I think Bama was screwed - Appeal Denied

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TexasTigers, Sep 17, 2002.

  1. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Say what you will about Bama, personally I cheer for Bama when not playing LSU.
    I cheer for ALL SEC schools except Auburn. I think Bama fans are class Acts (Except for the one lurking here BAMAFAN03)

    I feel bad for Bama Fans today...

    I think Bama was thrown under the bus on this one. Tennessee has had more serious violations with players actually being paid.

    Rival fans. Dont throw LSU into this, we "allegedly" helped a kid with Tutoring. Trying to get the kid a degree. There is no comparison to Auburn, Bama, or Tennessees allegations.

    My point is Bama had a rougue Booster doing this. There was not Lack of Institutional Control as stated in their findings.

    I think Bama got the shaft on this one.

    But that is just me...

    Geaux Tigers.
  2. MobileBengal

    MobileBengal Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Yeah, I think so too. Having grown up in Alabama, and currently living here, I have a lot of family that went to or still goes to Alabama. I actually grew up an Alabama fan, but was aware enough to right the ship and attend LSU. :) I do still cheer for them when not playing LSU, though. Oh well, I guess somebody had to be the example.
  3. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    I hate to see any SEC school get punished. It puts yet another black eye on the SEC.

    But if Alabama gets punished, then Tennessee deserves it too. UT flat out bought a recruit.
  4. Ellis Hugh

    Ellis Hugh Space Wrangler

    Aug 9, 2001
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    With sympathies to our Alabama friends...

    I think they hurt themselves when they scheduled a 13th game in Hawaii, bragged about it being "their bowl game", and then appealed to the NCAA to have their bowl ban lifted.
  5. Not-So-Old Tig

    Not-So-Old Tig Freshman

    Aug 9, 2002
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    They Deserved It.

    The only way to put a stop to this paying athletes to sign with a school is to punish those who do so. Right is right, wrong is wrong. We must have some principles to live by, and yes, if TN did it, they deserve to be punished too. Any other school should too. We did. What's right for the goose is right for the gander. I feel sorry for Bama, but I don't hold them guiltless.
  6. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I dont think they are innocent in this deal ? I just think it is a bit excessive. This will severly hurt their program and hurt the SEC and West.

    This does none of us good. The SEC is again becoming the strongest conference in NCAA. Big 12 had it for a few years and has lost it. Losing a perinnial Powerhouse like Bama helps us none.

    They will be back and watch out for Bama, they got nothing to lose now.
  7. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Although I don't pull for Alabama, I don't like seeing these sanctions. The NCAA will err on the side of stiffer penalties & finding fault, if you are a repeat offender. Alabama is a big time school that has been caught in the past. They will have to go more than overboard to make sure that NOTHING is improper.
  8. StLee

    StLee Founding Member

    Apr 12, 2002
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    From an LSU standpoint, we felt we were screwed when the entire Lester Earl incident occurred. Coach Brady has had to suffer for the past regime's actions. Likewise Coach Fran must suffer the past regime's actions. It is not fair, but it is the only method the NCAA has to punish wrongdoers: punish the school where the rules were broken.

    I have no sympathy for 'Bama, and if we do the same, we deserve the same penalties. Maybe if Bama's program starts suffering considerably for a few years--losing recruits, having small attendance, and losing games--they will make sure to clean up their act so there is no repeat offense. I hope LSU is working to do the same.
  9. BamaBengal

    BamaBengal Founding Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Have to agree with jsut about everything here. We were screwed but will move on. Watch out.....................................
  10. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Bama was very fortunate the NCAA did not kill the football program. It had better be a lesson to all schools and the boosters. If Tennesse is not very carefull they could be hurting very soon from NCAA sanctions. LSU, I hope did a very thorough investagation because it would be tuff if the NCAA came in and found more. It is tuff recuitting these days.!

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