Islamic Jihadists Controlling U.S. Anti-Terrorism

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Spike, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    If you think our federal government is on the ball when it comes to Islamic terrorism and Muslims, you would be sadly mistaken. Apparently, our intelligence and defense departments have been hijacked and co-opted by the left and that's too bad because counter-terrorism and political correct multiculturalism mix together like oil and water.

    Now, I could easily blame this on Obama, but I won't. Instead, I blame it on Bush, because he was the one who refused to fire those most responsible for the biggest national security failure in American history, which happened on his watch by the way. Thus, at the same time ensuring that our intelligence and defense departments would be loaded and stocked with the same sort of political correct multicultural mind set that made 9/11 possible.

    PJTV - Sharia and Jihad - The Islamic Infiltration, Part 1: Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets

    PJTV - Sharia and Jihad - The Islamic Infiltration, Part 2: From Influence to Insurrection

    And you can reference the transcript right here: The Enemy Within: Islamic Jihadists Controlling U.S. Anti-Terrorism | The Blogshevik

    Oh PJTV means from Pajama Media TV. Don't's not a wacko site.
  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Don't forget that the first WTC attack happened on Clinton's watch.
    I do blame Bush also, he didn't make the nation more secure by sealing the borders for starters
    My best advice to people, move away from large population areas when you can.
    I am moving to the middle of the Rockies asap so that whatever happens in the future hopefully won't effect me.
    Politicians have ruined this country, they haven't kept us secure and I am expecting much worse things in the future when it comes to freedom, security and economics.

    I tried to watch but I think they want me to join since I received the same video feed.

    I will tell you how Islam is the enemy within.:eek:
    Obama who is probably a Muslim became president and is systematically destroying the country one day at a time.:shock:
    It seems to have started by calling out Las Vegas, next bankrupting the country.:lol:
    I think Obama will accomplish where OBL left off!:redface:
    Beam me up Scotty!:redface::rofl:
  3. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    The first two things Bush should have done in response to 9/11 to protect the homeland and the American people, had he not been so blinded by political correct multiculturalism, was to seal the borders and ban any further Islamic immigration.

    The fewer Muslims you let in the country, the smaller the chance for further Islamic motivated terrorist attacks and the more Muslims you let in the country, the greater the chance for further Islamic terrorist attacks.

    It may not be political correct, but nonetheless it is common sense and not only that but it is exponentially far less expensive than doubling the size of the federal government, which is what he did in response to 9/11, per the senseless and useless 9/11 Commission and their senseless and useless big government recommendations.

    The problem with Bush was he was a stealth progressive, even though the so-called MSM vilified and demonized him as being a conservative. However, Bush didn't contain one single conservative bone in his exceedingly liberal body.

    And I don't care how many times Bush said it, but Islam is not a so-called Religion of Peace and the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are not peaceful and moderate, as they are waging hot and cold jihad not only here in American but all around the world as well, at the same time they also persecute, discriminate and violently oppress all non-Muslim kafir infidels unfortunate enough to be stuck still living inside Muslim countries.

    Not to mention that despite the fact mass Muslim immigration has been happening in the West since the 70s thanks to the Euro-Arab Dialogue, the vast majority of Muslim emigrants are forming Muslim no-go zones instead of assimilating and integrating and matriculating into becoming productive and contributing citizens, and in every Western country in the world where mass Muslim emigration has occurred, it has turned into an unmitigated disaster, as Muslims don't emigrate to assimilate and integrate. Instead, they emigrate ONLY to eventually one day make Islam supreme.
    1 person likes this.
  4. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Yeah, how was he supposed to cut off immigration of Muslims to America with his tongue so far up every Sultan and King in Saudi Arabia's ass hole?
  5. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    Yeah that's one of the problems, the House of Saud and their acolytes, the biggest proliferators of the jihad ideology in the world, owned GHWB, BC, GWB, and today also own BHO.
  6. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Influence is not ownership. This entire argument is the worst kind of Monday Morning Quarterbacking - armed with perfect knowledge of the past events, you ignore context and judge those in the breech based on your incomplete knowledge of what they knew, what they didn't know, etc.

    The truth is none of us know 25% of what the folks you blame knew/know.

    Mistakes? Absolutely. Not enough nationalism, too much "multi-culturalism"? Absolutely.

    9/11 wasn't even a big enough attack to make most Americans feel threatened enough for a long enough period of time to generate the kind of measures you seem to think needed to be taken. Not the least of which would have been a huge shock wave in the global energy market.

    9/11 wasn't Pearl Harbor. 9/11 was the sinking of the Reuben James.
  7. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    Bull****! It is common sense that the easiest way to prevent additional Muslim terrorist attacks is not to let them in the country to begin with and it is also common sense that to prevent them from entering the country, you must seal off the border.

    I know this may be hard for you to believe, but I've been knowing how dangerous the Dar al Islam is for years and since way before 9/11 because I happened to have been following the Dar al Islam's jihad against Israel very closely for many years before 9/11. Thus, while most people may have been naive, dumb and ignorant on 9/11 with respect to the Dar al Islam, I'm sorry but I wasn't one of them.

    Nevertheless, all Bush accomplished for his 8 years of war and B. Hussein Obama now for his 1 year was to chase their tails. We are far worse off today than we were on 9/11 and we still don't have anyone with any stroke in our government that has the first clue.
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Totally agree
    I disagree with this for several reasons.
    The WTC was attacked during Clinton's reign in 1993.
    Then you have the other terrorist attacks on Clinton's watch.
    I think everyone is overlooking this.

    I don't think we are worse off than we were before 9-11 because we at least realize there is a threat and know it could happen.
    I guess it is a matter of what degree.

    I do think the government is clueless for several reasons.
    Political correctness for one reason and Obama kissing up to Muslims the other.
    I suspect we will be hit very soon and I suspect it could happen if these terrorist trials happen in NYC, hit there also.

    Not to change the subject here because this is very important but this should give people a clue that if the government fails to protect us, intelligence, etc then why should we trust them to control any other aspect of our lives?
  9. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Clearly you have an axe to grind.

    However, you're wrong IMO. It may seem easy to ban Muslims from entering the country. In practice, it's not simple at all. The little bit of racial profiling that happened met with derision. And it was meaningless and very limited. Americans are not ready for Japanese internment camps part two.

    It will take a viceral, highly visible, and ever-present threat to make Americans willing to ban foreigners from entering the country based purely on race and/or religion.

    As for being worse off today than prior to 9/11, you have clearly got your head either in the sand or filled with illegal substances.

  10. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Its funny that I read his post and took it a total different way.
    I don't see anywhere where he says that they can't enter legally.
    I took it he was talking about Muslim terrorists as well as any Muslim entering the country illegally could be bad.
    Remember the Millennium bomber or whoever who entered the country Illegally for example.

    Btw, this political correctness has to go.
    We can't keep harassing granny and Ignoring middle eastern people, Muslims when they pass by at an airport.
    We should be profiling especially the airline manifest ahead of time and doing background checks and go from there.
    The borders have to be sealed or at least secured better if it isn't already too late!

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