Islam- sinking to their level?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by JSracing, May 15, 2004.

  1. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    you dont win armed conflict by refusing to sink to whatever arbitrary level the misinformed public fixates on.

    this is war. those who wish to avoid death need only avoid associating themselves with militants. there is absolutely NO feasible reason why we shouldnt retaliate forcefully.

    its not an issue of morality. killing arabs now, with decisive action, will save the lives of millions of people later. the situation continues to escalate because so many Americans are afraid of hurting someones feelings or accepting the necessities of war. exacting revenge for the sake of revenge is immoral. destroying all of your opposition in one violent action is not only the right thing to do, its the moral thing to do.

    we will never "sink to their level." the reason why is because we dont think we can kill our way into heaven. we dont think we have a harem of virgins waiting for us. we dont think that religion controls everything in life, and that killing for the sake of it is not only acceptable, but honorable.

    this world would be a better place without islam. for now, we can leave it be. allowing our people to die because of this is unacceptable. the muslims have NEVER given up once their demands have been met. find a single, solitary example in the entire history of that bastardized religion of a break from fanaticism, and you will have done what no one else can. there is no way to appease those who think as the muslims do.

    a steel fist is the only solution. id like to see someone come up with a rational alternative to the judicious use of firepower on the arab/Iraqi insurgents. preferably, one that has historical precedent.
  2. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Yeah you're right JS. I guess indiscriminately killing Arabs and Muslims just because they are Arabs and Muslims and we hate what they think is totally different than them indiscriminately killing Americans and Christians and Jews just because we are Americans, Christians and Jews and they hate what we think. That wouldn't put us down on their level at all, would it?
  3. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    indescremently? no one said indescremently. i can prove my point have you read the Koran?

    christianity and islam are nothing alike. simply because they are both religions does not mean that you can compare one to the other. killing is not acceptable to modern christians, under any circumstances. the same cannot be said for muslims. regardless of the level of religious fervor, a legitimate comparison just cannot be made. christians dont do what muslims do. christians dont kill like muslims kill. christians dont oppress like muslims oppress. i understand your points, however, its been more than four hundred years since christians, as a whole, behaved as badly as the best muslims do.

    I'd like to tell everyone that it is NOT wrong to BLAME muslims. thats right, folks. anyone who brings religion into a war makes that religion a target. very few muslims are condemning the acts of these terrorists. very few disagree with it. I DO NOT think its ok to hate arabs. thats just a race. muslims, however, get to chose what they believe and how they act. we stand to lose nothing by taking the war to them, and killing them in their mosques. from these mosques, the oppression of man and the hatred of freedom is born. the mosque is the incubator for the infection of mankind.

    In Thailand there was a muslim uprising of sorts. There is a 5% muslim minority. So naturally they think they are entitled to their own country. So, a bunch of muslim rabble gets together and plans to attack the police stations. They did not have many firearms, so they armed themselves with machetes. Their plan was to attack the police, hack them to pieces, then take the guns. Well, the police were tipped off. Along with Thailand Special Forces, they waited for the rabble to attack and mowed them down like the mangy dogs that they are. Now the arab world is in an uproar about this. The arab press is putting their usual warped spin on the events to make the rabble out as martyrs. This is their MO all over the world. They move into an area; establish a significant population; then they demand autonomy from the established governing authority.

    In Brooklyn NY on Atlantic Ave there is an arab getto there. Walk into any of the shops along the way and you will see pictures of their suicide bombers like we have pictures of baseball players, including the "magnificant 19" as they are referred to by the arabs. Same goes on in areas of North Jersey.

    in America, and throughout the world, Christians do not support this sort of behavior. Jews dont either. youve got fringe groups in every religion, but Islam is the only one where the general populace celebrates things like 9/11 and prays for the death of Jews daily.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    hmm, i live in north jersey, about 8 minutes (by boat) from brooklyn. i have never seen these suicide bombers on any wall. i think if they used to have this, they would have taken it down post 9/11. i do know that i live a few blocks from a muslim community, which oddly enough is centered around a mosque which has a star of david sculpted into it, because it was formerly a synagogue and i guess the muslims havent been able to afford to carve away the sculpture. i digress. anyways, i always go to a falafel shop run by syrians and i love those guys, they are super nice. but then again in that same neighborhood some arab guys got arrested for weapons trafficking.

    i find it hard to believe that a high percentage of muslims that live near me are pro-terrorism. hell, i bet most of them know people who died on 9/11. but then again, you never know what goes on inside somebody's head.
  5. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    This is my point exactly! In spite of what we hear almost daily about the sadistic, cowardly actions of the militants, there are probably many more Arabs that find the things they do as repulsive as we do. Let's not forget that many Arabs are Christians and Jews. You can't just blanket all of them as militant Muslims. We have militant Christians like the KKK and the Skinheads who take the Bible as license to murder those they hate just as the militant Muslims take the Koran as license to kill those they hate.

    The reigning attitude in this country towards Muslims (Arabs) is much like the old attitude we had toward blacks-he (she) must be a potential troublemaker because they all look that way and that's their nature. So let's single them out and get rid of them.
    But America doesn't (or isn't supposed to) work that way. Everyone is innocent until PROVEN guilty. And yes, unfortunately, someone may get hurt or die in protection of that right. That is the price you pay for living in a free society. I don't remember who said it but some famous lawyer I believe said that "Better a dozen guilty men go free than one innocent man be wrongly convicted."

