If you think otherwise, please tell me where we can meet - because I want to see the look on your face when I laugh right into it. Thanks for the laugh - I'm done with you now - enjoy watching the SECC and the bowl games - ON PROBATION :)

    VP-TIGER Freshman

    Nov 10, 2002
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  7. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Perhaps you failed to see question marks?

    I was simply posing questions and observations. The question in this thread was in regards to the tension has reached this fervor. I offered a few questions as to what may be underlying reasons. It's a simple, objective thing...a question.

    Your counter points lose credibility when you begin questioning my intelligence only to follow your disertation up with "where can I meet you so......"

    I'm curious, would you happen to be one of the few who were there at the end of the game?

    If you know so much about the incident in the baseball game I asked a question about, perhaps you could tell me...was it Friday night, Saturday or Sunday afternoon I'm refering to?

    Don't be so hasty to "jump" all over what I post, my friend. You'll find it an excercise in futility.
  8. EastBankTiger

    EastBankTiger Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2002
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    I'm assumingthat you mean the 2001 series...

    played in Tuscaloosa. If you are and my memory serves, we're discussing the Sunday game, as there were still some harsh feelings after Saturday's game which ended with LSU winning on an appeal play when they Bama runner tagged up from 3rd and scored what would have been the tying run with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th. Now - shut yourself down and quit your stupid "posing." It's not impressing anyone here, least of all me. Aren't you guys playing Auburn this week? Go bore those guys. Also, be sure to pull for us when we play in our bowl game - seeing as that's a feeling you won't experience yourself for some time to come :) hehe
  9. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    My life long quest has failed to be realized

    I have failed to impress you. Whoa is me! LOL!

    It does, at first glance of our little discussion, seem to be a waste of time to venture into barner country. This is much more entertaining for one and the barners can't carry on conversations without resorting to "best team money can buy", "Francis", and other little barbs such as these. However, I'm beginning to see the same behavior being resorted to in these parts.

    You are right, it was 2001. Did you enjoy your trip to T-town? That was a great series, wasn't it? That scene goes to prove my point. It's one action followed by a reaction leading to another action. These types of meeting are what is beginning to fuel the series in baseball, basketball and now football into an inferno.

    Just to add one small point. We haven't been accused of recruiting with a negative tone by anyone. There isn't a reason for us to recruit that way. I'll give you this, you are one of the first I've seen admit to it.

    What's left of this season is in 3 parts. You take care of Ole' Miss and Arkansas. We will take care of tsdtr. I wish you the best of luck and if you win back-to-back SECCG's it'll be something to celebrate in the Bayou. It's been a long time since you have earned that honor.
  10. chuck

    chuck Founding Member

    Jan 10, 2002
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    Terry . . actually, you are wrong . .

    bama and Coach Fran HAVE been accused on negative recruiting. It has already been reported a few times by the staff at that Coach Fran and his staff are telling players that CTT will not be at Auburn next year and that the coordinators may also be leaving.

    By the way . . Francie has the best team money can buy . .

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