I'm glad that Roy Williams stuck it to that reporter that was asking him about a possible job change not 5 minutes after he lost a heartbraking game. There is plenty of time for these types of questions in the offseason. Ask the man about the game and the players, not his job. And apparently a college basketball coach other than John Brady curses!
I missed it. What did he say? I would think that reporters would at least give him a chance to speak to his team before asking him that kind of question. But, I guess that's typical. I'm as curious as anyone to find out if he's leaving or not, but right now is not the time to ask.
The reporter did ask about his team first and then asked him about the opening at UNC. Williams responded politely that he knew that she had to ask that question as a journalist but said that as a person she should have some sensitivity. She then prodded again and he said that he didn't give a "shit" about what her producer was saying in her ear that now was not an appropriate time for that question and walked away.
I think it was Bonnie Berstein. First time was wrong as well, but to continue again when the coach just said now was not the time was just horrible. Did she really think he was going to answer right after the game? She could not have really thought he would, so she and her producer were just try to prove that they would ask the "tough" question even if the timing was inappropiate.
She needs to hook-up with the NBC jack-ass who asked Pete Rose the questions before the all-star game a year or 2 ago. What's his name? He also got in Mike Tyson's face about some stuff after the Etienne fight or the Lewis fight can't remember which. Wish Rose or Tyson or both would have clocked him. Speaking of Etienne, I saw the Black Rhino in the grocery store the other day. I was shocked at how big he was. Looks like a middle LB in the pros. absolutely huge.
I think you're talking about Jim Grey, who I can't stand either. I'm sure the Black Rhino looks big in person. I'd never seen him fight until the Tyson 45 second deal. Etienne needs to work out that chest a little. Or get a "Bro" like George Costanza's dad.