    So do we need to wage war against these animals? Absolutely! Do we need to do it on their level? Absolutely! Because that is all they understand. But we must be very careful in doing so as to prevent, as much as possible, the innocent on both sides from being harmed.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    right, i dont have any problem with what you are saying.
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Islam is based on what Muslims call the law of euality. If we mistakenly kill their women and children they are obligated to kill American women and children. If we destroy schools and mosques they are obligated to destroy schools and churches. Islam is a barberic religion and Muslims are a barberic people.
  8. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Martin, a Muslim from that area told me this, he goes to school at Memphis State now, so it is second hand info. but you never know what goes in if you're not on the inside.

    The comments below are directed at no one in particular but if the shoe fits wear it....

    if that dumbass lawyer wanted 12 guilty men to go free instead he should move to LA. thats about the dumbiest ****ing idea I've ever heard, under that scenerio criminals would be freed by the dozens. Unfortunately its that stupid mind set that keeps this country Hostage to these oppurunistic terrorist. In your effort to rise above basic humanity you will be the very fall of the Union.

    You can't aspire to be "better" than barbaric from the grave. At some point basic survival has to take over. or maybe not? the ONLY reason you still disagree is this, it hasn't come close enough to you yet. You live nice and safe while other's fight for you. Kind of like a Roman Senator safe in Rome while the centurians fight his battles for him. You have no stomach for war, yet you demand no collateral damage at the expense of your "lower" brethren. You'd rather save Muslims that are brought up to hate Western culture at the expense of the sons and daughters of your peers in the name of justice. YOU ARe the enemy itself, the enemy within.

    You pompously claim that everyone is innocent until proven guilty while an innocent man takes a bullet for you in Iraq. I'd just as soon see you bleed to death as a terroroist, for the enemy comes from all sectors, yeah even at home. Your ruse and cover is democracy, but in the 40's we had a wonderful democracy yet we offered no help to the enemy. When you send your army forth you dont tie their hands in the name of rightesousness, indeed you better be on the side of right and be sure of it lest the sword fall upon you.

    You sit all comfy and refuse to watch a video of Nick Berg because it just isnt respectful or savory, while people with more intestinal fortitude get dragged down a foreign city street simply because they are americans. Can you stop this? NO and you claim you would if you could but you're lying, because it would mean lowering yourself to the level you deem unsavory, and demanding blood for blood. Revenge is unsavory and unfullfilling but it is effective and necessary. A country was motivated to go to war agasint the Axis powers due to public outrage ( yes PUBLIC OUTRAGE ) of pearl harbor. We weren't too thrilled about WW2 before that.

    Sure we sent some arms and pilots to England but try as he might Churchill was having a hard time convincing us to join the war before pearl harbor, that brought it home. what brings it home today? 9/11? well that isnt politically correct, we shouldnt see it. It breeds hate. and Nick Berg? oh well think of his family. You people are gutless wonders, with no stomach for what is neccesary, you abhore violence but you want safety. You want even handed Justice in a world that has none. NO war has been fought without civilian causlities. Indeed the more civilian civilians that are involved the less likely war will start again, history has shown. War isnt pretty and man isnt "better" than any other man. the soner we get to the business of getting rid of the enemy the sooner our young men and woman can come home.

    When american troops first landed on islands in the south pacific our medics tried to help japanese soldiers that were still alive and in deed of care left on the battle field. but as our meidcs came to help them, they were shot or blown up. Our troops were shocked, we just could not fantom this, who would be so crazy? Well it took a wile to harden the G.I's to the what needed to be done but once they knew what to do progress started being made. what had to be done?

    Simply this, No Quarter, none. anything else is defeat. get yourself a copy of the Koran, you may want to convert.

    On the subject of ISLAM consider this, we dont have to kill them all, I'm not advocating that. We didn't kill all the japanese did we? We do have to make them ineffective. and whatever you say the enemy's Id is radical muslims. and the moderates arent exactly in a hurry to hand them over.
    guilty by association? I have a close relative that is a federal prosecutor and dont you think for a minute they dont "grill" the innocent that are "close" to the guilty in an effort to get info. and yes they threaten them. if they don't turn state's evidence, off you go to prison. Justice? well I dunno depends on how you look at it. Are they really innocent? I suppose Technically they are, but if you're turning a blind eye to mass murder are you above reproach?

    the people of the Figi Islands aren't a BAd race of people but they did practice human sacrifice and cannabilism before christianity converted them.
    Compare them to a MUCH larger groupd of Muslims. you see the comparison? it's not the race it's the PRACTICE. ie religion.

    No Quarter, its not merciless, it''s actually more merciful.
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    There is a hell of a lot bigger percentage of muslims who cheer the terrorist actions of their fellow muslims than there are Christians who cheer the actions of the KKK and skinheads.

    BULLSH!T! No black person ever flew a plane into a building full of innocent victims.

    Every AMERICAN is innocent until proven guilty. That principal dosen't apply to foreigners. We cannot afford to treat terrorism as a problem for the judicial system the way Hanoi John Kerry and his liberal apologists friends would have you believe. The fact is that terrorists are not a part of an enemy armed forces and thus have no rights under American law.
  10. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    All you need to know is there is little to no outcry in the Arab world about Nick Berg.

    Or the 5 civilians murdered then hanged some of them with the women and children partaking in dismemberment of the bodies through the streets.


    yeah, its only a small part that has it backwards. Seems a lot of them are also on the wrong continent.

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