Environment Hanta virus.... another Chinese special

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by watson1880, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    This isn't my fault and the left solution is to have me pay MORE taxes.

    You know how I paid for my school? I worked for it. Why is this never the option???

    At some-point, you have to have "personal" accountability....

    Whatever debt she has is on HER. Not the american people. You are fully aware of the system that is in place and just because you may not like the debt she might rack up, that is on her.

    Further, many ways to got to school and pay for it and many careers to be had without "masters" degrees.....

    The Dem platform is to just pay off school debt. What does that fix?

    I would say the government getting involved in schools was the 1st mistake, but that is another topic.
    el005639 likes this.
  2. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    The price for higher education is out of control because of greed by the institutions and the lenders. Period.

    There is no reason an undergraduate degree should go from 20k in 2000 to 100k in 20 years at a state school. Hell it was too high in 2000, you should not be crippled by dept just to educate yourself. I am not saying I think higher education should be free, hell I think we let too many people go to college.

    My sister joined the military to help pay for law school. Congress has not funded that program in years, she has been serving for well over her contract. And she has received absolutely no payments from the government to pay off her loans. All because congress refuses to fund the program. there is so much wrong with the current system its funny, it is not the same system you and I went through. Yes she and my daughter will work and pay off those loans, it is on them. But I am saying the whole system if fucked. And I get it, fuck you I got mine is pretty much the common republican response to this.
  3. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Someone has to regulate this shit, idiots shouldn't be going to school for philosophy degrees unless they agree to finish up in law school or work in government for X amount of years to pay off the dept... There are ways to fix this, but simply saying "fuck you I did it so you should too" isn't the answer.

    I probably agree with you on many of the problems the whole system has. The system has gotten better somewhat, we stopped the loop hole that allowed people to go to school forever. When I was in school I knew of at least 3 different guys working on their 3rd, 4th... 5th degree with no plan on ever leaving school.
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Sorry for her debt but that's not my or other Americans debt to pay. You and her knew you were going to have to pay this so why did you do it? Maybe she should have worked her way through school as many of us did. Maybe she should have chosen a trade. Either way I as a taxpayer am not responsible for others debts.
  5. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Lol, I am not asking for free education dude. I don't want a hand out, I want it to be fair. I want it to not be rigged for the rich. Undergrad degree should not cost 100k at a state school, period.

    So sure, there are forgiveness programs for teachers. We looked into that, go work in an area of need for X amount of years and your loans are forgiven by the government. Its a bullshit system and they fail you out if you pay to much, make to much, pay late, pay early... Literally its a mind field of gotchas. Sure she could of worked her way through college working what, a min. wage job. She would of been done in 10 or so years doing that, undergrad. She wants to get a phd, its sort of a doctor path but different, its about 9 years of school in total and she will be able to see patients and prescribe drugs at it. But she doesn't go to medical school really.

    But school cost so much now, the federal student loans pay about half of the total cost of your degree... So you take out parent plus loans, personal loans to pay for their college. These sort of loans added up to be about half of the total cost of undergrad. And guess what, they don't qualify for any of these programs. Only the federal loans do.

    We will pay the depts off, I am not asking for anything to be free. I just think the amount of dept they get from just trying to better themselves is bullshit. Literally its a mortgage they have to pay for their school....
  6. el005639

    el005639 Founding Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I sent both of my sons to latech for engineering degrees and both of them together didn't cost me a 100k. One came out with no debt the other with a small amount, but they didn't live like kings either.
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Schools were able to charge what they wanted once Uncle Sam backed the school loans.......

    Regan said it best.....
  8. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    I went to tech, in engineering for a few years before I switched to CS. I graduated in 2001 with 21k of student loan dept. I never had to take out more than the federal loans. I worked my ass off so I didn't need more loans. My daughter worked most of the time while in school, but that basically just paid for food and gas.

    I for sure made some mistakes with my daughter's education, I had her at 20 so I didn't really get to save for her like I would have liked too. I would not have taken out these parent plus loans or personal loans looking back at it, it has hurt my credit, we took them out under the understanding she was paying them back. So her monthly payments are 1k. My brothers are 900 for an engineering degree from LSU, they graduated same year. My Dad also likes younger women... The price of education is too damn high.
  9. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Academia is run by liberals your beef is with them for the high cost of education. College is overrated anyway unless you want to be an engineer or a doctor.
  10. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    For sure the institutions take some blame. but its also big money for the lenders, that's what is really driving this.
    kcal and el005639 like this.

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