I deleted Facebook

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LaSalleAve, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. jvalhenson

    jvalhenson Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Don't have a facespace and don't really see the point. Why is a phone call or text not enough to keep up with people? If someone doesn't care to keep up that way does it really matter beyond that? If it does great I just don't get it but I don't do much with technology at all really. Only even post on 2 sites this one and a huntin/fishin site a buddy runs and only post there to help him out not that he needs it now. Even this site is kinda weird for me to post in really bc I never went to lsu and don't really have much connection to LA at all other than gettin hammered in NO in high school a lot but am an lsu fan bc my moms best friend is Arthur Cantrelle's(former lsu running back and toughest sob to ever live) ex wife and used to go to games with them all the time. Then at one game sittin on end zone at about 8 years old maybe younger got hit in the neck with a kickball in pregame someone came up short on throwin it back on the field. Trainers came to check me out, we kept the ball and they brought me to meet and pet mike and been a fan ever since.) Mr Arthur also lived across the road from us on the other farms rental house a while during Katrina so we helped each other out a good bit during all that. Anyways I've never really understood the draw of the facespace but as yall know I'd rather be off runnin naked with a knife in one hand a dove in the other and a rabbit in my mouth so I guess I'll prob never get it. And that's prob the longest post I've ever made on any site I've ever posted on.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And we now collectively love you more for it.

    Thank you. This site will live another day because of your existence on it so don't leave!
    Bengal B likes this.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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  5. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    My wife spotted Karl Malone's flip phone. One of my first thoughts was that I've heard he has many children with different women and maybe has various phones to keep those relationships hidden.

    I guess more likely is that he has so much child support that he just needs to cut corners like the rest of us.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    He's just being frugal. As big an Apple aficionado as I am, I kept using my Razor flip-phone until it went through the washer one time too many. I still don't do Email on the iPhone, life is too short and that shit can wait.
    StaceyO likes this.
  7. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I'm sure this has been mentioned within the game analysis (on this site) but it was pretty cool that Fournette scored on the 1st play of the game (and year?) for KJ Malone. I'm assuming that he had played a few snaps last year in mop up time.
  8. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Razor was badass... and it fit my giant head nicely.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  9. lsu99

    lsu99 whashappenin

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Didn't feel like starting a new thread for this random thought but was thinking that Linkedin is probably more of a source for marriage infidelity than people realize. While probably not as much as Facebook, consider the following:

    Linkedin has direct message feature like FB. Often, your spouse will not have a Linkedin account to keep up with new connections (compared to FB where old girlfriends may post on your wall). Linkedin is usually people that you've had more recent contact with and it's more appropriate to "meet for lunch" or network compared to FB. Many people don't realize that the default setting for Linkedin allows you to see who has viewed your profile (even if not connected), which can start the ball rolling (pun?) towards other things.

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