I'm sure I'm not the only one who was getting nervous when I saw Davey limping off the field. He didn't take a beating in that game like he may in some of the SEC games. I'm not wishing anything bad on the man at all, lord knows that he very good, but how long will he stay healthy and what does everybody think about our backup?
Yea he did look good, and I glad he got some time on the field. I wonder how well he'll do under some real pressure? No... I pretty sure we haven't talked about this. I really haven't posted that much on the board other than what I've put up tonight. A friend of mine told me about this web site that has a macromedia flash screen on it. If you ever need to get motivated about LSU sports... just go to www.tigerstadium.com Great Tiger Quotes! It takes a few minutes for the movie to load if you have a slow modem, but it WELL WORTH IT!