From the news I see on Yahoo links, Tim Johnson held onto his seat in South Dakota which was the most direct confrontation between Daschle who campaigned hard for Johnson and Sapling who campaigned hard for the GOPer. If Mary wins in the LA runoff, the elephant men will have a grand total of 51 senators. Wow!!! What a landslide to gain a net of 2 senatorial seats from the 49 they already have. Hey, you guys are ONLY 9 senators SHORT of being able to stop filibusters. ROTFLMAO!!
you're pathetic how many seats did you think the demos would have gained even in the best case? the same amount we picked up, and what amajority that would have been and guess what, daschle now has no power
Daschle is SUPPOSED to do well in his own State! I think that it is pretty telling that Bush can go into the Daschle's home State and almost pound him. The closeness of the race is something the Dems should be horribly ashamed of!!! Much like Gore losing his home state (oh wait, he won in Washington DC). I don't see anyone from the Democrats coming into Texas and winning anything... (other than in a district who's lines were drawn to keep the incumbants in office).
Huh? Daschle wasn't even running -- it was Johnson And Sapling was the one who put his prestige on the line in South Dakota, a state he won BTW in 2000. The elephant men were the ones who made such a big deal about how they were going to take out Daschle's cohort in SD. Didn't happen because Sapling couldn't get the job done, did he?
yes i know you are proud you didnt lose a state with a demo incumbent congrats is it so hard to admit everything youve based your hopes on for months went totally wrong?
The GOP would know about losing incumbents Since they lost around 10 in the governor's races. And Sapling did make the South Dakota race the centerpiece of his campaigning because he wanted to try to embarass Daschle. Who got embarassed was Sapling when the South Dakota voters REJECTED the GOP candidate in favor of Tim Johnson who Daschle campaigned in a high profile manner for. But hey, if I were you, I would try to hide that embarassment also. BTW, how did Simple Simon do in California where Sapling made SEVERAL campaign swings for to try to defeat Gray Davis. Oh, that's right, Sapling lost that one also, didn't he.
There is no way you can logically consider this a victory for Daschle and the Democrats. Unless it is a hollow one. Tim Johnson was the incumbent. He had a whole lot more money to burn than his Republican challenger, John Thune. He had the full backing and support of Daschle, the senior senator of the state. Yet Johnson still won by only, what, 300 votes? And that may not stand, as a recount is likely going to take place along with court proceedings due to the discovery of Democratic pollsters stuffing the ballot boxes with false absentee ballots. If it is found that Democrats engaged in voter fraud on a wider scale, this seat could yet go Thune's way. It never should have been this close to begin with. All conventional wisdom says Johnson in a blowout. If I'm Daschle, I'm seriously worried about carrying my own home state in a 2004 run for President.