Limbaugh has "advanced lung cancer"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mctiger, Feb 3, 2020.

  1. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    We live in different realities for sure, got to get out of our respective bubbles, but I can't seem to ever find a Republican that understands that the Media bias cuts both ways. We will also never really have constructive conversations here if your starting point is we are wrong and all of our beliefs are based on false hoods and we hate America now because we are Democrat.

    I have many family and close friends that are Republican and we talk about this stuff all the time in a civil way. We just disagree on how to fix issues that our society faces. We both want these issues fixed and a better America, we just have different solutions.

    Anyway, you guys have a great day and Mardi Gras,. I am done with free speech for a few weeks as I will be traveling, headed back to Louisiana for a family visit and Mardi Gras. Cheers
    Winston1 likes this.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Because it doesn't
  3. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    That’s not true ..... most all conservatives recognize confirmation bias in their news sources. They also recognize it in the other sources. The tell tale is that most educated conservatives can accurately tell you the “other sides story”. This is not so for most liberals. There are always a set of facts, and then the interpretation. Conservatives have no choice but be aware of the facts that leftist bring to the table, because they are crammed down our throats via the national news narratives. Like I said, even if you read Fox News, you will be exposed to what the leftist are claiming and the facts they bring. Even if you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you will know the Leftist claims and their so called evidence. Most conservative media is nothing more than commentary on the left wing media’s claims. You can take any issue and line up all the knowns, and all the “opinions”, and if you are able to put your own biases away, and view things for what they are, you will find the Left is mostly a narrative intended to “sway public opinion”, ... not determine the truth.

    Case in point. Ukraine-gate. Facts. Trump had a call with Zelinski. The transcript was released. In it:
    - Trump mentioned Biden in association with the Burisma case.
    - Trump mentioned Biden along with concerns of hacking, crowd strike, the Clinton server.
    - Trumps main focus on Biden was how Biden got the PA investigating Burisma fired on a quid pro quo that Biden is on record as confirming happened, even bragged about.
    - Trump NEVER mentioned any quid pro quo.
    - Zelensky confirms no quid pro quo, and according to records, didn’t even know the aid was being held up till well after the call.
    - The Aid was released without any confirmation of an investigation commencing, and before the impeachment inquiry began.
    - ALL of the “opinion” by the witnesses is not relevant, as none of it can be confirmed via documentation, and as such, is hearsay or out and out fabrication based on the witness own bias towards the situation.

    The Democrats made up a story that Trump requested an investigation of a political foe and used a quid pro quo as leverage ... FOR THE PURPOSE of influencing the election. The evidence does not support this, but rather, the request was a person who just happened to be running for Democrat nomination. The evidence at face value supports that Trump requested an investigation into Biden based on the confirmed facts that Biden interfered in Ukraine politics via a quid pro quo in the context of other corruption listed at the same time as the request on Biden. The request was not coerced nor out of context.

    The other Article of impeachment was nothing more than a made up charge arising from the refusal of the President to cooperate with an investigation into a matter that had not yet been determined to even be a crime, invoking Executive Privilege with his his legal right.

    Love him or Hate him, there was no case. The entire circus had one objective, to influence public opinion under false pretenses for the purpose of winning the next election. It failed miserably.
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    It won't matter @onceanlsufan when people use terms like "he is an admitted sexual offender " or any of the other bullshit these pussies like to spout off as to why they don't like him two things are evident. 1. They are too fucking stupid to digest factual data like you presented and understand it. And 2. They just don't possess the spine required to formulate their own opinion.

    I am ALL for opposing views, difference of opinion, spirited debate like we used to have with Red and Saban Fan. Those don't exist anymore because these neutered assholes just can't get over the fact that they lost.

    We need a reckoning to get rid of these pussies before they reproduce and make things so bad we cease to exist
    onceanlsufan likes this.
  5. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Me too Shane. I PREFER an intelligent foe in a debate, because I’m going to go and fact check everything they say. Occasionally, it leads to a new piece of the puzzle, but, most times, the position held by the opponent is just a subjective position based on emotion with Zero fact to back it up. I’ve tried my damndest to find any truth to what leftist say, but it just keeps coming up short, us usually based on a revisionist interpretation of an event to say what it doesn’t. I’ve got my own problems with Trump, mostly style, but none of his premise. I LOVE how he throws it back in the Media’s face every time .... tweet on brotha. I love how he calls it as he sees it, though I don’t necessarily admire the nasty name calling. Calling someone a liar will suffice ... ya don’t have to add asshole on it. Policy wise, he is the first President in my 57 yr lifetime to actually push for exactly what he promised on the campaign trail, and really doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks. Tax cuts, sensible deregulation, pulling out of the Paris hoax, building the Wall, pushing for healthcare reform that is not a path to socialized medicine, energy independence ..... etc. That he doesn’t care what anyone thinks is the KEY to recognizing his motive. He is obviously NOT in it for the politics! That’s been the problem with the GOP for decades. They are too concerned with saving face with the media so they can get re-elected. Trump obviously couldn’t care less about being re-elected. He stands for what he stands for .... and if you like it .... vote for him, if you don’t, then don’t vote for him. TRUMP 2020 baby.
    Bengal B and shane0911 like this.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Same here, some of his schtick drives me crazy but he continues to deliver and just keeps winning.

    Oh dear god, I hear @Winston1 pissing his pants about the stupid emoluments clause again

    See what I mean. Just a bunch of cry babies
    onceanlsufan likes this.
  7. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    So Shane you don’t care about the constitution do you? That’s where the emoluments clause is.
    As to Biden getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired; it was because the prosecutor WASN’T following up on Burisma et al. You all think I don’t like Trump because he’s crude (he is) but that’s wrong. I’ve pointed out the many ways he’s undermining the foundation of our constitutional system. You all don’t care because you think you have a champion in him.
    Problem is what are you going to do when a liberal democrat gets in office and takes what Trump has established into a leftist dictatorship? You think this will last forever but you’re dreaming...and we’re fucked.
  8. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    You are very thorough and on point with this. I don't have the patience bc if you really have to explain the media bias to someone after the last decade its rather amazing. In a disbelief way.

    It's no longer both sides need to come together. One side is and has fundamentally changed this country and is openly trying to destroy it. Not a lot needs to be discussed after that. You're kidding yourself if you seek balance. It's long past that.
    Bengal B and shane0911 like this.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Give it a rest, your stupid emoluments clause has been defeated, just like Russia just like Ukraine just like Stormy, just like Lewenski 2.0

    Trump has been as staunch of a supporter of the constitution as any Prez in our lifetime. You can't provide a single shred of quantifiable evidence to the contrary besides squawking about some hotel that Pence stayed in. Nothing!
  10. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    you mean ol joe was pulling our leg?
    shane0911 likes this.

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