Harry: An Artist's Life

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Mr. Wonderful, Oct 16, 2002.

  1. Mr. Wonderful

    Mr. Wonderful Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    At first I could care less about Harry Belafonte's comments referring to Colin Powell as a slave. I thought Harry was speaking as a citizen, a voter, an American, etc. In other words, it was just another persons opinion on a subject. HOWEVER, I then read this quote at cnn.com :

    Mr. Belafonte: "I stepped away because I genuinely believed that the platform that I have as an ARTIST (my emphasis)....

    Does it really matter what else was said? Mr. Belafonte was speaking not as a citizen, voter, American....but as an artist! And our artists have been through so much more than the average person since 9/11, that we owe it to them for what they have done for us to give them special attention as our national treasures as artists. Whether its Babs, Tim and Susan, Jane, ODB, or Harry, when the artists of this country speak, our obligation is more than just listening, it is appreciating and treasuring. For as artists, they are our treasures.
  2. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    And no one knows more about politics than artists!:p

  3. Mr. Wonderful

    Mr. Wonderful Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    Not only are they wise.

    They FEEL issues. That is what makes them artists, and "us" as regular citizens all the more greatful for their contributions. They are our treasures. They are our artists.

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