Guiliani for SEC Chairman?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Mr. Wonderful, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. Mr. Wonderful

    Mr. Wonderful Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    After 8 years of neglect under the Clinton administration, the market could use a strong SEC chairman like Rudy Guiliani. May make a nice 2 year stint for the next US Senator for New York?
  2. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Actually, it was Pitt who just resigned

    and he was appointed by Sapling. And it was not Levitt, the previous SEC chairman under Clinton that neglected the accounting situation in corporations. It was Newtie Gingrich and the other bribed elephant men who tied Levitt's hands by passing irresponsible bills over Clinton's veto that allowed the corporate accounting frauds to occur. Glad I could clear up your misconceptions and provide facts instead of the lies you just posted on this topic to the board.
  3. Mr. Wonderful

    Mr. Wonderful Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    Accounting Fraud began well before 2000.

    Kudos to President Bush for doing his homework unlike Clinton and acting decisively to rid the SEC of Harvey Pitt. President Bush refuses to be surrounded by incompetent sidekicks. He does his homework and acts promptly and decisively. What a tremendous leader!
  4. Mr. Wonderful

    Mr. Wonderful Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    President Bush will appoint a proven person of integrity!

    He will do his homework on this appointment, no doubt about it. And the partisan hack AG from New York will be on no short list of our great leader. The combination of the no-doubt brilliant next SEC chairman and some quality leadership on the Senate Budget Committee will get this country out of the ditch we were driven into by the Democrats poor policies.
  5. Mr. Wonderful

    Mr. Wonderful Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    Tort Reform?

    That is of no interest to me. I'm looking forward to a new marketing strategy away from diversity to enthusiasm when vetting potential judiciary appointments. "Diversity" as a marketing tool is the NEW COKE, "Enthusiasm" as a marketing ploy is the VANILLA COKE! We need judges committed to enthusiasm on the bench.
  6. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Sapling was forced to dump Harvey Pitt

    In fact, the White House as recently as 10 days ago was publicly supporting Pitt. Clinton and Levitt tried to prevent the opportunity for accounting fraud by consulting and accounting conflicts of interests, but it was the GOP who passed bills and made them into law over Clinton's veto allowing these situations to happen. Pitt should have been dumped long ago, because he was not aggresively trying to pursue the problems. Thus, not only didn't Sapling do his homework on Pitt, but as usual, you didn't crack a book to learn the history of the situation. Now, why am not surprised.

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