Greenies go down!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SabanFan, Dec 28, 2002.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Just thinking. Haven't heard much from the Brady bashers lately. Don't think they've gone away though. They are just lurking behind the woodwork waiting to pounce.
  2. -T-

    -T- Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    They beat a 5-5 Tulane team. Who cares?

    I am a Brady basher win or lose. I have done it since his first few years.
  3. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We beat TULANE!!! No matter what their record, I CARE. Hate them damned greenie weenies.

    I think that the BB team looked pretty good. A little raw and nervous looking at times, but impressive talent and at times great coaching. It is going to be a great SEC season with the talent that the SEC has this year. What will really be interesting is if the media will take notice (and pick up a few more games for National broadcast).
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    My point, exactly. Had they lost to Tulane you and your fellow bashers would have been burning up the board with negative comments.
  5. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    The one thing I do not think anybody who bashes Brady mentions is what he has done with limited scholarships and a program that had bottomed out. He was not only limited by NCAA penalties but he was not able to replace scholarships for Swift or the JC transfer (cannot remember name) that went pro early.
    We are ranked in the top 25. We may also have a top five recruiting class this year.
    Wait to judge him after not having inherited issues tie one of his hands behind his back.
  6. -T-

    -T- Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Swift was the only one to leave for the NBA early under Brady. He made the NCAA penalties much worse by his poor recruiting. He had many players under scholarship leave or get kicked off the team. That is what brought about the very low number of scholarship players. Even the biggest Brady supporters who follow the team will tell you that.

    Of course people would go nuts if the tigers had lost yesterday. It was a game they were supposed to win. Tulane is not good at all. There is no reason to treat this as a big win. It's just like when LSU lost to UAB a couple years ago. If they won by 10 who cares, but when they lost it became a big concern. The tigers did not look impressive yesterday, but they did not look bad either so there really isn't much to comment on. But, I still don't know why they do not force it in to Lloreda on the low post. 2-3 zone or not, he scores at will down there.

    VP-TIGER Freshman

    Nov 10, 2002
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    T is starting to piss me off. It's fan's like him that we don't need.
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's the Chicken and the egg. Did the scholly limits hurt recruiting? Surely. So you take what you can get. Some of those turn out to be flawed of character or IQ. Brady has done quite well considering he's never had a bench. Technically he's head and shoulders above Dale Brown. Recruiting? I haven't seen anything yet that shows me he can't recruit. I would really like to understand why so many (and there are a bunch) so called LSU fans hate Brady. He's our coach!
  9. dallastigers

    dallastigers Founding Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    T - There was nobody here when Brady arrived. Then he gets his scholarships limited. Do you not believe that Alabama's football was and will be hurt by the probation. They lost a coach over it. Brady still managed to recruit Swift and others on the 99-00 team.
    LSU did sign a JC that went pro before he ever played for LSU. I cannot remember his name, but he cost us a scholarship.
    T you need to get back your Prozac wagon. You are the most pessimistic person I have ever seen on a fan board.
  10. roygu

    roygu Founding Member

    Aug 29, 2001
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    How any objective individual, that is an LSU fan can make the arguments that you make and expose your reasons to the public is beyond me. Most of the team that Brady inherited left as soon as he explained that they would have to work their butts off, both in the class room and on the court. He was forced into signing an unusual number of players just to field a team. Naturally some could not stand the frustration of working relentlessly in practice then struggling to eke out a few victories. In addition, I seem to remember Jabbari Smith did not graduate on time, then showed up on campus out of shape, so he did not contribute as early as planned. Stromile did not qualify until late so he came in at midterm out of shape.
    Still Brady took these guys and Brian Beshara, a bench warmer at Rice, a fresman point guard, Bright, and Junior Colege two guard, and coached them into SEC Champions and made it to the final sixteen.
    There is a point guard at Oklahoma, Price, a point guard at Tulane, Spann, a point guard at Miss St., Zimmerman, and one that just left Arkansas, one at Duke, Duhon, all were recruited heavily by LSU. They all are outstanding players. They all turned us down because of PROBATION and Brady had notheing to do with that.
    I understand that Tim Floyd could have two NCAA Championships by now but he turned us down. ;) Jim Harrick was another more popular coach, by some fans, but Brady's team kicks Georgia's butt almost every time that we play them.
    If wining games , graduating players, and having those players represent LSU in a positive manner is the criteria for a good coach then it appears that Brady is doing a fantastic job.

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