Fixing the PMAC

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by DeathValley, Jan 29, 2003.

  1. DeathValley

    DeathValley Founding Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    LSU cannot fix up the PMAC. Firing Brady and hiring a coach for less money and them using the saved money on the PMAC can't happen. Dosen't any know that the PMAC is owned by the state of Louisiana. LSU is not allowed to do anything with it before they get permission from the state. I'm sure the TAF and LSU are waiting for the day when they can pump tons of money into renovations but for now it is not allowed. I agree that it needs tons of work for example new seats around the entire arena, better locker rooms for the player, and major renovations to the concourse. Lets hope the state gets its act together and hands control of the PMAC to LSU. Our athletic programs don't deserve to play in such a crappy facility. By the way there is a site that has online petition to Save the PMAC. I urge all of you to sign the petition. It also list the extensive problems that the PMAC has.

    Save the PMAC
  2. MikeD

    MikeD Sports Genius

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I agree the PMAC sucks but Brady isn't making that much money in regards to renovating the PMAC. The state should give control to the people that actually use it and would take care of it. And besides, hiring the coach that has been mentioned frequently would cost more than Brady makes.

    And it would be great if that petition had some impact on La. politicians, but I doubt that's the kind of influence that works on them. ;)
  3. Tuwho?

    Tuwho? Banned Forever

    Dec 29, 2001
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    You won't see anything happen with the PMAC for AT LEAST another 2 years. The current Louisiana budget is in a state of such disrepair that (estimates of $100 to 200 million in the hole this year and an estimated $200 to 300 next year) that money going to something as discretionary as the PMAC won't even be in consideration.

    Unless the PMAC is given over to the TAF (something that probably won't happen) and allowing them to raise the funds the PMAC will continue to sit in its dated condition.
  4. DeathValley

    DeathValley Founding Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    How about if LSU and TAF just build a new arena for the teams to play in. Does LSU have a lease with the state on the PMAC. If not the state could not tell LSU they could not build it. This would solve many problems because the PMAC would probably cost too much to fix up.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Renovating the PMAC won't cost that much. It would take years to get a new arena authorized and built. The PMAC is structurally sound and holds a large enough crowd. It only needs:

    New seats
    New bathrooms
    new locker rooms
    new sound system
    a lot of paint.

    The new lights are fine.
  6. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I didn't realize how weak the sound system is at the PMAC until I went to a Hornets game at the New Orleans Arena. The sound system there sounds great, it is very loud but very clear.
  7. JDog

    JDog Freshman

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Why won't the state give up the PMAC?

    I may be ignorant to something obvious, but why is it such a foregone conclusion that the state won't give up control of the PMAC? Are they earning revenue from it? If the state is so poor, why not liquidate some assets? I'm sure the TAF would throw a few dollars at the state to "purchase" it and then be able to spruce it up. Please clarify.

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