Get the Polls & Bowls out...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by diamondheadtiger, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    your minds. We have another BIG payback game on Friday. Its time to start studying some Razorback film. Its useless to rant & rave about the BCS now, as it has been for the last 3 games.
  2. jjfl

    jjfl Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2003
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    Regardless of whether we "fans" study game films or rant about BCS BS, neither will have a bearing on the outcome of the game this Friday.

    Unless of course, dheadtiger, you are an LSU coach. If so, get off this website and start studying some game film of Arkansas. Oh, and by the way, throw the damn ball downfield.
  3. Ryan

    Ryan Founding Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    It's proven time and time again, that the way fans think somehow convert over to the football field. My reasoning for this occurrence is that the way fans think is generally the way media will think. The way the media acts around these players has a large influence on their mindset. That's why they say "They let the articles get to their head."

    I think Saban's a great coach when it comes to this psychology, but lets be honest- we have to take this one game at a time, even as fans.
  4. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Re: Re: Get the Polls & Bowls out...

    I am far from a football coach, just a longtime fan like most of the people on the board. While the NC game is nice to think about, nothing we "AS FANS" can do about it. I find it kind of crazy the board gets dominated by all the BCS stuff. I did not mean we as fans actually go study film, just another way of saying F... the BCS and lets get ready for Arkansas.
  5. jjfl

    jjfl Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2003
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    i hear ya, it's just fun to be able to dream a little.
  6. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Believe me, Im dreaming right there with you, but last years Arky game took away the dreams of a return trip to the SECCG. It took a while to get over that one. Just imagine the shattered dreams it would take away this year if we overlook them.
  7. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    But for every fan that agrees with you, you'll always have double that that will look ahead--ESPECIALLY the media!

    The media's job is to sell papers, etc. And to do that, you have to attack in a manner which is brash and confident. The stronger your words are, the more attention they will garner. If every journalist would be chiming in about "Whoa! Settle down...let's take this one game at a time..", then no one gets excited and pumped up.

    Right now, my focus IS on Arkansas. The last second TD to win it for them last season had me pissed off for weeks--possibly even months! Trust me, I want to exact revenge--and at the highest price.

    That's why this game has been circled on my calender for so long, and that's why when individual game tickets went on sale, THIS was one of the games that I HAD TO HAVE!!!
  8. SpringTiger

    SpringTiger Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Come on, dhead, you can't be serious! We fans are supposed to study film??? We're all here because we are passionate fans of our team, we like to talk about the team and college football, and we have time on our hands. That's what this forum is for - to talk about LSU football and college football in general. That includes everything that goes with it, especially the bowls and the BCS. If we were to restrict the posts on this board to what we see in watching Arkansas game films and what the LSU offensive, defensive and special teams strategies and tactics should or will be in the against Arkansas, I would tune out pretty quickly...
  9. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Hey Spring, check my second response to this thread about the film studying. Im excited as hell about the possiblities. I just thought it my be a little to much getting ahead of ourselves when you log on TF and there is 10-15 threads talking about those possibilities and the only Arkansas thread was started by a hog fan.

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