Jeremy Hill Decommits

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by bhelmLSU, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    In the weight room. That doesn't mean he's the strongest 'runner'. Not knocking Ford, but that's an oft misused description of Ford. He's not as strong a runner as Ridley, but he's got more home run potential.
  2. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    That's often true Fish. Any old time saints fans out there ought to remember Joe Don Looney a running back for the Saints a long time ago. The guy was so strong , he could do pushups with a walrus and a gorilla on his back, but couldn't run two yards without being taken down by someone the size of Trindon Holliday.

    [ame=""]Joe Don Looney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

    This guy was well named...really well named !!

    Joe Dan was back in there the very next night. "The only time I ever met Looney was in The Pub," recalls a man named Joe Longley, now an Austin lawyer. "I was wearing a white Izod golf shirt, the ones with the little alligators on them. Evidently, he didn't like Izod, so he picked up this plastic toothpick off the bar and flicked it at me, and, I'll swear to God, the thing stuck in the shirt like a miniature javelin, and a little bead of blood appeared next to the alligator. He threw his head back, laughed, and said, 'that's the way Joe Don Looney does it.'-"

    Fort Tours | Joe Don Looney by Mike Shropshire
    (Definitely worth the click AND the read !!!!)
  3. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Luke Sanders was the strongest guy in the weightroom for a couple years. Too bad it never translated onto the field...
  4. 100%TigerBred

    100%TigerBred Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    i would be willing to say that ford is just as powerful as ridley is. The only difference i see is that ford does not have to strictly use his power which in return makes him a very decving runner. As you are correct in the fact that strength in the weight room doesn't always translate onto the field. However with Ford it does.
  5. WoodlandsTiger

    WoodlandsTiger Founding Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    I hear Hill is meeting with Tennessee coaches today in Baton Rouge.
  6. Jester

    Jester Founding Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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    I don't know if it was on here that I heard the story about Ford showing up Charles Scott, or if its even true, but I laughed my ass off when I heard it.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong..........but apparently when Ford was still in high school and was at LSU for one of his visits, Charles Scott was taking him around and showing him the facilities. When they made it into the weight room, Scott saw a bench with 315 lbs loaded up and proceeded to lay down and heroically push out 2 or 3 reps. When he was done, he sat up and said "Now, when you can do that, THEN you can be a running back for the Tigers!!" So, Scott gets up and while he's still talking smack, Ford proceeds to load up another 90 lbs on the bar, lays down, and knocks out like 10 reps like its nothing and then sits up and says "Yeah, I think I'll be alright."

    Anyway, dunno if that story is even true, but from what I've heard about Ford's strength, it definitely could be. I hope it is, though, b/c its hilarious.
  7. 100%TigerBred

    100%TigerBred Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    don't know if the story is true but i do know that his high school coaches had weight restrictions on him when he was lifting because he was always trying to 1 up himself. I believe he has benched close to that 350 before so it is possible and think he squats over 500.

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