Lets get real!! How many of you Hate Bama??

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerCliff, Nov 3, 2009.


    TIDE-HSV Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2002
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    You're talking about a minority and every fan base has an intolerable, obnoxious minority. I've found that, if don't stereotype an entire fan base, I can interact with them a lot more enjoyably. Most of those "Bama is back" fans weren't even alive when Coach Bryant had us "here" in the first place.
  2. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I don't know, Earle. Alabama is a huge brand, and their fans are everywhere. I live in a town of approx 2500 people, and I can name off the top of my head about 30 that are die hard Bama fans. I'm fairly close to LA, so I can name about 15 die hard LSU fans. The majority are USM fans. The rest either don't care, or root for :eek:lefire: or MSU...which is worse than not caring.
    Of the Bama fans that I personally know (in my hometown), about 3 are tolerable. Funny, I would venture to say there about about 3 tolerable LSU fans as well. That shoots a hole in your theory about it being a minority within every fan base.
    I agree about the "Bama is back" fans not being around when Bama was "here". The same goes for the LSU crowd that doesn't have a clue what it was like being an LSU fan in the 90s...after being teased with success in the mid-late 80s.

    TIDE-HSV Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2002
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    First, let's realize that we're talking big time subjectivity here. I know a lot of Bama fans (and others) who have nothing good to say about LSU fans - visits with urine bombs at Tiger Stadium and all that. "Seek and ye shall find." I don't buy that UA fans are any worse than LSU fans, on the whole - sorry. I live in a hodge-podge town, about evenly split between Auburn, Bama and UT fans, but with a heavy minority of MSU fans (closest high tech center to Starkville) and fans from all over the country. No matter who we may be playing (or AU or UT), flags will sprout all over town for Michigan, Penn St., OK - you name it. Maybe all the interaction rubs some of the rough edges off. UA fans may have their unique failings, but so do every school...
  4. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    does it? ;)

    pretty easy to figure out. traditional fanbases that have been successful have more fans. that equals more annoying fans - and even nicer fans. the new powers like uconn and florida have a higher% of annoying fans.

    sec related - bama and kentucky have two of the worst internet fanbases, mainly because of their fanbase size. of course, 99% of their fans dont post on the internet and are pretty nice in real life.

    at least usc, alabama, michigan, etc. have way more older fans that are respectful.
  5. NELA_Tigerfan

    NELA_Tigerfan When's kickoff?

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Hate is such a strong word...
    ...yet so appropriate!:hihi: Just kidding, it ain't about hating Bama, they're just in the way and need to move. Kinda reminds me of a Ludachris song...:thumb:
  6. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Yes, yes it does. Like I said, of the 30 or so Bama fans I personally know (know well), approx 3 are tolerable. That means approx 27 are intolerable. I wouldn't consider that a minority. FWIW, like I said in my earlier post, of the 20 or so LSU fans I personally know (know well) that live in my town, approx 3 of them are tolerable. Again, nowhere near a minority. So yes, it does blow a hole in the theory that it's a minority of fans for each team...in MY experience.
    I will say this...the LSU fans in my town AND the Bama fans in my town are mostly younger, bandwagon fans. So YOUR theory of older fanbases have more tolerable fans may hold water. The 3 tolerable Bama fans I refer to are my age or older. Same with the 2 or 3 LSU fans I refer to that are tolerable. The rest are new fans...the Bama ones have only really been Bama fans (out loud) for a couple of years.
  7. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    i meant using a sample size of 30 out of xxx,000 may create some innacurate results. :milesmic:

    however, out of state fans are always interesting. they tend to be a little louder. i just ignore them.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Hate IS a strong word. However, to me, when I say I hate Ole Miss or Bama, it just means the rivalry between the two schools. I love poking fun at other fans of other schools, just like they do with LSU fans and MSU, USCe, AU, etc... It doesn't mean that I wanna see them hurt or anything like that.

    I think CParso's sig says it best :hihi:. I laugh everytime I read one of his posts. I still think the stupid media shouldn't try to make it what it isn't - about Saban and LSU, instead of what it is - About LSU and the SECCG and BCSCG.
  9. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Regarding the concept of "hate" in a college sports rivalry:

    "Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate" is the nickname of the Georgia Tech/Georgia rivalry. When we say we want to kill Bama, it is understood that we don't really wish to literally kill them. Same concept with when we say we "hate" our opponent, it is understood that we don't really literally hate them as people. The OP's use of the word "hate" is obviously a hyperbole, that is, a figure of speech in which exceptional exaggeration is deliberately used for emphasis or effect, not meant to be taken literally. For example: "I've been waiting in line for ages," "this bag weighs a ton," etc.
  10. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    I live in a red-neck parish- Livingston Parish is red-neck central. You go 6 miles up North Walker road and you are in Bama!

    It takes 4 women to make 1 full set of teeth and living in a double-wide is high class stuff!!!

    I see the Bama trucks and on game day you see the 4x6 ft Bama flag waving as it goes down the road.

    You talk with 99% of the Bama base I know and the only way we win in 07 has something to do with Saban players and nothing to do with CLM!!!

    You go to a Bama game and your drink glass has every championship back to 1867 on the cup!!

    Like I said Hate is the word I am looking for this week!!!!

    Geaux Tigers!

    24 to 13 LSU is my score I'm calling into Buddy this week!

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