JahRussell vs Flynn?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by texascajun, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    fRanChone was recruiting Flynn when he was at Alabama also. I don't know if Flynn was the #1 QB in the state of Texas but he was on most of the Top 10 recruiting lists I saw. fRan kept trying to Recruit Flynn after he swam the Sabine. Russell is also a top QB and was Mr Football in the State of Alabama. Could make for some good competition for the position which makes both of them better. I think it wil be fun to see who comes out on top.
  2. SeN-SaTioN

    SeN-SaTioN Founding Member

    Jan 30, 2003
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    If i remember right, I don't think Flynn was the top QB in Texas. I think the top QB from the state of TX signed with Iowa. I think he recently played in the Bayou Bowl b/t the Louisiana allstars and the Texas allstars and was pretty impressive.

    As for Flynn, I think he will give Russell a run for his money. From the videos i watched on lsusports.tv on Flynn, he seems like a more developed player than Russell. Russell has raw talent, and will develop. Football is a developmental sport, and I think that Flynn, coming in, may be a little more developed at the QB position than Russell. One things for sure, Flynn is confident about his abilities by not being phased by the the Russell/Lane situation.

    I can't wait for Saturday nights in the Bayou! It will be interesting to see what happens.
  3. tigerb8

    tigerb8 Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    IMO Flynn has a strong leadership, take charge type of personality, and has the tools to back it up! He is a hoss, and he WILL start at LSU, when ? IDK, but he may end up as one of our tiger legends (may? I'm going out on alimb and say he will!) before he's done. It looks like its gonna be great to be a Tiger fan for the next several years!
  4. Goodlifetiger

    Goodlifetiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    These QB's sure make for great disscussion. I believe that Saban will do a lot better job of managing the great lalent than Dinardo did.
  5. Veritas

    Veritas Founding Member

    May 4, 2003
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    I believe Jimbo will do a better job managinf them.
  6. The Big Bengal

    The Big Bengal Founding Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    A lot of people have overlooked Flynn, but I do believe he'll give Russell a lot of competition. Both are potential NFL starters.

    Flynn was the second or third rated QB prospect in Texas, but he didn't really play for a team that emphasized passing if I remember correctly.

    I've got the highlight DVD and he looks VERY impressive on that. He has speed, agility, and he can make all the throws: short, long, medium, touch, throwing on the run, etc. He looked to be vvery accurate.

    Russell has the advantage that he's played in a passing system. He was rated the top QB in football knowledge and reading defenses at the elite 11 camp.

    Both of these guys are going to make some noise as Tigers. It's going to be fun watching them.
  7. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Not only do I get stuff from Bayou Boys, I know them I see him at LSU games and we talk often. I visit there at least once a week, and until Albertsons started carrying it, he would bring in Community Coffee and Zaps for us that have been moved here...

    Love that place, he has a boneless stuffed chicken, stuffed with Crawfish that is wonderful.

    Plus during the season he flies in crawfish, I usually get a sack a week from him.
    Great place.
  8. Flynn was not the top HS QB in Texas - that was a kid from Baytown Lee who signed with A&M and then went somewhere else after Franchione took over for Slocum.

    But Flynn was definitely near the top. I remember some story about him starting playoff games with some type of fracture in his foot....? Must not have been too serious, but combined with his position with LSU's recruitment of other top QB Talents you have to like his confidence and toughness.

    Wasn't Saban talking about a team attitude of toughness that he has been looking for....? Could be a good fit here.
  9. Perple

    Perple Founding Member

    Apr 29, 2003
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    According to Rivals: Matt Flynn was the #2 Ranked Pro-Style QB in the state of Texas. #16 in the Nation. The #1 Texas Pro-Style QB was Drew Tate (6' 0" 170 Lbs) Ranked #14 Nationally.

    However, TheInsiders.com had Flynn at #17 Nationally & Tate at #40.
  10. TomyDingo

    TomyDingo Founding Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    That's not true. Nall was 3rd string last year and GB will probably draft a QB in next year's draft to develop to fill Favre's shoes.

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